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'Johnny And Dally In The Outsiders'

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The Outsiders Essay There were various types of characters displayed in this book that acted differently than the others. The characters I liked best were Johnny and Dally. Even though Johnny was a Greaser and had seen many people get hurt, he still hated the fighting and was quiet most of the time when it came to standing up to the other Greasers and Socs. He was the one everybody in their gang would want to take care of because of how fragile he was from what was happening with his parents and when he got jumped by some Socs when he was alone. After all that was happening to him and no matter how scared he was, he was still trying to be brave with Ponyboy since he was the youngest and they were all alone having to rely on each other for almost a week. Dally was my other favorite because he didn’t show it many times in front of people, but he truly loved and treasured Johnny like a brother and would do anything to help him or keep his spirits up. It wasn’t until Johnny died that Dally had showed how much he cherished Johnny and that the pain and guilt was too much that he would rather endanger himself enough to die such a tragic death. On the outside he looked like a regular cold and hostile Greaser, but on the inside he was a man who sincerely cared for all the boys …show more content…
I’m a blend of some characters here and there. With Ponyboy, I can relate to his intelligence and others wanting him to do better in school because they say they see potential in him that he doesn’t seem to see or understand. Like Johnny, we’re both reserved and tend not to speak up when it’s necessary. He also just wants to leave and not have to go back to his home, which is how I am with Oklahoma. I can also relate to Cherry of her mixed emotions on the social classifications they have because they’re all people but some just can’t get as much money as the others. She was born into one side but understands all the ways they’re all the

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