...Describe yourself / Family / Work / Education / Studies / Hometown / Weather / Home / Wedding / Travel / Friend / Place / Hobbies / Films / Shopping / Food / Festival / Daily Rountine / Your country / Going out… Ngoài những chủ đề quen thuộc này ra, trong phần 1, Paul nói nhỏ là cũng rất hay có mấy chủ đề khó mà nhiều khi học viên không hề nghĩ sẽ có ở phần 1 đâu, ví dụ như: Rain / Computer / Internet / Email / Smoking / Marriage / Television / Tourism / Clothes / Colours / … TOPICS FOR SPEAKING 4 PART 1: PART 1 YOURSELF Tell me something special about you How would you describe yourself? HOMETOWN Where do you come from? What is your home town like? What do you like best about your home town? What is special about your hometown? What is it known for? It it easy to travel around your hometown? What do people in your town do? What are the main industries in your hometown? STUDY When did you graduate? Where did you go to college/university? What was your study like? What subjects did you like to study best? FAMILY Can you tell me about your family? How much time do you manage to spend with your family? What sorts of things do you like to do together? TRAVEL How often do you travel? Where have you been to? What are some places would you like to visit when you travel? Why? TYPICAL DAY Can you describe a typical day in your life? What would you like to change about your routine? Do you enjoy watching movies? What is your favourite film? Who are...
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...article describes how to get products and ideas onto the market without large amounts of expense. According to Jeremy, the Young Entrepreneur Council calls Bootstrapping Shoe-strapping ( boots are too expensive. With this business philosophy in mind, Jeremy describes how he started up his business. His advice on business was 1 don’t get an office. When first starting out an office is unnecessary overhead. Spend money elsewhere, mainly on the team and its resources. “I worked out of my bedroom and some local coffee shops to cut overhead cost,” Jeremy stated. Second, Get accounting software on Day 1. Jeremy explains how keeping up with accounting will help track your expenses, profits, salaries and overhead cost. This helps in the beginning stages of business so your not surprised by how much you owe your employees later. Third, Ignore lawyers- they kill deals. “Lawyers are, by nature, very cautious” Jeremy states. As a result this can be very off putting to customers, especially if you present a new market niche. All in all, the section explains to be cautious about the legal formalities in the beginning so you don’t loose market share over cautious lawyer ran business decisions. Fourth, Pick a niche and become a specialist, not a generalist. This section explains how generalists aren’t able to sink their teeth into a single sector or subservice. Being able to do a little bit of everything wont get you a strong customer base. With a market niche, the passage describes how...
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...Your first and family name to appear in the header — not "CV or Curriculum Vitae" For Example: Jenny Jones 12 Penrhyn Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, KT1 2EE (01234)567890 jenny@jones.com Contact details: List your email, mobile number and postal address. Remember, your CV is a professional document, make sure your contact details remain professional. Personal Profile: 3-4 sentences that describe: Who you are professionally speaking (e.g second year BSc Computer Science student). What experience you have (e.g internships, voluntary, part-time, placement). Why you want to work within your desired industry (e.g what interests you about the retail sector). This section needs to be tailored to each role you apply for and should summarise you succinctly to encourage an employer to read on. Education: List education and any relevant courses that you have completed in chronological order. Detail the institution that you studied at, location, dates, course and the type of qualification. For Example: BEng Aerospace Engineering, Kingston University, London, October 2010 – Present Instead of listing modules, where possible, pick the most relevant modules and evidence how you were able to apply the theory. Likewise, consider any relevant projects which may highlight some relevant skills. For Example: Managed deadlines and developed analytical skills by successfully interviewing a panel of experts for advice and opinion to inform the paper. Professional experience: List the organisation...
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...that my college career is almost over; although it feels as if it just started. In one year I am going to be a senior on the verge of graduation and that scares me. During my junior year I registered for management, which I thought was going to be another normal core business course at Quinnipiac. I expected to get assigned a text book and have to read and memorize a ton of management vocabulary just so I can answer them on the test. However, this management class had more than I was expecting. We were assigned the book The Passion Test, The Effective Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose written by Janet and Chris Attwood. The ideas within this book were not terms I had to memorized, but life lessons to be learned. The Passion Test was written in order to help people all around the world discover their inner selves in order to figure out what it is exactly they want to do. The passion test makes you question your own personal interest, values and dreams and then compare them to each other. Reading this made me ask myself questions that I never have before. Before reading this book I was nervous about becoming a senior because I was not entirely sure what I wanted with my life. However, after reading The Passion Test I’ve come to see what is important to me in my life and now feel prepared to take the next few steps in that direction. There are twenty questions that help people start to realize there interest and values. The first question is, what type of books do you tend to...
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...Your Name - Curriculum Vitae/CV 1 Personal Profile/Personal Attributes • Create 5-7 descriptive bullet-point phrases that describe your strengths and attributes. • These statements should also reflect the personal qualities that the employer seeks. • Keep the statements simple and clear; one line for each statement. • Use a consistent format and readable typeface; use professional, concise, intelligent language. • Use good, appropriate punctuation; semi-colons are effective for joining word-strings. • Ensure you can provide an example (at interview) for every statement you make on your CV. • Examples and guidance for this section at www.businessballs.com/curriculum.htm 2 Experience/Specialisms/Strengths • Create 5-7 professional statements which explain your experience/specialisms/strengths. • Think about what the employer is seeking and try to match these requirements. • Your statements here should be examples/evidence of how you fit the needs of the job. • Statements can describe experience, skills, strengths, knowledge, style, attitude, etc. • Examples and guidance for this section at www.businessballs.com/curriculum.htm 3 4 Achievements • Create 3-7 professional statements which describe your achievements. • Show achievements that best illustrate your capabilities relevant to the needs of the new job. • Show achievements which demonstrate that you could 'make a difference'...
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...[pic] LIFE STORY BOOK INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CHILDHOOD 3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ABOUT YOU 4. IMPORTANT PLACES THAT MATTER TO YOU 5. HOBBIES AND INTERESTS 6. YOUR BELIEFS 7. COMMUNICATING WITH YOU 8. YOUR FAVOURITE THINGS 9. SPECIAL PHOTOS 10. MY CALENDAR Life Story Work describes a biographical approach, which gives people the opportunity to talk about their life experiences. It involves recording relevant aspects of a person's past and present life with the aim of using this life story to benefit them in their present situation. The potential benefits of Life Story Work as an intervention for people with memory impairment and their families have been recognised for some time, in terms of promoting individualised care, improving assessment, building relationships between care staff and family carers as well as improving communication.(Clarke 2002, Bryan and Maxim) RESIDENT’S NAME: ARTEM GINGER DATE: 6/2/2015 CHILDHOOD What was the date and place of your birth? 11/08/1979 What were your parent's names? Include dates of birth, occupation(s). (Put their birthdays into personal calendar) Father: Victor Ginger, 11/05/1950, teacher Mother: Galina Ginger, 11/05/1956, teacher Do you have any brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews? Include their names, dates of birth, occupations, where they live or used to live. (Put their birthdays in personal calendar) Half-sister: Veronika Ginger, 19/01/1977, engineer, lives in Canada...
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...Identify Your Transferable Skills Over the years, we have assembled a list of transferable skills that are important in a wide variety of careers. In the checklist that follows, the skills listed as "Key Transferable Skills" are those that are consider to be most important for success on the job/career. These skills are also those that are often required in jobs with more responsibility and higher pay, so you should emphasize these skills if you have them. The remaining transferable skills are grouped into categories that may be helpful to you. Go ahead and check each skill you are strong in, and then double-check the skills you want to use in your career. When you are finished, you should have checked 10 to 20 skills at least once. |Descriptor |Definition | |Skills |Skills are commonly understood to refer to an ability to perform a specific task. | |Competencies |Competency is used to refer to an observable behavior performed to a specified level and therefore provides a basis | | |for the assessment of performance. | |Attributes, qualities and|These refer to those capabilities of an individual in most instances although “characteristics” is sometimes used to ...
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...information you already know as well as ideas and preferences you already have. For the persuasive part of the essay, your evidence or support may be in the form of examples, details, or elaboration on the idea that you present. Topics: Note: Choose only one of the following topics for your essay. You are planning to adopt a pet. What type of pet (dog, cat, lizard, bird, etc.) will you choose and why? Persuade a friend or relative to adopt a pet as well. You considered many factors when deciding to enroll at WGU. Describe your reasons for choosing to become a WGU student, and persuade a friend to enroll at WGU. You have decided to splurge on a dream vacation with your family. Explain why this vacation is worth the expense, and persuade your family to vacation at your preferred location. Explain one of your hobbies, and persuade a friend to take up this hobby. A close friend of yours is beginning the process of adopting a child and has asked you to provide a letter of recommendation to the adoption agency that speaks to his or her ability to provide a loving home for a child. Describe your friend, and persuade the agency that your friend would be a suitable parent. Task: Write an essay (suggested length of 750-1,000 words) that both informs and persuades in response to one of the given topics. In your essay: A. Organize your ideas clearly by doing...
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...the upmost tedious people, this game is made up of inches that can glorify you and/or demoralize you. I have been playing golf for 6 years now and have become quite good at it and it now holds a special place in my life. I have met many of my friends through golf and I can guarantee that all of these people will be in my life forever. I know that many people are in given social, racial, religious, or economic groups, but their group doesn’t make their lives better or more fulfilling; that is why I love my group it is unique and it makes my life better. Society sees golfers as rich, stuck up, and rather egotistical people; this may be completely incorrect but that is what I gather from the general public. If you asked a non-golfer to profile your middle aged country club member three things would come to mind: fruity colored shorts, a smug snobbish look, and a wallet full of cash that his daddy earned for him. Honestly for the most part you were spot on and that’s what you would get, but I’m writing this to tell you how we are all different, even though stereotypes are correct more often...
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...The sources “Stop Forcing Your Kids to Learn a Musical Instrument" by Mark Oppenheimer and "Study Finds No Evidence for Cognitive Benefits of Music Ed." By Samuel Mehr agree that music does not enhance cognitive abilities. Both sources use logical as well as emotional appeals in order to support their claim. Mehr’s claim was better supported than Oppenheimer’s article. For this topic, I chose these two sources, by Oppenheimer and Mehr. These sources come to an agreement, Oppenheimer states that children should not learn music in schools, and that it should be a hobby taught and performed outside of education. Whereas, Mehr believes that music isn’t as significant an enhancement toward your cognitive abilities, he believes it is still necessary...
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...Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Chào các bạn, xuất phát từ nhu cầu bản thân muốn học môn speaking cho bài thi tiếng anh IELTS, chúng tôi nhận thấy cuốn sách này có giá trị rất tốt cho việc tham khảo. Tuy nhiên, các bản sách điện tử đang tràn lan trên mạng Internet hiện nay có chất lượng rất thấp, kèm theo đó là việc có thêm tiếng Trung dẫn tới lãng phí về giấy in, tiền bạc, thời gian. Hiện nay, cuốn này này đã được một nhà xuất bản tại Việt Nam mua lại bản quyền từ tác giả Mat Clark, và đã xuất bản tại Việt Nam, chúng tôi khuyên các bạn nên mua cuốn sách này để sử dụng, nhằm tôn trọng giá trị của cuốn sách này, cũng như tôn trọng tác quyền của tác giả cũng như nhà xuất bản. Chúng tôi gõ lại cuốn sách này nhằm mục đích duy nhất là để học tập, nghiên cứu, không hề mang bất cứ mục đích kinh doanh nào. Mọi hành động thương mại liên quan tới bản gõ lại này là không hề liên quan tới chúng tôi. Mong các bạn tôn trọng tác giả và tôn trọng ý muốn của chúng tôi. Trong quá trình gõ và biên tập, do trình độ không chuyên, không thể tránh khỏi có sai sót. Xin cảm ơn, chúc các bạn học tốt. 1 Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking IELTS SPEAKING – MAT CLARK Preface During my 5 years as an IELTS examiner in China, I have seen thousands of Chinese IELTS candidates perform OK in the speaking interview. Most people would agree that an OK score in speaking is 5 or 6. Many students now realize that a score of 5 or 6 for speaking is not enough for their study requirements...
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...Carpal Tunnel Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common injury among people who work with their hands a lot. Jobs and hobbies such as a heavy duty mechanic and sewing will often lead to this injury and have people asking why does this happen. This injury can prevent the play of many of our favourite sports and can cause pain up through the arm that it affects. Carpal Tunnel can affect a person’s feel which is extremely crucial in sports such as golf, tennis, billiards, and many more. However there are treatments that can be made to combat Carpal Tunnel. These treatments are not absolute guarantees as there have been complications following Carpal Tunnel treatment. Carpal Tunnel is a sport’s injury that can take effect in almost anyone and the signs symptoms and treatments should be known to each person. Carpal Tunnel is defined by the Electronic Text Book of Hand Surgeries (n.d.) as “the effect of pressure on the median nerve, one of the main nerves of the hand. It can result in a variety of problems, including pain, tingling, numbness, swelling, weakness or clumsiness of the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers.” Carpal Tunnel is contracted most commonly through typical daily activities that we do as hobbies, in our work, or just normal everyday life. Pub-Med Health describes these activities as all being possible contributors to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; driving, sewing, assembly work, painting, writing, use of tools, some sports such as racquetball and handball, and playing a...
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...Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Chào các bạn, xuất phát từ nhu cầu bản thân muốn học môn speaking cho bài thi tiếng anh IELTS, chúng tôi nhận thấy cuốn sách này có giá trị rất tốt cho việc tham khảo. Tuy nhiên, các bản sách điện tử đang tràn lan trên mạng Internet hiện nay có chất lượng rất thấp, kèm theo đó là việc có thêm tiếng Trung dẫn tới lãng phí về giấy in, tiền bạc, thời gian. Hiện nay, cuốn này này đã được một nhà xuất bản tại Việt Nam mua lại bản quyền từ tác giả Mat Clark, và đã xuất bản tại Việt Nam, chúng tôi khuyên các bạn nên mua cuốn sách này để sử dụng, nhằm tôn trọng giá trị của cuốn sách này, cũng như tôn trọng tác quyền của tác giả cũng như nhà xuất bản. Chúng tôi gõ lại cuốn sách này nhằm mục đích duy nhất là để học tập, nghiên cứu, không hề mang bất cứ mục đích kinh doanh nào. Mọi hành động thương mại liên quan tới bản gõ lại này là không hề liên quan tới chúng tôi. Mong các bạn tôn trọng tác giả và tôn trọng ý muốn của chúng tôi. Trong quá trình gõ và biên tập, do trình độ không chuyên, không thể tránh khỏi có sai sót. Xin cảm ơn, chúc các bạn học tốt. 1 Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking IELTS SPEAKING – MAT CLARK Preface During my 5 years as an IELTS examiner in China, I have seen thousands of Chinese IELTS candidates perform OK in the speaking interview. Most people would agree that an OK score in speaking is 5 or 6. Many students now realize that a score of 5 or 6 for speaking is not enough for their study requirements...
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...GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Application Form Paste your unsigned recent colour photograph | PART A: Details of the Applicant 8. Deta 9. Whether SC/ST : None SC | | ST | | 10. Physically Handicapped : Yes | | No | | 11. Details of previous Foreign Visits : Place visited | Details of visit | Sponsored by | Year of Visit | | | | | 12. Dietary Preferences : Vegetarian | | Non Vegetarian | | 13. Religion Jainism _ 14. Hobbies- Football, Reading 15. Details of Medical History, if any: None 16. Details of any Academic or extracurricular (music/dance etc.) Awards/ Personal Distinction /Scholarship (copies to be enclosed): Area of Specialization/ Name of the Award/ Scholarship | Conferred by | Year | Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) in Science pursuit | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) | 2014 | 17. Special interest areas: Robotics, Finance, Intercultural immersion 18. Languages (Indian/Foreign) known: S.No. | Language | Read | Write | Speak | 1. | Hindi | | | | 2. | English | | | | 19. Whether worked with any youth related organization like NCC, NSS, NYKS, other (please specify and enclose relevant documents thereof) ANY DISTINGUISHED WORK DONE, if so, please state, clearly. (Max 150 words) Working as a part of team Techfest, I have been involved in various social initiatives such...
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... Part 1 For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example. Refer to Ch. 1 in the text for explanations of these dimensions. Physical health: pertains to the general health of one's body. Having a cold or flu or if you experience pain or fatigue when you exercise moderately? These are signs that can tell you whether or not your physical wellness is being neglected. Social health: pertains to how you interact with others. If you are friendly and outgoing, or isolative? Are you involved in your community? It's important to point out that someone with a lot of friends isn't necessarily more socially well than someone with a few friends. To be socially well means that your expectations and desires regarding your interactions with others are being met. Intellectual health: pertains to whether or not you meet your desired level of intellectual stimulation. Enroll in a formal education or training program, or simply study a hobby of yours to contribute to your positive intellectual wellness. Environmental health: pertains to the type of environment you live in such as for example if you live next to a sewage plant. That wouldn’t be too healthy for you and your family. The key is to find an environment that you can feel healthy in and can continue to be healthy while you live there. Emotional health: pertains to how...
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