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Ecosystem, Lab 1


Submitted By juniordarnel
Words 403
Pages 2
Gerald D. Wilson Jr March 22, 2014

Lab Assignment 1 1. Discuss 5 products that come from Tropical Rain Forest. There are a number of products that we as consumers use all of the time. First there is a product known as guava- a fruit that is grown in the tropical forest that is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C. Second, Ginger is a plant grown in the tropical rain forest. Ginger is used as a delicacy for culinary purposes, medicine research, and this product from the rain forest of South Asia is often used as a spice. Next, tropical wood is found in both Malaysia and Indonesia. Tropical wood is used to produce furniture in some areas. Paprika is another tropical spice that is made from the ground. Furthermore, the pineapple is a tropical plant that has a sweet flavor, yellowish in color, and low in saturated fats. Next, we have Cayenne Pepper that is grown in Guinea. Cayenne Pepper is used as a cooking spice. For dinner, I had consumed some Raw Kale that was topped with Cayenne Pepper. Last, we have Agave which is natural sweeter nectar from the Agave Plant. Agave serve a few great purposes such as it absorbs slowly into the body so that it does not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar as graduated sugar does. Agave contributes to a sustainable environment in which we do not deplete our natural resources. Agave provides a great taste to breads, toasts, waffles, and pancakes.

2. Discuss 5 major causes of Deforestation: Deforestation is the process of removing trees and other vegetation covering the soil and converting the forest to another land use, often leading to erosion and loss of soil fertility. The causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion, wood extraction, Infrastructure expansion such as road

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