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Descartes First Meditation Analysis

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Descartes starts his first meditation by taking note of that there are numerous things which he assumes to be real but later he learned that they were not. This theory drives him to the stress that which of his different convention may be false. So he set out to tear down all his beliefs and to reconstruct them to scratch. For this, he needs significant agreements which basically cannot doubt. He needs the basic conventions for the foundation so that he could start building a new structure. For those meetings, he began questioning everything he can. However, it does not mean that everything he doubts was false. His technique was just to ensure conventions he chooses were correct without any doubt. This technique of challenging everything is …show more content…
While he started doubting his conventions, he makes several attacks on his meeting to find out whether he exists or not. In the first assault, he chose the dream experience and criticized his beliefs that whether he is dreaming or not. So the first attack helps him in gaining confidence. His second attack was in the existence of God. He critically examines the existence of God and whether the God makes him or not. He also thinks that if God exists why he give him so many doubts and reasoning ability. The third attack Descartes chooses that whether some evil demon communicates directly with his mind and whether Descartes receives some instruction from that evil. Now critically examines that if he receives instruction from evil, then he should not trust them. By the third attack, Descartes finds that he could doubt his sense experience, and will not believe to be true about a convention just because he receives that from his senses. On the fourth attack, he says that first three attacks were just warm up for the fourth attack. In the fourth attack, Descartes says that everything experienced is just hallucinating. So in this way in the fourth attack, he found certainty of himself and the fact that he exists derives from here. In this way, while doubting all his conventions and beliefs, he reached the conclusion that he is true and exists (Descartes,

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