|[pic] |Syllabus |
| |College of Natural Sciences |
| |BIO/101 Version 2 |
| |Principles of Biology |
Copyright © 2010, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce biology at an entry level by examining the hierarchy that ranges from the fundamentals of cell biology to the physiology of organisms, and the interactions among those organisms in their environment. The topics in this course include cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, evolution, physiology, and ecology.
Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents:
• University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum.
University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality.
Course Materials
Simon, E. J., Reece, J. B., & Dickey, J. L. (2010). Essential biology with physiology. (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings.
All electronic materials are available on the student website.
|Week One: Cell Biology |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives |Apply the scientific method to creating hypotheses and experiments. | | |
| |Recognize the fundamental concepts of chemistry in biology. | | |
| |Describe the energy metabolism of cells. | | |
| |Compare structures and functions of different cell types. | | |
|Readings |Read Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 7 of Essential Biology with Physiology. | | |
| |Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |
|Participation and Discussion |Participate in class discussion on 3 out of 7 days, with at least 8 substantive posts in|any 3 days |5 |
|Questions |total for the week. | | |
| |Respond to all three posted discussion questions. | | |
|Nongraded Activities and |Listen to the following MP3 tutorials on the Student Resources website. A link is | | |
|Preparation |available on the student website: | | |
| |Ch. 3: Protein Structure and Function | | |
| |Ch. 7: Photosynthesis | | |
| | | | |
| |Prepare and Post your biography in the chat room forum |Wednesday | |
|Learning Team Instructions |Resources: Learning Team Toolkit. Begin to create the Learning Team Charter. | | |
|Individual |Complete the University of Phoenix Material: What Is Life? worksheet located on your |Monday |10 |
|What Is Life? |student website. | | |
|Week Two: Genetics and Molecular Biology |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Recognize the structure and function of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as the molecule of | | |
| |inheritance. | | |
| |Describe the foundations of genetics. | | |
| |Explain meiosis as it relates to genetics. | | |
|Readings |Read Ch. 8, 9, & 10 of the text. | | |
| |Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |
|Participation and Discussion |Participate in class discussion on 3 out of 7 days, with at least 8 substantive posts in|Any 3 days |4 |
|Questions |total for the week. | | |
| |Respond to both of the posted discussion questions. | | |
|Nongraded Activities and |Listen to the following MP3 tutorials on the Student Resources website: | | |
|Preparation |Ch. 8: Mitosis, Meiosis, and Comparing Mitosis-Meiosis | | |
| |Ch. 9: Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance | | |
|Learning Team |Resources: Learning Team Toolkit. Complete your Learning Team Charter. |Thursday | |
|Team Charter | | | |
|Individual |Produce a family tree for at least three generations of your family or a friend’s family|Monday |10 |
|Family Tree Presentation |following these seven genetic traits: | | |
| |Eye color | | |
| |Hair color | | |
| |Dominant hand | | |
| |Height | | |
| |Widow’s peak | | |
| |Hitchhiker’s thumb | | |
| |A family genetic disorder of your choice | | |
| | | | |
| |Summarize the inheritance of traits through meiosis and how it relates to genetics. | | |
| |Prepare a 5- to 6-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation illustrating your findings | | |
| |and summarizing the inheritance of traits. | | |
|Week Three: Evolution and Diversity |
| |Details |Due |Points |
| | | | |
| |Identify the mechanisms of evolution. | | |
| |Describe the role of natural selection in the theory of evolution. | | |
| |Recognize the importance of biodiversity. | | |
|Readings |Read Ch. 13, 14, & 17 of the text. | | |
| |Read University of Phoenix Material: How to Write a Lab Report. | | |
| |Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |
|Participation and Discussion |Participate in class discussion on 3 out of 7 days, with at least 8 substantive posts in|Any 3 days |5 |
|Questions |total for the week. | | |
| |Respond to all three posted discussion questions. | | |
|Nongraded Activities and |Listen to the following MP3 tutorials on the Student Resources website: | | |
|Preparation |Ch. 13: Natural Selection | | |
| |Ch. 14: Speciation | | |
| |Ch. 17: Human Evolution | | |
|Learning Team Domestication |Domestication Discussion: Each learning team should choose three domesticated animal |Monday |10 |
|Discussion |species from the following list: dogs, cats, cows, chickens, pigeons, sheep, goats, | | |
| |llamas, pigs, or guinea pigs. In the Learning Team forum, start a new thread for each | | |
| |animal. As a team, discuss: | | |
| |specialized structures/characteristics for each animal | | |
| |how/why these structures/characteristics have been selected for in that animal by | | |
| |humans. | | |
| |Each individual team member must substantively post at least twice for each animal (six | | |
| |times total) during the week. | | |
|Individual |Review University of Phoenix Material: How to Write a Lab Report. Complete the |Monday 01/27/2014 |15 |
|Evolution Lab |Evolution Lab, available on your student website. Write a 700- to 1,050-word lab report | | |
| |of your Evolution Lab results. Format your lab report consistent with APA guidelines. | | |
|Week Four: Physiology |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Identify the structure and function of the main organs in organisms. | | |
| |Explain how organisms evolved physiologically to become suited to their environment. | | |
|Readings |Read Ch. 21, 23, & 24 of the text. | | |
| |Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |
|Participation and Discussion |Participate in class discussion on 3 out of 7 days, with at least 8 substantive posts in|Any 3 days |5 |
|Questions |total for the week. | | |
| |Respond to all three posted discussion questions. | | |
|Nongraded Activities and |Listen to the following MP3 tutorial on the Student Resources website: | | |
|Preparation |Ch. 24: The Human Immune System | | |
|Learning Team |Create a new thread in your Learning Team Forum entitled “Ecosystem Topic Selection.” |Monday |2 |
|Food Web Diagram Ecosystem |The purpose of this thread is to generate discussion related to the Week 5 Learning Team| | |
|Topic Selection |assignment: the Food Web Diagram. As a team, decide on a topic ecosystem. Then, begin | | |
| |breaking down the portions of the assignment and deciding on due dates. Each individual| | |
| |in the learning team should post at least twice under this thread in order to receive | | |
| |credit. | | |
|Individual |Locate a diagram of an organism with the main organs and structures labeled. Write a |Monday |15 |
|Organism Physiology Paper |700- to 1,050-word paper explaining how the organism in the diagram has evolved | | |
| |physiologically to become suited to its environment. Make sure to reference the diagram | | |
| |you located in your paper. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. | | |
|Week Five: Ecology |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Describe ecology in terms of population growth and regulation through community | | |
| |interactions. | | |
| |Evaluate the effects of human activities on ecosystems and the biosphere. | | |
| |Illustrate the flow of energy and materials in an ecosystem. | | |
|Readings |Read Ch. 18–20 of the text. | | |
| |Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |
|Participation and Discussion |Participate in class discussion on 3 out of 7 days, with at least 8 substantive posts in|Any 3 days |4 |
|Questions |total for the week. | | |
| |Respond to both of the posted discussion questions. | | |
|Nongraded Activities and |Listen to the following MP3 tutorials on the Student Resources website: | | |
|Preparation |Ch. 18: Global Warming | | |
| |Ch. 20: Energy Flow in Ecosystems | | |
|Learning Team |Create a diagram in which you illustrate the energy flow among organisms of a food chain|Monday |15 |
|Food Web Diagram |in a particular ecosystem. See Ch. 20 of the text for details and examples. (Select an | | |
| |ecosystem, such as a temperate forest, desert biome, or the Everglades.) Determine the | | |
| |interdependency of life in your ecosystem by examining its organisms. Include written | | |
| |information about the following items: | | |
| |List the organisms that may be found in your ecosystem and label them as follows: P for | | |
| |producers, C for consumers, and D for decomposers. | | |
| |Identify the structure and function of the main organs in at least two organisms, and | | |
| |indicate why they are suited for that environment. | | |
| |List at least two food chains associated with your ecosystem. | | |
| |Focus on at least three individual organisms, including what they eat, what eats them, | | |
| |and how they adapt to the ecosystem. | | |
| |Describe the ecosystem’s population growth and regulation through community | | |
| |interactions. | | |
| |Identify potential hazards caused by humans that may affect your ecosystem’s stability, | | |
| |such as environmental pollution. | | |
| |Utilize labels and associated details in your food web diagram, and format your written | | |
| |information according to APA standards. | | |
| | | | |
| |Learning Team Peer Evaluation | | |
| | | | |
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| | |Monday | |