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Desert Biome Research Paper

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Nathan gonzalez

Desert Biome

A desert is very hot and barely gets any rain.In the summer the tempature reaches up to 50 and 70F.Every year there is less than 250mm of water from the clouds.In the winter desert it could still be very hot but not like the summer.Deserts filled with sand.

Locations,Deserts are almost all over the world.The world is getting hotter and hotter as the sun grows soon there will be l even more deserts.North America has a desert it’s called the sahara desert.A desert in Mexico and in U.S.A. is called the sonoran desert.In India and Pakiston
The desert is called the Thar desert.And last is a coastal desert the other four are hot deserts.And it’s in Peru and Chili it’s called the Atacama desert.

Plants, in deserts there isn't like beautiful flowers or any butterfly's NO.We have wild flowers there like flowers but different.Cacti.Cacti does not need water just a little bit.Many cacti contain very toxic stuff.Than i have a saguaro cactus.These are not like just cacti these are as big as TREES no lie.They could reach up to 70 feet very tall.Last mexican poppies there just more flowers.But yellow i guess.

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