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Plankton Lab Report

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The ecosystem is an ecological system formed by the relationship reciprocity is inseparable between living things and their environment. Aquatic ecosystems lab course pooled aims to acknowledge and study of the characteristics of the aquatic ecosystem is pooled. This lab course held on Sunday, 29 August 2010 in Situ Gede region Quadrant II at station 6. Methods undertaken in this lab course is sampling (sampling methods) which includes interviews, field observation and data collection techniques with some parameters, as the nature of physics, chemistry, and biology, then conducted the analysis ofsamples in laboratory. The General characteristics of the physical parameters murky brown waters is the color, brightness ranges from 27-31 cm, depth ranging from 105-138 cm, type of substrate in the form of fine mud and temperatureon the third substations was 31 ºc. The result of the chemical parameters, …show more content…
Plankton is divided into phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton consists of algae, diatoms and dinoflagelata. Zooplankton are usually composed of rotifers, copepods and cladocera (4). Plankton organisms drifting any live in the pelagic zone (upper limit) of the ocean, sea and fresh water. Plankton is considered one of the most important organisms in the world, because of a lack of food for aquatic life. Based on the observations, the abundance of plankton on substations 1 is 1160 ind/L, there were 2 substations at 2151 ind/L and at substations there are 3 831 ind/L. Abundance of plankton found in the largest substations 2 with total plankton 2151 ind/L. This is due to the substations 2 exposed to light the Sun directly, so that the high level of its brightness. The higher the the brightness of a water, then the production is going to be increasingly height. As a result, there was an abundance of phytoplankton, zooplankton organisms are good, as well as other creatures

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