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Destructive Leadership: the Cause, Effect, and Aftermath


Submitted By skavi
Words 2950
Pages 12
Destructive Leadership: The Cause, Effect, and Aftermath
Snehal Kavi
University of Maryland, University College
This paper explores the behaviors of a destructive leader, and how this negativity affected the leader’s subordinates. Several peer-reviewed articles support the ideas that decision-making, influence tactics, power, and emotional intelligence create a successful leader. However, these traits were non-existent in a particular leaders case, which led to undesirable behaviors throughout the organization. The operational manager at a pain management company incessantly belittled and humiliated her subordinates, exerting power in the incorrect manner. This leader had little knowledge and expertise in her field, did not know how to create boundaries, and was lacking in decision-making skills. The subordinates of this leader suffered at work since they did not have a source for training, questions, and feedback. Destructive leadership in the workplace can cause several problems –apathy, disincentive, and failure. As a subordinate to this destructive leader, I learned that a strong leader is someone who can teach, understand, and cope with his or her subordinate’s emotions, while together holding a sense of authority over the subordinates.

Destructive Leadership: The Cause, Effect, and Aftermath

Introduction Leaders in the workplace can ultimately shape the direction of the success of a company. Leaders provide subordinates with clarification on their duties, expectations, and motivation towards job satisfaction. In most businesses, managers must possess the attributes of a leader, and leaders must possess the qualities of a manager. According to Colquitt, Lepine, & Wesson (2013) a manager is one who copes with complex and difficult situations, while a leader copes with change. A manager plans

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