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Designers in the Social Spectrum


Submitted By liam25
Words 1377
Pages 6
Designers in the social spectrum
How design is becoming more disconnected from our ever changing social world. In today's continually more connected and virtual world, it seems that design and design culture as a whole has become more about providing a potential idea or thought about how to solve social problems and issues, while not taking the time to think about how it might be implemented. There are now two extremely different routes people take, hypothetical design for our social world, and then design that may or may not apply to the social world. While each has merits, hypothetical design is being embraced in a fuller sense because of the lack of research it openly requires and its ability to produce hot off the cuff ideas that can be thrown in the trash and never implemented. A major stem in this issue is design education, or lack thereof. As stated by Donald Norman in his "Why Education Must Change" paper, "The uninformed are teaching the uninformed" leading to a great cycle of biased, useless social design that doesn't actually lend a hand to the many problems facing this world. Being able to design is one thing, but implementation of a scientific method and research into design brings your ability to target specific demographics and problems to an entire new frontier. It is important to teach the incorporation of science and method with design, along with research so that problems people face or the improvements we want to make are properly addressed and analyzed, meaning that the solutions will become more viable, and the design world as a whole will shift towards better practice. The idea of the scientific method and design thinking have been around for years (more so the scientific method which traces its origins back to the Renaissance), however, they have never been thought of in the same connotations even though they deal with design for social

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