...rhvekrv;ev fv d dv your writing skills, the better your degree classification: The majority of marks which contribute to your degree classification will come from exam essays or other written work (assessed essays, third year project). • This education is costing you, so get your money’s worth. What students want help with Style conventions in scientific writing (1) 76.6% Lab report writing skills (2) 70.2% Thinking skills (2) 70.2% How to reference properly (3) 59.6% Presentation skills (4) 55.3% How to revise your written work effectively (5) 51.1% Learning / Research skills (6) 48.9% Essay writing skills (7) 44.7% Basic writing skills (8) 12.8% Unfortunately, you need to get to grips with (8) before you can truly master (1)…. Writing Skills for Psychologists Factors which contribute to your written work’s grade include (1) Your general writing skills. (How to write) (2) Your understanding of what is required of an undergraduate essay / lab report / presentation. (Why to write) (3) Your understanding of the topic. (What to write) This lecture will focus on 1 and 2. HOWEVER improving 1&2 will inevitably lead to improvements in 3! The following factors are equally important, and are down to you. 1. How interested you are in the topic. 2. The importance you attach to receiving a high grade for a particular piece of work. 3. The amount of effort you are prepared to make given other academic commitments. Writing Skills for Psychologists ...
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...SAGE COURSE COMPANIONS K N O W L E D G E A N D S K I L L S for S U C C E S S Operations Management Andrew Greasley © Andrew Greasley 2008 First published 2008 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP SAGE Publications Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 India SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd 33 Pekin Street #02-01 Far East Square Singapore 048763 Library of Congress Control Number: 2006939578 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-4129-1882-4 ISBN 978-1-4129-1883-1 (pbk) Typeset by C&M Digitals (P) Ltd, Chennai, India Printed in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Printed on paper from sustainable resources contents Part One Part Two 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10...
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...(Prepared by Geoffrey da Silva) ------------------------------------------------- Note: this set of notes is provided as guidelines as to how you should go about to prepare YOUR OWN set of study notes for exam revision. Remember these are just GUIDELINES or short bullet points advising you what could be the approach to answering the questions and the sources you can extract the information from – BOTH the text and the lecture notes (GDS version only). You have ALREADY been advised by the course coordinator that these questions are just samples and are NOT to be construed as spotted questions for the coming examination. These are just good “practice questions” that you should use for purposes of revising your topics. Please make sure that you study widely around the chapter topics and DO NOT assume that the questions below will be set directly as they are in the coming examination. Remember this – study the topic but never study the question. The questions below could be set differently but topics could be similar. Blank spaces are provided under each of the drafts so that you can add in your own research and examples. Good luck in your preparations. Note: these are brief points; use this word document to work with your team/groups to insert your own points and examples. I provide the template only! 1. Describe the four ways of strategic thinking (or lenses). Give examples to illustrate how the design and experience lenses on strategy development help understand the strategic...
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...qualities is an understanding that it does not stand alone as an opinion. In fact, college-level writing acknowledges and engages with the ideas of others who have also often done some critical thinking and outside research on the topic. Essentially, college professors want essays that exchange ideas with other readers and writers rather than present ideas on the level of opinions. This is not to say that a student’s ideas do not count in college writing. The process to a completed paper does often begin with one’s own point of view, and professors encourage students to have their own opinions. Understanding that a personal opinion only begins the process, however, is the first step towards improving one’s writing. An Academic “Argument” The word argument often brings to mind attorneys battling in a courtroom or employees demanding a raise. As in these scenarios, a writer of an academic paper also wants to...
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...ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET COURSE : ITM 352; SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT NAME OF LECTURER: CASMIR MAAZURE START DATE : 7TH NOV 2013 DUE DATE: 28TH NOV 2013 STUDENTS INDEX NO_: NAMES SIGNATURE 1. …………………….. 2. …………………….. 3. ……………………… 4. …………………….. 5. ……………………… Key Areas | Marks / Grade | | Excellent | Very Good | Satisfactory | Needs More Work | Understanding of task/ identification of problem | | | | | Appropriate Solution response | | | | | Logical development and argument | | | | | Evaluation and critical analysis | | | | | Research and fact finding | | | | | Style/ Referencing | | | | | NB: MAKE A CLEAN PHOTOCOPY OF THIS FOR YOUR COVER PAGE. USE PEN TO WRITE YOUR NAMES, INDEX NUMBERS AND SIGN. DO NOT REPRODUCE THIS COVER PAGE. VERY IMPORTANT ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS In group of five, prepare a project plan and a report as a consultant for submission to the company. Make sure that you demonstrate the use of systematic analysis and project management methodology. You must adopt a standard framework/ format for your report. THE PROJECT CASE STUDY You have been appointed software Project Manager for the development for the new ITE Computer group Mobile Personal Communicator. Your job is to ensure that the software and associated documentation is delivered to the highest quality...
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...expansion and revision of my class materials, intended for use as a refresher or as a free introductory research methods course. Topics are organized into five main sections, with subsections (in parentheses): * Introduction (INTRO)–a brief overview of educational research methods (3) * Quantitative Methods (QUANT)–descriptive and inferential statistics (5) * Qualitative Methods (QUAL)–descriptive and thematic analysis (2) * Mixed Methods (MIXED)–integrated, synthesis, and multi-method approaches (1) * Research Writing (WRITING)–literature review and research report guides (5) Most subsection contains a non-technical description of the topic, a how-to interpret guide, a how-to set-up and analyze guide using free online calculators or Excel, and a wording results guide. All materials are available for general use, following the Creative Commons License. Introduction (INTRO)–a brief overview of educational research methods 1. What is Educational Research? (uploaded 7.17.09) 2. Writing Research Questions (uploaded 7.20.09) 3. Experimental Design (uploaded 7.20.09) ------------------------------------------------- Experimental Design The basic idea of experimental design involves formulating a question and hypothesis, testing the question, and analyzing data. Though the research designs available to educational researchers vary considerably, the experimental design provides a basic model for comparison as we learn new designs and techniques...
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...COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (86) The Aim: 1. To empower students by enabling them to build their own applications. 2. To introduce students to some effective tools to enable them to enhance their knowledge, broaden horizons, foster creativity, improve the quality of work and increase efficiency. 3. To enable students to learn to use the World Wide Web in order to gather knowledge and communicate with students and the academic community all over the world. 4. To enable students to learn to process words and numbers, analyze data, communicate ideas effectively and make the optimum use of computer resources. 5. To help students learn fundamental concepts of computing using object oriented approach in one computer language. 6. To provide students with a clear idea of ethical issues involved in the field of computing. CLASS IX There will be one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and Internal Assessment of 100 marks. The paper will be divided into two sections A & B. Section A (Compulsory – 40 marks) will consist of compulsory short answer questions covering the entire syllabus. Section B (60 marks) will consist of questions which will require detailed answers and there will be a choice of questions in this section. THEORY - 100 Marks 1. Operating System i) Command User Interface The need for an Operating System, the Booting Process, Directory handling, Absolute and Relative path names, File handling, Disk handling Commands, Batch Files. ii) Graphic User Interface...
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...IIE Module Guide ACCO230 ACCOUNTING 2A (DIPLOMA) MODULE GUIDE 2013 First edition: (2013) This manual enjoys copyright under the Berne Convention. In terms of the Copyright Act, no 98 of 1978, no part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the proprietor. The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private further and higher education and training institution under the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (reg. no. 2009/FE07/003, prov. to 31/12/2014) and the Higher Education Act, 1997 (reg. no. 2007/HE07/002). © The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd 2013 - Page 1 of 82 IIE Module Guide ACCO230 DID YOU KNOW? Student Portal The full-service student portal provides you with access to your academic administrative information, including: an online calendar, timetable, academic results, module content, document reviews, financial account, and so much more. Module Guides or Manuals When you log into the Student Portal, the Module Information page displays “Module Purpose” and “Textbook Information” including online “Module Guides or Manuals” for each module for which you are registered. Supplementary Materials For certain modules, electronic supplementary material...
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...How can we answer questions about creation and origins? Learning from religion and science: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Humanism – Year 9 About the unit This unit suggests activities that can be used in teaching and learning about creation and origins. It can be adapted to local circumstances and for different age groups. It illustrates the provision of the non-statutory national framework for religious education (RE) and can be used or adapted to deliver an agreed syllabus or other guidelines. This unit focuses on creation and origins of the universe and human life and the relationship between religion and science. It aims to deepen pupils’ awareness of ultimate questions through argument, discussion, debate and reflection and enable them to learn from a variety of ideas of religious traditions and other world views. It explores Christianity, Hinduism and Islam and also considers the perspective of those who do not believe there is a god (atheists). It considers beliefs and concepts related to authority, religion and science as well as expressions of spirituality. Pupils have opportunities to discuss, question and evaluate important issues in religion and science. They also have opportunities to reflect on and evaluate their own beliefs and values, and the beliefs and values of others, in relation to questions of truth and purpose. This unit can be adapted for other religions – using responses from other religious traditions to the key questions, including accounts...
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...memorandum to: | ict director, alpine data insight company | from: | [Your Name] | subject: | PROposal for a research project on ethical computer hacking course | date: | November 9, 2014 | | | Proposal Synopsis Ethical computer hacking is one of the most essential penetration testing tools that has been used over time. Following the previous discussions, this proposal seeks to present the viability of a research project on the Ethical Computer Hacking course. Furthermore, apart from the benefits and associated shortcomings of a course on ethical hacking as a solution, this document presents the methodology for the execution of the research project and further illuminates the qualifications of the research personnel. Project Description Over time, more businesses are increasingly integrating information systems with their core business processes to increase efficiency and the overall output. Information systems have therefore become an integral part of business processes – IT is a key driver of business and governmental processes. In fact, studies assert that both government agencies and business have migrated their data and processing units to the ‘cloud (Vacca, 2012)’. In this sense, both the security threats and attacks on information systems have increased in the same magnitude over time. Corporate data centers have become the center of interest for most security attacks. Unfortunately, even though there have been several incidences of data theft and violation...
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...International Business Environment 1 Updated: September 2015 BA (Hons) PROGRAMME P13KL8: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 1 2015-16 AUTUMN SEMESTER MODULE OUTLINE LEVEL AND CREDITS Level 3, 10 Credits PRE-REQUISITES None MODULE CONVENOR Professor Lianxi Zhou Admin Building Room AB376 Lianxi.Zhou@nottingham.edu.cn Office Hours: Mondays 9:30-11:30 or by appointment CORE TEXT: Hill, Charles W.L. et al (2012), International Business: An Asian Perspective, McGraw-Hill: Singapore. SUMMARY OF MODULE CONTENTS The module examines macro-environmental factors that influence the economic and international business development at both country and firm levels. It will introduce and explain relevant theories and different arguments to support understanding and analysis of the international business environment. Main topics covered by the module include influence of globalization on economic and business development; current trends of international business in terms of cross-border trade and foreign direct investment; cross country differences in political, economic and financial, cultural and ethical systems and their implications for international business management. MODULE AIMS The principle aim of the module is to develop students’ awareness and knowledge of the current trends, key issues and cross-country differences in the international business context in which multinational firms operate. It aims to provide insights and stimulate 1 P13KL8 International...
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...I want to create blogs that are stronger in analysis and clarity. I often start doing these blogs 1-2 days before the blogs are due, in order to give myself to think and reflect on what I should do. So far my planning for these blogs have been watching VODs of the games or livestreams of the event, and taking notes on a notebook. I use these notes and start to think about how i’m going to organize my blog and what structure it should have. I used some resources but I think I can use them more effectively. I used classmates, such as Alejandro and Nick to generate new ideas. Since Tommy from our class also plays League of Legends and follows esports, I can sometimes ask for his opinion to see what he thinks. From a feedback suggestion by you, to get someone to read my blog before posting it to fix the flow of the paper, I’m starting to to...
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...settings. Series editors Birgit Harley Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto Jan H. Hulstijn Department of Second Language Acquisition, University of Amsterdam Volume 3 Appraising Research in Second Language Learning: A practical approach to critical analysis of quantitative research by Graeme Keith Porte Appraising Research in Second Language Learning A practical approach to critical analysis of quantitative research Graeme Keith Porte University of Granada John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam / Philadelphia Dr Graeme Keith Porte is currently Senior Lecturer at the University of Granada in Spain, where he lectures on Second Language Writing and Applied Linguistics Research Design. He frequently evaluates papers for international publications in the field and currently serves as an editorial advisor to the board of “LANGUAGE TEACHING” (Cambridge University Press) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Porte, Graeme Keith Appraising research in second language learning : a practical approach to critical analysis of quantitative research / Graeme Keith...
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...Business Writing Business writing is similar to technical writing; the concerns and strategies are the same. You start by collecting information—whether you're writing a letter, an email, a press release, or preparing a presentation, you start by gathering your thoughts and doing research. The research might involve reading relevant research papers, clinical trials, and review articles. You may want to talk with researchers, colleagues, or peruse your notes you made at relevant meetings.... It's a good idea to begin by asking yourself "What am I trying to achieve?" If you can't answer that question. the chances of writing a good piece are slim. If you can identify your global intentions, then you can evaluate your information, arguments, and recommendations against those intentions. Start immediately to identify the main issues, think about how to organize them, make some notes, brainstorm, and so on. By focusing your thoughts, you've started to think about what your readers might want or need to know. ------------------------------------------------- Some Things To Keep In Mind This is the same list of strategies used for technical writing: 1. Understand the type of report/memo/synopsis you are writing—find examples and notice the structure and organization other authors have used 2. Write down your global intentions—a phrase or two that captures the gist of your potential writing 3. Tentatively identify possible sections and subsections—this is a brainstorming...
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...STEP 01: First you want to select a topic; the issue MUST be related to your field. Consider some ideas/issues that relate to your major. Consider what controversial (has more than one side / answer / opinion / etc) issues exist in your discipline / major and which are most interesting to you and/or relevant in your field today. To help you with that, you may want to move through the brainstorm / freewrite below to see if you can develop some of those ideas. You should use this to help you come up with ideas that you could discuss and develop on the DB. You may even want to post portions of what you came up with here on the DB. Thoughtful interaction could earn you some BONUS in the CE column and allow you to SPIN some ideas and nail down some solid topics. With that in mind, each student’s essay is to be unique with regards to its TOPIC / ISSUE / STANCE / ETC; therefore, the Board is meant to be a place to help shape ideas, not see one and “steal” it for your own essay. Topics will be reserved for those individuals who first bring them up and if similarities exist it will be the responsibility of the students to determine what different aspects of the issue will be explored by each (first poster gets first choice). I will NOT allow the “casual” student (one who is hanging around on the roster but not really submitting assignments and/or participating on the previous Boards) tell me at the last minute that “X” is his/her project when a conscientious student already articulated...
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