...I am a 4th generation Italian american I am very proud of my Italian heritage, my ancestors, and the work they put in to pave the way for me and my generation to live the American dream. My great grandparents immigrated here from Italy in the 1920s. They came as they would say, "acrossa da big water ina da boat, to Ameriga" When Italians first started coming over we were in every way well received. We were given many derogatory names such as WOP, Dego, Greaseball, Guido and Ginny (Guinea) just to name a few. It was hard for Italians to get hired to work and we all stuck together forming self sustaining neighborhoods. Since that time our popularity has done nothing but grow If you look around your life, in every aspect you will find Italians....
Words: 281 - Pages: 2
...An Integrated Navigation Systems for Underwater Vehicles Based on Inertial Sensors and Pseudo LBL Acoustic Transponders Pan-Mook Lee, Bong-Huan Jun, Hyun Taek Choi and Seok-Won Hong Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering, KORDI, Republic of Korea Abstract - This paper presents an integrated underwater navigation system for underwater vehicles using inertial sensors and range sonar. We supposes that two acoustic transponders, called pseudo long baseline (LBL) system, are installed at two reference stations on sea bottom or below surface and/or ice. The navigation system is based on a strap-down inertial measurement unit (SD-IMU) mounted on an underwater vehicle and assisted with auxiliary navigation sensors, such as Doppler velocity log (DVL), depth, and heading sensors. Range measurement transducers are additional auxiliary navigation sensors. Using the two range measurements, the proposed navigation system will be able to improve the performance of conventional IMU-DVL navigation systems for long-time operation of underwater vehicles, and useful even without DVL information. An extended Kalman filter was adopted to propagate the error covariance, to update the measurement errors, and to correct the state equation when the external measurements are available. Simulations were conducted with the 6-d.o.f. nonlinear numerical model of an AUV in lawn-mowing survey mode under current flow condition. Navigation performance is surveyed for the...
Words: 5905 - Pages: 24
...| | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |The Campaigns of Napoleon | | |During his long career Napoleon Bonaparte conquered most of Europe and became such a feared soldier that his opponents in Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia had| | |him declared 'an enemy of humanity'. This section on his military campaigns covers the important details and battles of the wars that led to Napoleon Bonaparte...
Words: 8798 - Pages: 36
...Monir Hossain Bari bvgvh wk¶v ( evsjv-bengali) W. Avãyj−vn web Avngv` Avjx AvhhvB` m¤úv`K : Avey ïAvBe gynv¤§v` wmÏxK 2009 - 1430 Monir Hossain Bari ( ) . 2009 - 1430 1 Monir Hossain Bari Abyev`‡Ki f~wgKv mKj cÖksmv GKgvÎ Avj−vni Rb¨, whwb Avgv‡`i‡K m„wó K‡i‡Qb| `i“` I mvjvg Zuvi ev›`v I ivm~j gynv¤§v` mvj−vj−vû AvjvBwn Iqv mvj−vg Gi cÖwZ, whwb mgMÖ wek¦gvbeZvi bex, bexK‚‡ji wk‡ivgwb m„wóKz‡ji ingZ I Kj¨v‡Yi cÖZxK| Avwg kvqL Wt Avãyj−vn web Avngv` Avjx AvhhvB‡`i mvjvZ welqK MÖš’ ÒZvjxgym mvjvnÓ cvVv‡š— Dcjwä Kwi †h, GwUi e½vbyev` me©mvavi‡Yi Rb¨ LyeB DcKvix n‡e| †Kbbv eBwU‡Z bvgvh welqK wewa-weavb mnR I mvejxj fvlvq Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q| Avgvi myü` mvw_ mvC`yi ingvb †gvj−vi mr civg‡k©, Avj−vni mš‘wó AR©b I mgv‡Ri DcKv‡ii Avkvq Abyev‡`i KvR Avi¤¢ Kwi| eBwU‡K cwigvwR© Ki‡Z mvBdzj−vn fvB, kdxDj Avjg fvB, †gŠjvbv Avãyi ivDd kvgxg I †gŠjvbv Avgxi Avjx cÖgL y m¤úv`bvi Kv‡R mn‡hvwMZv K‡i‡Qb| huviv Avgv‡K G Kv‡R Drmvn w`‡q‡Qb, mn‡hvwMZv K‡i‡Qb, Avj−vni Kv‡Q Zv‡`i g½j Kvgbv KiwQ| Abyev‡` †jL‡Ki g~j e³e¨ h_v_©fv‡e cÖKv‡ki †Póv K‡iwQ| Avwg Avkv Kwi GB Abyev` evsjv fvlv-fvlx‡`i wbKU mgv`„Z n‡e Bbkv Avj−vn| Avj−vn Avgv‡`i mKj‡K GB cy¯—K †_‡K DcK…Z nevi ZvIdxK w`b| Avgxb! Abyev`K 2 Monir Hossain Bari gyLeÜ : bvgvh m¤ú‡K© †h mKj eBcy¯—K †jLv n‡q‡Q, Avwg Zv GKwÎZ Kivi cÖqvm cvB| AZtci Avwg †h welqwU Dcjwä Kwi Zv nj, †hme wKZve bvgvh m¤ú‡K© wjwLZ n‡q‡Q Zvi g‡a¨ cÖvq me¸‡jvB we‡kl we‡kl w`‡Ki Dci ¸i“Z¡v‡ivc K‡i wjwLZ n‡q‡Q| D`vniYZ G eB¸‡jvi...
Words: 8517 - Pages: 35