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Personal Narrative: Italian Immigrants

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I am a 4th generation Italian american I am very proud of my Italian heritage, my ancestors, and the work they put in to pave the way for me and my generation to live the American dream.
My great grandparents immigrated here from Italy in the 1920s. They came as they would say, "acrossa da big water ina da boat, to Ameriga"
When Italians first started coming over we were in every way well received. We were given many derogatory names such as WOP, Dego, Greaseball, Guido and Ginny (Guinea) just to name a few. It was hard for Italians to get hired to work and we all stuck together forming self sustaining neighborhoods. Since that time our popularity has done nothing but grow If you look around your life, in every aspect you will find Italians.

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