...Demonstrative Communication Paper Saksitt D Udtana University of Phoenix Business Communication and Critical Thinking BCOM/275 Mr. Ken Edick July 29, 2012 Demonstrative Communication Paper Envision a recently born child and new parent. The child is being held by the parent and crying for a cause which is, at present, unknown. The parent, in concerted effort to determine the child’s need begins to gently rock the child from left to right. This action alone does not avail any more information to the parent other than it is not what the child desires. It is only upon eye contact between child and parent that a realization of possible hunger may exist for the child. The parent musters a bottle of formula and makes initial offerings of small drips on the child’s lips. The child in profound hast, engulfs the nipple of the bottle and begins suckling excitedly, thus both parties have crossed a threshold in their ability to communicate without word or written language. Unspoken Desires The type of communication exhibited between the child and parent is of a type which does not require language to be spoken or written. The communicative process between child and parent began as the child, without cognition of language, determines a need for nourishment. Whether out of instinct or other rational, the child cries to draw attention of the parent. The parent, assuming the mantle of caregiver to the child, attempts to understand the need of the child for cause that the...
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...Demonstrative Communication Ian R. Briner BCOM/275 February 20, 2013 Robert Casey Demonstrative Communication Communication is what is conducted when we want to exchange information, thoughts and messages whether it is verbal, written, with signals and nonverbal. The basic communication process is composed of both a sender and receiver. First there is a message, the sender encodes the message and transmits it then the receiver receives the message and decodes it. This process can be conducted back and forth by the parties until satisfied understanding of the shared information is reached. Although many individuals perceive that verbal and written contains most of the information we share it is not entirely true. Cherry (2012), “A substantial portion of our communication is nonverbal”. Nonverbal (Demonstrative) communication can be composed of facial expressions, gestures, body language, tone of voice, appearance, etc. Like any other method of communication, Demonstrative communication can transmit a positive or negative message to receivers and senders. Many people are not aware this is possible but simple body language can tell you a lot concerning an individual’s mood, emotion, attention and even their understanding. Positive nonverbal communication can commonly be identified (in both receiver and sender) as smiling showing happiness and comfort in communication. Eye contact Demonstrative communication in the other hand can be seen as a frown or sad face, hands on hips...
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...Demonstrative Communication Throughout the world there are thousands of languages but all individuals communicate through much more than simple verbal interactions. It is stated “38 percent (of communication) is tone of voice, while 55 percent is physiology” (Manero, 2014). This leaves only seven percent to be communicated through actual words. Non-verbal and unwritten communication by the use of ones body language and posture, facial expressions, eye contact, and interpersonal space is what defines demonstrative communication. According to Cheesebro, O'Connor, and Rios (2010), attending behaviors are a combination of the attitude and actions that communicate your involvement with the sender, demonstrating your interest and concern (Chapter 5). Demonstrative communication can provide both positive and negative representations. Study ones own non-verbal communication can strengthen the process and produce better results within both the business and personal sides of our lives. Disruptions in ones message that they are trying to convey are called barriers and create ineffective communication. Ineffective communication can cause hostility and break down projects, production, and morale. Body language is a colossal disruption and speaks in volumes and we must pay attention to not only our body language but of those around us. When one is slumped in their chair it conveys that you are bored with the speaker or the information that they are relaying. When you...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper BCOM/275 January 28, 2013 Demonstrative Communication Paper We are going to explore some effective and ineffective examples of demonstrative communication in a positive and negative way for the sender and receiver. Also explain how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. This will include nonverbal and unwritten communication which involves facial expressions, inflection in the voice and body language. We have experienced one of these communications in one way or another. “Verbal communication is the spoken word and includes actual words, intended and inferred meanings, tone and vocal inflection.” (Lee, Duck, McMahan, & Lambert, 2011) Verbal is what most of us do with our daily activities in life. Oral communication is useful to one when going to an interview. It can be most effective in this type of setting. While being interviewed one has to actively listen to the person and have an oral response to the question being asked. It is essential in our everyday life to be able to verbally communicate and interact with other people. Some positive and effective ways of demonstrative verbal communication is it’s more precise. When we are speaking to someone we are able to use the reflection in the voice tone to get the point across. A person may better understand someone when they are spoken to directly than through via text message. Also it is effective in explaining difficult situations or law problems that can...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper BCOM/275 9 October 2012 Debra Brown Demonstrative Communication Demonstrative communication is a form of communication that people use in their everyday lives to communicate with our coworkers, friends, relatives, and loved ones. The way we express verbal and nonverbal communication involves facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. Demonstrative communication can be effective and ineffective, positive or negative for the sender, and receiver. Verbal communication is a spoken word and includes intended and indirect meanings, tone, and vocal variation. For example, the question “Where are you going?” has different meanings depending on tone of voice. Nonverbal communication is the way a person communicate using the movement of eyes, facial expression, head position, posture, arm, and hand gestures. Non-verbal communication can affect the message an individual send positive or negative response. There are several examples of nonverbal communication naming a few sign language and culture nonverbal communication. For example, when a deaf person communicates with a hearing a person he or she uses the components of nonverbal communication. People who do not know sign language will be able to recognize when a deaf person is mad or overjoyed they will understand by the demonstration of his or her body language and facial expression. About 70% of a deaf person communication is...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper Soraya Taylor BCOM/275 May 4, 2015 Dr. Linda Vallejo Demonstrative Communication Paper Communication is an integral part of the interaction between people on a daily basis. When individuals meet, they exchange information that will create some form of understanding and an opportunity to learn. It is, therefore, important to note the definition, effectiveness and ineffectiveness, positive and negative, and listening and responding through demonstrative communication. Definition of Demonstrative Communication Communication is a way of interaction between two or more individuals, and it involves the exchange of information or messages. According to Cheeseboro, O’Connor & Rios (2010), communication involves sending and receiving messages through different channels (p. 4). Demonstrative communication requires the use of nonverbal and unwritten interaction such as eye contact, facial expressions, tone of voice, body language and gestures. The key to demonstrative communication is to be active through feedback. The Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness of Demonstrative Communication Demonstrative communication can be both effective and ineffective for the sender and receiver involved in an interaction. This effective or ineffectiveness depends on the way in which the sender delivers the message they wish to communicate and how the receiver decodes the information received. In order for demonstrative communication to be effective...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper Jason Rozycki BCOM/275 4/28/2014 Carol Sommers Demonstrative Communication Paper Demonstrative Communication plays a vital part in all types of communication. This type of communication can take on many forms, including nonverbal and unwritten communication. Below I will attempt to show how Demonstrative Communication can be both effective and ineffective both for the sender and receiver of a message, and also will attempt to explain how Demonstrative Communication involves listening and responding. Two types of Demonstrative Communication can be tone of voice and body language. In this example I will use a speaker and an audience as the channel of communication. Regarding the first type of Demonstrative Communication, tone of voice, if you are the sender (speaker) then your tone of voice can be effective if you are able to be heard distinctly, enunciate words clearly and with inflections in your voice. This tells the receiver (audience) that the speaker is passionate, knowledgeable and approving of the subject matter being delivered. This is a positive for the sender as this usually means that you will have the receiver’s attention for your message. Delivering the same message in a hesitant tone of voice can tell the receiver that the speaker might disapprove of or have a lack of interest in the message. This is a negative for the sender as it inevitably means the receiver will tune you and your message out (Cherry, n.d.). The...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper Johan Gonzalez BCOM/275 November 12, 2014 Dr. Charles Parker Demonstrative Communication Demonstrative communication involves the process of sending and receiving information or messages by non-verbal and unwritten communication through facial expressions, body language, and the tone of voice one uses. In this paper it will be discussed how demonstrative communication can be effective and ineffective, positive and negative, for the sender and receiver. It will also explain how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. Demonstrative communication can be summed up in three categories: body, physiology, and nonverbal. You can communicate by using your body by looking and smiling at somebody. A person can send conflicting verbal and non-verbal communications. For example, a person can tell you that they are mad but they are smiling at you. This happening is where the saying originated: “Actions speak louder than words”. When a person sits too close to you and you take a step back you are communicating demonstratively that someone is invading your space. Also, when a person dresses formally that is demonstrative communication. The body language of a person is the physiological part of communication. For example, if a person turns there back on the other person that sends a message that they do not want to communicate. People use hand gestures to say hello and goodbye and that is communication as...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper Student Name BCOM/275 Date Uop Instructor Name Demonstrative Communication Paper The transferring of information between one person and another is communication. This can be done in a variety of ways using many different methods; including demonstrative communication. Demonstrative communication includes nonverbal and unwritten communications and involves interaction from both the sender and receiver. The sender through nonverbal communication must send the correct message, and the listener must receive and interpret the message correctly. Demonstrative communication, as with any form of communication can be positive, negative, effective, and ineffective for both the sender and receiver. Effective communication involves more than just understanding the information. It involves the shared understanding of the feelings, thoughts, wants, needs, and intentions of the communicators, which may not be openly expressed in words. (Cheesebro, O’Connor & Rios, 2010) It is critical to always be aware of the way or manor in which we are communicating. Since demonstrative communication consists of non-verbal communication we should pay very close attention to the way we communicate with others. We should be aware of our body language, facial expressions, and the way we make eye contact, even the way we look and dress can be important. Our entire outlook can potentially affect this communication process. Demonstrative Communication...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper Amber M. LeDoux BCOM/275 06/10/2013 University of Phoenix Demonstrative Communication Paper While there are approximately 6,800 languages in the world, people do not just communicate using "words.” It is estimated that only seven percent of communication is composed of words, 38 percent is tone of voice, while 55 percent is physiology. This 93 percent is known as demonstrative communication, or nonverbal communication. Demonstrative communication can be summed up in three categories: body, physiology and nonverbal. You communicate using your body through eye contact, gestures, or facial expressions. Sometimes you can send conflicting verbal and nonverbal communications. This happening is where the saying originated: "Actions speak louder than words.” Problems arise if you do not pay close attention to the nonverbal signals you send during communication. While couples in love cannot get close enough to each other, you might not enjoy it when someone sits or stands too close to you. When you take a step back, you are communicating demonstratively that someone is invading your space. Everyone no matter who you are or what situation you are in needs individual space. If someone feels that their space is being invaded; it is more than likely going to come out in their body language. The way you dress, apply makeup, or wear your hair is also a form of communication. While you might opt for a suit for business, you might reach for...
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...Priscilla Gonzalez Demonstrative Communication Paper December 11, 2013 Kenneth Reuben BCOM/275 Demonstrative Communication is a process in communicating without having to say anything verbally through non-verbal and unwritten communication. There are many forms of non-verbal demonstrative communication, some which include facial gestures and body language. In some cases when a person is unable to see the other person due to the use of technology to communicate, you may use the tone of voice perceived as a way of demonstrative communication. With the many ways that demonstrative communication exists, it is important to understand its value and appreciate its purpose. Non-verbal communication may come in many forms that associate in similarity as if we are playing some form of charades. In order to communicate the intended idea and for its meaning to be understood through non-verbal communication it is important that the sender use the appropriate gestures, movements and expressions to make their statement. Someone of great example, who had no other way to express her emotions and thoughts, except through non-verbal communication would be Helen Keller. She demonstrated a significant importance of how non-verbal communication can still have just as much of an impact as actual verbal communication does. Sign language is now estimated in recent statistics “that around 13 million people have some level of proficiency in sign language. That makes American Sign Language the third...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper Demonstrative Communication Communication can be defined as the flow and exchange of information from one person to another by transmitting ideas. Communication can also involve shared thoughts, feelings, needs and other expressions through words. The process of communicating sometimes requires interpersonal skills, listening, speaking or questioning any ideas. The use of communication can be used in areas of life including work, home, school or other public places. Communication is important because it builds relationships and human interaction whether it is verbal or non verbal. Marketing, education and entertainment media uses communication to connect with the world regardless of the industry. Many facilities and enterprises require ways to communicate with public to promote or sale their businesses or services. Body language, voice tone and facial expressions are all examples of demonstrative communication. Verbally communicating to an audience is letting them know of their awareness through interpersonal communication and public speaking. In the business world, people may have to communicate with different people from other races, age groups or cultures. Sometime certain verbal skills are needed to communicate with these groups. With non-verbal communication, people use movements, gestures and body languages to display their thoughts, desires and intentions to other people. Written communication is another popular way to communicate...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper BCOM/275 September, 2012 There are multiple ways to communicate. You can communicate through conversing face to face, through mail, or e-mail, memo, texting, by voice over the phone, and signals. When considering demonstrative communication it can include both unwritten and nonverbal communication involving the little things about communication that can affect the overall message you are trying to convey. These little communication devices can comprise of the tone in your voice, facial expressions, body langue and habitual laughs or sounds that you make. According to Cheesebro, O’Connor, and Rios (2010), the receiver of a message plays a role by providing feedback though a variety of response styles. These styles can be categorized as evaluating, interpreting, supporting, questioning, or paraphrasing responses (Chapter Communication concepts). Communication in this mode can be positive or negative, effective or ineffective, for both the sender of the message and the receiver of the message. When using demonstrative communication it mostly used to enhance your verbal communication. Body language is a form of demonstrative communication. Nonverbal communication is between 60 – 75% of the impact of a message. The power of body language can be used to become tremendously successful in any activity that involves interaction and communication with people (Hogan, 2011). People use body langue all the time. It is noted when...
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...BCOM 275 People are involved in the act of communicating every day. We communicate by transmitting and receiving information, thoughts, and ideas. It could be a simple message as saying ‘good morning’ or talking to your neighbor about the ball game. We could be listening to a speech about new company initiatives or reading the daily newspaper. People communicate by more than just ‘words’. We could communicate without saying any words. Sometimes our messages are transmitted with the wrong idea. Our body language can help or hurt our messages. These are examples of demonstrative communications. Demonstrative communication can be defined as verbal and non-verbal forms of communicating. These forms can be ineffective if both the sender and receiver do not achieve the delivery or process the received message. To demonstrate effectively is to use the proper components of tone, knowledge, gestures and the environment to build a lasting relationship professionally. Effective communication is not only about transmitting a message or idea but the listeners have to understand and respond to it. To effectively communicate between two parties requires sending and receiving messages in both directions. It is important to have good communication from our daily family life to our work environment. When a store manager talks to their employees about new goals is a way of communicating. The store manager is the sender of the message but in order for them to be effective...
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...Demonstrative Communication Paper BCOM 275 University of Phoenix Demonstrative Communication Paper Demonstrative communication is in large the majority of how we communicate with others. The many forms of communication continue to change with all the technology that we use on a day-to-day basis, we tend to rely on this technology for our main form of communication. “We are witnessing a breathtaking evolution of new forms of digital communication. More than witnessing, we are facilitating it. All of this is unfolding so quickly that we do not have time to pause and reflect on what is happening.” (Iskold, para. 11) Because of the increase in the use of technology, we lose the face-to-face communication that we are used to, where we can observe the receiver and their responses and reactions to conversation as well as the sender can relay a specific tone to the conversation so that the receiver can understand the context behind the message. The initial perception of communication is that we spend most of our time talking, in reality; we spend most of our time communicating non-verbally or through demonstrative communication, especially with all the technology that plays such a large part in our daily lives, which make communicating much quicker and easier. There are a several ways that we communicate demonstratively such as: facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, materialistic features or items/something that is meant to be perceived...
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