Premium Essay



Submitted By Millyy
Words 2527
Pages 11
money as well should be transferred as such in order to improve the situation,resentment among team members escalated, why is because others were notcompetent enough to do the work (Mokate 2007).The members of the team should be tolled of their expected roles to play within thegroup or teamwork and team skills seems to be a stagnating point to solving issues andprogressing. Teamwork skills include the following as stipulated by Scarnati (2001:5)“lack of listening skills, lack of respect, sharing, helping and participation. As teams growlarger, the skills and methods that people require grow as more ideas are expressedfreely but the problem is other teams cannot keep up with the rapid growth of teams andoften experience the following problems:

Absence of trust – it develops from the teams unwillingness to be vulnerablewithin the group and team members are often not genuinely open with oneanother about mistakes and weaknesses and making it impossible to build afoundation for trust.

Fear of Conflict – teams that lack trust are incapable of engaging in unfilteredpassionate debate of ideas and instead the only solution is resort to veileddiscussions and guarded comments.The causes of teamwork failure is group size cause large groups less productivityand coordination losses is mostly to take place within that organization, meaninginefficiency that result from the group member’s inability to combine their resource in a maximally productive way. Social loafing is the other ingredient of factors inhibiting teamwork success, thus, relaxation that people experiencewhen in a group and individual performance cannot be evaluated.
6.Characteristics of Successful Teamwork
Successful teamwork relies upon synergism existing between all team memberscreating an environment whereby all the members are willing to contribute andparticipate in order to promote and nurture a

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