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Social Change In Walden University

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Walden University enrolls students around the world from different ethnic backgrounds and professions/fields whom all are interested in contributing social change in society. The current study defines social change as an evolving solution to society’s problems and happens when there is a deviation in the core fabric of society where a phenomenon occurs. Walden University is a growing part of the technological era that uses the worldwide web to reach its students across the globe. This new way of assessing scholarly programs has allowed students and graduates of the university to contribute change in their communities. According to Laureate Education (2017), Jonathan Kaplan states that Walden students have unique perspectives and share a common desire to make an impact on their community. According to Ravitch and Carl (2016) social change may occur due to an action or inaction; moreover, Aguinis and Glavas (2012) offer a multilevel and multidisciplinary theoretical framework that includes a reactive or proactive predictor of responsibility related to policies. Social change can be anything from starting organizations that relate to issues regarding injustices or combating social problems to …show more content…
ToC represents change in conditions of some kind and results in an impact for a long-term outcome. (Taplin, Clark, Collins, and Colby, 2013). (According to Taplin and Clark (2012) Theory of Change forms the visions of research and is used as an evaluation tool to identify specific goals that tie into particular interventions. Theory of change as it relates to the current literature assumes that the conditions and resources preexist for success and there is no problem to support it. Three questions should be considered when considering Theory of Change (1) is it plausible (2) is it doable and (3) is it

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