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Demostrative Communication


Submitted By thejess5377
Words 741
Pages 3
Demonstrative Communication


Communication is a necessary component of life. Communication is the process of exchanging information through both verbal and nonverbal mediums. The mediums for verbal include written, recordings, texting, emailing, and speech. The mediums for nonverbal communications include body language, facial expressions, hand gestures, signs, barriers, pictures, paralinguistics, and texting symbols. Demonstrative communication is a form of communication without the use words; it “demonstrates” what the sender of a message is trying to say. This communication could be effective or ineffective and can have a positive or negative impact. The interaction between the sender and receiver of demonstrative communication can be as important as the interaction of traditional spoken communication. There are many instances of demonstrative communication which can have a positive effect or negative effect and that can be effective and ineffective. From the time we are born, we learn to communicate. We learn to cry to communicate that we need something. This is an effective fundamental form of demonstrative communication. By six months we learn to babble, and cry differently to indicate different needs. (Kim, 2010) As we grow, we learn may other forms of demonstrative communication. As adults, we can learn to manipulate these demonstrative techniques to help us express our thoughts, ideas and feelings.
When a supervisor (sender) communicates to his or her employee (receiver) that an employee has done good work, the supervisor can smile and use a lighter tone to convey approval. If the subordinate smiles back or replies positively, then the supervisor knows that the message was received and that the total communication was effective. This indicates the effective use of demonstrative communication. If the supervisor uses a monotone to deliver

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