...Deforestation in Indonesia and Philippines Deforestation has been a major issue on the global agenda for over 20 years. This problem has effected people, government and business around the world. The purpose of this essay is to compare the deforestation in two Asian countries which are Indonesia and Philippines. It looks at the incidences of the deforestation, the main causes and some government policies in these two countries. Deforestation is a major issue in Indonesia and it is getting worse rapidly. The loss of primary forest is increasing by an average of 47,600 hectares every year. According to a paper published in the June 29th edition of the journal Nature Climate Change, Indonesia has now overtaken Brazil as the country with the highest rate of annual loss in primary forest in the world (R.C., 2014). It was found that the Indonesia rapidly lost 840,000 hectares of the forest (Hellmann, 2014). Indonesia. The huge destructions that cause the lost to Indonesia rainforests is the carbon-rich peatlands for palm oil and paper threatens. Peatlands store huge amount of carbon and Indonesia's peatlands are vast. It stores around 35 billion tonnes of carbon. This is the major reason why Indonesia is also one of the world's largest emitters of climate changing greenhouse gases. Moreover, huge amount of carbon dioxide are being released from deforestation on peat soils. Seventeen out of sixty six percent...
Words: 518 - Pages: 3
...DEFORESTATION By: Madan Thapa Economics 2302 Tarrant County College Southeast Abstract This paper gives the definition of deforestation and also shows the effects of it in the environment. This paper talks about the programs that are implemented in three major parts of the world Brazil in South America, Congo Basin in Africa and Indonesia in Asia. A forest is a home of many animals, insects, and plants. Cutting down trees means making all of these creatures homeless and make them extinct. Deforestation means cutting down trees of a forest for other purposes such as to make a farm, for mining, to make roads and for grazing of cattle. Deforestation have a very serious effect on environment, but also people don’t stop cutting down trees because they need money, a space to build their houses, and to make space for agriculture as well. Cutting down tries without care have severe effect in the whole ecosystem. Although the effect of deforestation is high, the products made from the trees are a large part of the economy in both developed and developing countries. The trees are used in building houses, making papers and also for heating and cooking purposes. The cutting down of trees can help in increasing countries GDP for short term, but at the end it causes many devastating effects which leads into decrease in the economy. This can be seen in many developing countries. The major effect of deforestation can be seen in developing countries like Congo, Indonesia, and Brazil...
Words: 894 - Pages: 4
...can survive in the fragments rapidly reduces biodiversity in the forest that remains. People may disagree about whether the extinction of other species through human action is an ethical issue, but there is little doubt about the practical problems that extinction poses (Lindsey, Rebecca .2007). Deforestation also disturbs the carbon cycle and the production of fresh air. Plants, with the help of chloroplast uses Carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and sunlight to produce glucose (C6H12O6) and Oxygen (O2), the formula...
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...Toying with Indonesia’s Deforestation Andrew Wirawan Introduction to Environmental Studies April 2014 Introduction Indonesia is one of the world’s most forested countries with a wide variety of forest types. These forests are rich in biodiversity and unsurprisingly are an important livelihood source for a great number of people. Somewhere between 6 million and 30 million Indonesians are estimated to be directly dependent on forests (Sunderlin et al. 2000). As Indonesia is a developing country, the government is highly dependent on the forestry sector, as well as forestry-related sectors such as agriculture, estate crops, mining and logging. Consequently, during Indonesia’s history, its forests have been continually exploited, meaning deforestation and forest degradation have been inevitable. This paper will emphasize on deforestation caused by various world famous toy manufacturers, such as Mattel, Disney, Hasbro and Lego. The usage of MTH (Mixed Tropical Hardwood) in their packaging means rainforest clearance in Indonesia, since MTH is only pulped at commercial scales in Indonesia, mainly by APP (Asia Pulp & Paper). Not only deforestation is caused, but this deforestation is also pushing critically endangered wildlife like Sumatran tigers toward extinction and making climate change worse. The Producer: APP APP or Asia Pulp & Paper is one of the largest pulp and paper companies in the world. APP has its roots since the 1970s, and with the founder’s close...
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...Causes of Deforestation: Agriculture - As demands on agricultural products rise more and more land is brought under cultivation for which forests are cleared, grass-lands ploughed, uneven grounds leveled, marshes drained and even land under water is reclaimed. Plantations and commercial agriculture - A major force behind deforestation is commercial agriculture: Wealthy companies clear large areas of forest to be converted into farmland. Commercial agriculture such as: Palm oil and acacia trees, cattle ranching, soybeans, etc. Urbanization - Industries and towns are developing in former rainforest. Hydroelectric power - Rivers are dammed and huge areas of forest are flooded as a result. Transport - Transport networks are built through the forest to link settlements. Industries - Forest are cleared to support industrial activities and extraction of resource, Two main types are: Logging for timber and mining for minerals. Forest Fires - Fire is often used to clear forested land, as it is cheaper than employing laborers and bringing in machinery to remove the trees and vegetation. The vegetation is cleared and left to dry out, then the area is set on fire. Burning of forest has taken place on a small scale for many thousands of years, by small groups of subsistence farmers, this is known as slash and burn agriculture. Mining - Large areas of forest are cleared for the open-cast mining of minerals such as iron, gold and copper. Roads - Road shave been...
Words: 2193 - Pages: 9
...2 1.2 Overview of Unilever Indonesia 3 1.3 Unilever Indonesia Foundation 3 1.4 Overview of Dove Products 4 1.5 Environmental Record 5 CHAPTER 2 CASE STUDY: UNILEVER VS GREENPEACE 7 2.1 Indonesia Palm Oil Plantation 7 2.2 Unilever Palm Oil Suppliers 11 2.3 Environment Destruction Caused by Palm Oil Plantations 14 2.3.1 Deforestation 15 2.3.2 Destruction of Orang Utan Habitat 17 2.4 The Impact to Unilever 18 CHAPTER 3 CASE ANALYSIS 19 3.1 Ethical Theory 19 3.1.1 The Stockholder Theory 19 3.1.2 The Stakeholder Theory 20 3.1.3 The Social Contract Theory 20 3.2 Triple Bottom Line 21 3.2.1 People 21 3.2.2 Planet 22 3.2.3 Profit 22 3.3 Environmental Issues of Business Ethics 22 3.3.1 Business and Ecology 23 3.3.2 The Ethics of Environmental Protection 24 3.3.3 Who Should Pay the Cost of Environmental Damage 24 3.3.4 Regulation 24 3.3.5 The Value of Nature 24 3.4 Ethical Issues 25 3.4.1 Environment Destruction 26 3.4.2 Violating the RSPOs Principles 28 3.4.3 Unilever Failure of Screening its Suppliers’ Code of Conduct 30 3.4.4 Government Neglect of the Environment Issue 30 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 32 APPENDIX 1 Climate and Biodiversity Impacts of Unilever Palm Oil Suppliers in Kalimantan 35 APPENDIX 2 Dove Onslaugt(er) Video Capture 36 APPENDIX 3 Picture of People Support on the Greenpeace Campaign 37 Bibliography 38 WHAT LIES BENEATH THE BEAUTY An ethical case of Dove against Greenpeace in Indonesia...
Words: 11225 - Pages: 45
...PHILIPPINE BIODIVERSITY Deforestation Deforestation, clearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use.[1] Examples of deforestation include conversion of forestland to farms, ranches, or urban use. The term deforestation is often misused to describe any activity where all trees in an area are removed.[not in citation given][neutrality is disputed] However in temperate climates, the removal of all trees in an area[not in citation given]—in conformance with sustainable forestry practices—is correctly described as regeneration harvest.[2] In temperate mesic climates, natural regeneration of forest stands often will not occur in the absence of disturbance, whether natural or anthropogenic.[3] Furthermore, biodiversity after regeneration harvest often mimics that found after natural disturbance, including biodiversity loss after naturally occurring rainforest destruction.[4][5] Deforestation occurs for many reasons: trees are cut down to be used or sold as fuel (sometimes in the form of charcoal) or timber, while cleared land is used as pasture for livestock, plantations of commodities and settlements. The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity. It has adverse impacts on biosequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation has also been used in war to deprive the enemy of cover for its forces and...
Words: 3188 - Pages: 13
...Deforestation Deforestation basically means that the removal of forest or stand of trees. The few countries with experiencing deforestation are Indonesia, Philippines, North Korea and some other countries. Deforestation are taking place due to the tremendous increase of the human population, this lead to the need for the acquisition of more land. Destroying forest is also to make use of the rich natural resources. This is one of the main reasons why deforestation are occurring daily. And also with the increase of demand of paper products, even more trees are being cut down to meet the needs of people.Deforestation has further triggered the greenhouse effect. This is due to the decreasing amount of oxygen being produced everyday by the trees on planet Earth. This will cause the increase in carbon dioxide which traps heat energy from the Sun. This will eventually cause Global Warming which affects the whole world. When Global Warming gets out of control, the icebergs in the North and South poles starts to melt and cause a increase in sea level. Small island such as solomon island will be lost and submerged by the sea. We need to start to cut down our daily paper needs and also need to control the human high growing population. It have also been estimated that almost one hundred trees are being cut down a second in the rainforest. If Deforestation continues to happen, Global warming will get even serious and our tiny island like Singapore might even be submerged in sea water...
Words: 257 - Pages: 2
...Improved health quality from reduced air pollution Reduced risk from natural disaster caused by human activities Generating job opportunities from infrastructure projects funded by the REDO How Carbon Accounting is Implemented World biggest emitter: Indonesia (15th) Australia (16th). (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 2008) No settled standard on accounting carbon at that time. Australis is one of the country which has sophisticated carbon accounting standard “National Carbon Accounting Standard System” The rapid change of accounting treatment of carbon in another country contarst with Indonesia. The withdrawn of IFRIC 3 on June 2005 potential volatility arising from recognising changes in the value of revalued allowances (intangible assets) in equity but movements on the provision for emissions in the income statement. A. Biomass classification B. Annual Land Cover Change C. Forest Disturbance Classes D. Carbon Mass Estimation Some fact.. • Tropical deforestation contributes about 20% of GHG emissions, and reducing it will be necessary to avoid dangerous climate change. • China and the US are the world’s number one and two emitters • But numbers three and four are Indonesia and Brazil, with ~80%...
Words: 274 - Pages: 2
...UNESCO Paper BIO/100 The Tropical rainforest Heritage of Sumatra is made up of three national parks: Gunung Leuser National Park, Kerinci Seblat National Park and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. This protected area is home to estimate 10,000 plant species, including 17 endemic genera; more than 200 mammal species; and some 580 bird species of which 465 are resident and 21 are endemic. (UNESCO World Heritage Centre) One example of an endangered animal would be the Clouded Leopard. The Clouded Leopard is also found in China, Nepal, and Thailand, but in those countries they are in no danger of becoming extinct like they are in the Sumatra. The Green Turtle is another animal in the Sumatra that has been put on the Red List. Although there have been other records in Austrilia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Costa Rica, Honduras, and the Philippines of Green Turtles all doing well, except in Honduras where they are also Red Listed. There are several species that can be found in other regions that are thriving, but there are still many species that show no other records and are in trouble in the Sumatra. Examples like the Mainland Serow, Sumatrain Tigar, and the Hoogerwerf’s Rat are all species that are in danger. In recent news there have been stories of Sumatran Tigers being caught in snares that are set up by either poachers or in an attempt to eliminate predators that may prey on livestock. One animal that was caught last year...
Words: 1467 - Pages: 6
...global food and beverage industry. NATURE OF CRISIS: THE CRISIS: Nestle, the world’s largest food conglomerate, has undergone a turbulent period since 2010. On March 14 2010, the Independent, a UK-based newspaper, stated that Nestle’s Kit Kat contained palm oil that results in deforestation and threatens the livelihood of the endangered Orang-utans. Environmental Group Greenpeace immediately requested Nestle to “give the rainforest a break” by ending its business partnership with Sinar Mas, its palm oil supplier in Indonesia, as soon as possible. The report spurred Nestle to cancel its contract with Sinar Mas—months after Sinar Mas was shown to be involved in illegal deforestation—but the corporation continues to purchase oil palm from Cargill, which is supplied in part by Sinar Mas. For its part, Cargill says it is investigating Greenpeace's allegations and if Sinar Mas is found to be committing illegal deforestation they will drop them. Nestle has said in a statement: "we share the deep concern about the serious environmental threat to rain forests and peat fields in South East Asia caused by the planting of palm oil plantations." Thousands of hectares of rainforests in Malaysia and Indonesia have been cleared to make way for palm oil plantations, depriving tribes of ancestral lands, increasing climate change emissions...
Words: 2752 - Pages: 12
...Deforestation Deforest is defined as the cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area. (Dictionary.com) The action of deforestation damages the quality of the land. The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity. (Wikipedia) Deforestation affects the environment greatly and is one of the primary contributors to climate change. When deforestation occurs, carbon dioxide is released and remains in the atmosphere. As the carbon dioxide accumulates it catches radiation, which leads to heat. Oxygen doesn’t hold radiation like greenhouse gasses do. The heat that is produced is considered global warming. Trees store carbon and when it is cut down that carbon is released into the air. According to the World Carfree Network (WCN), cars and trucks account for about 14 percent of global carbon emissions, while most analysts attribute upwards of 15 percent to deforestation. (Scientificamerican.com) Another aspect of the environment that deforestation affects is the water cycle. Trees help perpetuate the water cycle by returning water vapor back into the atmosphere. Without trees to fill these roles, many former forest lands can quickly become barren deserts. (Society) Water vapor is a greenhouse gas. The flow of water vapor and carbon dioxide is disrupted directly by cutting down trees. The water that the trees draw from the ground is eventually emitted into the air. When the land is empty...
Words: 3589 - Pages: 15
... Ginger is used as a delicacy for culinary purposes, medicine research, and this product from the rain forest of South Asia is often used as a spice. Next, tropical wood is found in both Malaysia and Indonesia. Tropical wood is used to produce furniture in some areas. Paprika is another tropical spice that is made from the ground. Furthermore, the pineapple is a tropical plant that has a sweet flavor, yellowish in color, and low in saturated fats. Next, we have Cayenne Pepper that is grown in Guinea. Cayenne Pepper is used as a cooking spice. For dinner, I had consumed some Raw Kale that was topped with Cayenne Pepper. Last, we have Agave which is natural sweeter nectar from the Agave Plant. Agave serve a few great purposes such as it absorbs slowly into the body so that it does not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar as graduated sugar does. Agave contributes to a sustainable environment in which we do not deplete our natural resources. Agave provides a great taste to breads, toasts, waffles, and pancakes. 2. Discuss 5 major causes of Deforestation: Deforestation is the process of removing trees and other vegetation covering the soil and converting the forest to another land use, often leading to erosion and loss of soil fertility. The causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion, wood extraction, Infrastructure expansion such as road...
Words: 403 - Pages: 2
...double garage. Most electricity is generated by burning coal. A constant and growing demand for red meat. Cattle belch out methane, a toxic greenhouse gas, much more dangerous than carbon dioxide. More and more forests and bushland, which absorb carbon dioxide from the air, are being cut down so more cattle can graze. A reduction in the planet's ability to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The earth has natural sources of carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas), and has had long before mankind began altering the environment, but the earth has natural means to actually remove some greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide which is removed by plants (especially dense, tall forests) through photosynthesis. Global deforestation...
Words: 4029 - Pages: 17
...Why are people deforesting areas? People are deforesting areas to create more room for things like farms and houses. After the area of trees and other plants are removed they use the area to raise cows and to plant crops. As of the wood, the wood would be sent to a factory to be made into different resources like paper and cardboard. The wood would also be used to make frames for houses. What happens to an area after deforestation? After an area is deforested the water from rain and other water sources would be by the soil. When this happens the salt would build up and the effect of this would be any crops, plants, and grass would stop growing in the area and it would create a desert like area. This effect is known as Desertification....
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