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Descriptive Essay On 'Normal' By Jason Neri

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Define “Normal” Chapter 31 by Jason Neri. I open my eyes. I look around, I’m in a void. I think I’m in a dream, because I don’t feel anything. I take in my surroundings. Far into the distance is a gigantic rectangle of light, while I’m stuck in this cube of darkness. Turning around I find that this dark cube I’m in is bigger than I thought but still smaller than the light rectangle. While looking at the other half of this cube, something starts forming. It gets into the shape of a person, around 5’9. It kinda like those black holes you see on TV. Just a void in another void. I feel my body trying to be forced to the light, but something stronger keeps me in the dark cube, pulling me closer to this figure. A banging noise started. It felt like someone was using a hammer to smash my ear drums. If I could cry I would but it’s a dream, there is one noise I can make out that isn’t painful. A soft voice going, “Antonia wake up!”

I wake up drenched in sweat, with my alarm clock going crazy. I reach over to turn it off. My mom …show more content…
Just get ready.” I jump right off my bed and storm towards the bathroom. Who needs breakfast anyway? After I get ready I run out the door waving to mom as I reach the gate. It opens up and the bus is right there. I start running on the grass outside my house it isn’t even so I gains some speed. The last kid is about to get on the bus, I roll into a jump and land right next to the bus. My bus drive is visibly annoyed. I make my way to the back of the bus, where my friends are. On my left sat Ram, and my friend Cargo, his actual name is James, but he always prepares and brings plenty of stuff so we call him Cargo. He’s rocking a spiked haircut the he dyed red. On my right is Cindy, who doesn’t have a nickname she always does insane things, (Like hopping on the back of a moving truck) hoping to get a nickname. But we don’t give her one since it’s kind’ve an inside joke that she doesn’t have one. I slide in the seat next to

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