...KM0902 Marketing strategy of OMO detergent from 2002 to now INTRODUCTION Today’s Vietnam has opened integration with the international economy so consumers have more choices. The competition between brands is increasingly fierce. Therefore, companies are adopting new methodologies in order to market their products and services to a contemporary market. However, one of the brands lies in the heart of numerous customers in Vietnam and perhaps no one do not know about OMO detergent of Unilever. It has very good and efficient marketing strategy in Viet Nam. Unilever increases its market segment by catering to economically diverse segments of groups in the same country or region, through the launch of distinct brands, thereby aiming to increase the exposure of its brands among a wider section of the market (Arnold and Quelch, 1998). Marketing strategy has evolved as an important feature for the strategic development and expansion of business in economies of large scale and emerging markets (Bang and Sharad, 2008). Little rereach has been done on topic advantages and disadvantages of OMO. Omo detergent has a good marketing strategy (Huong Sen, 2010). However, there is little information avalable on marketing strategy of OMO detergent from 2002 to now as well as the lack of specific information about OMO brand. This paper report the results of surveys conducted in order to determine marketing and detail customers’ perception about the laundry detergent brand that help to develop marketing...
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...the detailed analysis of the market. Clearly, the majority (relative to individual detergent brand) of the users are still in the soap segment. To grow, Unilever could choose to steal market shares from other players. However, neither P&G nor local brands have large market share. Thus, a better way to grow is to penetrate market of laundry soap. Although Unilever has shares in laundry soap, the major players in laundry soap market are local brands. Therefore, cannibalization is not a huge issue. Then, the strategy should be focusing on developing a product that brings soap users to detergent market. Value Proposition There are a number of major reasons why soaps are popular in NE Brazil including: 1) price 2) water hardness 3) leisure while doing laundry. Existing detergents such as Omo or Compeiro bring none or very few of these values to customers. Although it is excellent in removing stain, it requires customers to invest a large amount into laundry machine and water refinement to fully apply detergents’ convenience and effectiveness. Thus, it makes sense for the company to develop a new detergent that work for women who are used to hand wash. Since hand wash historically requires a great amount of efforts, the new product should be aimed to 1) eliminate the amount of efforts. Meanwhile, it is applied on skin constantly. The chemicals 2) should not irritate skin. Furthermore, since the detergent is used mostly in river or public laundry. It must 3) easily dissolve in regular...
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...Cold-Water Detergents Get a Cold Shoulder Tom Uhlman for The New York Times A researcher for Procter & Gamble, Jack English, with fabric test samples. P.&. G makes Tide Coldwater, a category leader. By ANDREW MARTIN and ELISABETH ROSENTHAL Published: September 16, 2011 * Newly formulated laundry detergents can wash most clothes perfectly well in cold water, manufacturers say, but customers are stubbornly refusing to turn down the temperature. Although some of these detergents have been available for several years, customers cling to mom’s age-old advice that hot water washes best — squandering energy and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Add to Portfolio * Procter & Gamble Company * Whirlpool Corp * Target Corp Go to your Portfolio » Enlarge This Image Tom Uhlman for The New York Times Mandy Pessler, a P.& G. researcher, using a computer microscope camera to examine cloth fibers at a company lab. Even in Germany, where consumers tend to be more environmentally attuned than in the United States, manufacturers have discovered that cold-water washing is such a hard sell that they have relegated claims about it — and the attendant green benefits — to the fine print, choosing to emphasize other attributes. “For selling, it is much more effective to focus on stain removal and whiteness, performance and price,” said Dr. Thomas Mueller-Kirschbaum, a senior vice president for research and development at Henkel, the German...
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...EMULSION SURFACTANT FOR DETERGENTS ____________________ A Research Project Presented to the Faculty of the Science Technology and Engineering Batasan Hills National High School IBP Road, Batasan Hills, Quezon City ____________________ In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Research III ____________________ by Borromeo, Kristine Joy R. March 2016 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Background of the Study Almost every human uses detergents everyday, the problem is we had gone too far in using detergents. Detergents are for cleansing that are daily in use. They are becoming more and more expensive and on demand because of their increasing purposes. In this modern age, detergents are not as effective as what like they said in ads and commercials because sometimes too much chemicals re used which can affect its effectivity. The research is done to find out an alternative solution for the problem said in detergents using cassava leaves. Cassava leaves is common inside the community. The solution aims to produce the as an potential emulsion surfactant for detergents using the cassava leaves. The product does the same job as others but is more natural because an organic specimen is added. It contains less harmful chemicals. The said product will perform important functions in detergents cleaning such as loosening emulsifying and holding suspension until it can be rinsed (Healthy Cleaning 101, 2010 ) . Detergents are a surfactant or a mixture...
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...Soaps & detergents September 4th 2013 ------------------------------------------------- Lab Report: Experiment 18 : Soaps & detergents September 4th 2013 Lab Partners: Jeremy Campion & Jacques Donaldson Lab Partners: Jeremy Campion & Jacques Donaldson Introduction: Soaps and detergents our used frequently in our daily day to day life. Soap is a salt of a compound as a fatty acid. A soap molecule consist of a long hydrocarbon chain(composed of hydrogens and carbons) with a carboxylic acid group on one end which is ionic bonded to a metal ion, usually in sodium and potassium. Detergents are structurally similar to soaps, but differ in water-soluble portion. In this experiment we had to prepare soap and compare its properties to that of a synthetic detergent. We also had to compare the relative cleansing ability and costs of soap and some detergents. We were using saponification which date back to 600 BC. There were two different parts for this experiment that requires us to let the making of the soap. Materials Needed: Stirring Rod Test Tubes(6) Ajax Sodium Chloride NaCl Sodium hydroxide NaOH Ethanol C2H5OH Calcium Chloride CaCl Mineral Oil Mg(No3)2 Test Rack Iron(3) Chloride FeCl3 Hydrochloric acid Hot Plate Alkanox Stock Saop pH Paper Droppers Funnel Beaker 2-600-mL Ice bath Stain cloths Experimental Section: No Calculations Results: For our overall results we found that stock detergent cleaned the cloth...
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...DATE: 02/07/08 RIN DETERGENT: TO POSITION OR REPOSITION In early January 1989, Irfan Mustafa, General Manager, Personal Products and Market Research, Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited, was wondering what action to take regarding the marketing of the laundry detergent bar RIN, which had been introduced to the Pakistani market in April 1984. The product was specially formulated and promoted as a fabric washer. Mr. Mustafa felt the sales volumes for RIN had reached reasonably satisfactory levels in 1988. However, a recent survey confirmed his suspicion that RIN was primarily being used for dish washing. COMPANY Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited (Levers), a subsidiary of Lever Brothers International, produced and marketed a variety of consumer products in Pakistan. The company’s diverse product line consisted of items such as shampoos, skin and shaving creams, edible oils, margarine, toilet soaps, scourers, and laundry detergents in powder and solid bar forms. In 1988, Levers had a profit before tax of Rs 277 million on sales of Rs 3.65 billion.1 MARKET In 1988, the total fabric wash sales of 263,050 tonnes in Pakistan consisted of 247,000 tonnes of laundry soap, 14,500 tonnes of nonsoap detergent (NSD) powders, and 1550 tonnes of NSD bars.2 The laundry soap, NSD detergent, and NSD bar markets had grown by 5 percent, 12 percent, and 29 percent respectively, as compared to 1987. Laundry soap retailed for Rs 10 to Rs 15 per kilogram (kg), whereas NSD detergent powders had a wider price...
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...To achieve control on cost, size and scale of operations and supply of keyraw materials, The synthetic detergent market can be classified into premium (Surf, Ariel), mid-price (Rin, Wheel) and popular segments (Nirma), which account for 15%, 40% and 45% of the total market, respectively. The product category is fairly mature and is dominated by two players, HUL and Nirma. Nirma created a revolution in the market by pioneering the concept of low-cost detergents. Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. India is a one of the largest consumer economy, with burgeoning middle class pie. In such a widespread, diverse marketplace, Nirma aptly concentrated all its efforts towards creating and building a strong consumer preference towards its ‘value-for-money’ products. In a short span, Nirma created an entirely new market segment in domestic marketplace, which is, eventually the largest consumer pocket and quickly emerged as dominating market player – a position it has never since relinquished. Rewriting the marketing rules, Nirma became a one of the widely discussed success stories between the four-walls of the B-school classrooms across the world. What do you think about the positioning of the brand? Amongst the low cost players, Nirma commands a premium positioning PRODUCT Since the launch of Nirma detergent powder in 1969, the Nirma portfolio has grown to include fabric care products, personal care products, food...
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...Comparison of Advertising Strategies of Safeguard vs. Lifebuoy Soap Tahir Ajaib Babar MC070201657 15th May, 2013 Department of Management Sciences, Virtual University of Pakistan TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Introduction …………….…………………………………...………………………. 3 Background …………………………………………..………………………….……4 Objectives ………………………………………………………..……………….…. 4 Significance…………………………………………………….………………….… 4 Chapter 2 Project Proceedings………………………………………………..……………….....5 Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Data collection tools/instruments……………………………………….………..7 3.2 Subjects/Participants……………………………………………….………….....7 3.3 Data processing and analysis…………………………………………….…….....7 Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………8 Chapter 1: 1.1 Introduction of the Project: Safeguard, launched in 1995 by Procter & Gamble has set new standards for defining "health & hygiene" in Pakistan. It is an anti- bacterial soap that provides germ protection for twice as long as ordinary soaps making it the doctors' number 1 recommended choice throughout the world. In addition to germ protection, it also caters to various other needs such as beauty care and protection against sweat odor. Safeguard Soap a product of Procter & Gamble is based on clinical testing. Safeguard is targeting the whole family, but it is putting more emphasis on children. Children are more vulnerable to germs and they need more protection, because they spend more outside the home playing around...
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...Animal nutrition focuses on dietary needs of domestic animals in agriculture or food production. In order to properly give the right balance of nutritional needs, one must know what the animal need in order to properly grow and develop. The amount of feed one gives to an animal should include an overall balance of essential nutrients to ensure successful production. An optimal nutritious diet should include intakes of amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. The importance and our overall objective of this lab was to determine the different nutritional aspects in animal feed. In our case, my group and I analyzed horse feed. We were to determine the amount and percentages of ether extract, protein analysis, NDF, acid detergent fiber, ADF, and ADL in an amount of feed. Materials & Methods Ether Extraction Materials Thimbles Thimble stand and handler Grinded sample Condenser Purpose To purify samples of organic compounds that are solids at room temperature Method Attach the thimbles to the adapters. Weigh the sample (2g) into the thimble. Move the thimbles to the thimble stand. Put a defatted cotton plug on the top of the sample and place the thimbles into thimble supports attached to the holder. Insert the thimbles into the condensers. Raise the holder into the condensers. Move each knob to the boiling position. Insert the six extraction cups, tarred with boiling chips and loaded with 25-50mL of the solvent. Move the extraction mode knobs...
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...THE EFFECTIVENESS OF JUTE (Corchoruscapsularis Linn.) EXTRACT AS AN ADDITIVE IN MAKING DISHWASHING SOAP A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty Ilocos Norte National High School Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP) In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research I ABIGAIL RIO C. ACOBA IX – SSC RUTHERFORD CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM: RATIONALE & BACKGROUND Background of the Study Soap is now considered as a regular need for almost all of the living human population across the world, mainly as softening agent and as a product for other personal hygiene purposes, wherein some are proven to be expensive and less effective. One of its kinds is dishwashing soap which we use in washing the dishes in removing the tough stains and grease that is all over the common kitchen tools we use in our everyday lives. It is a great help to minimize the time of removing those tough stains and grease on our kitchen tools. Buying and using the wrong dishwashing soap could put your family’s safety to danger. Your food could pick up a part of the residue that the dishwashing soap left and could cause food poisoning especially because most products contain chlorine in a dry form that is highly concentrated. It could also cause you a lot of skin damages such as unexpected whitening, rashes, and dry skin problems. Putting all of these aside, the question in everyone’s mind is, “What can be a lot safer, cheaper, and more effective ingredient in making and producing...
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...September 9, 2015 MRS. VILLABROSA ASSIGNMENT: CLEANING AGENT TYPES OF CLEANING DETERGENTS This standard includes general information on the different types of cleaning detergents, their typical uses, and their advantages and limitations. Sample products are listed when known. SOAP Uses: 1. A surfactant (Surface Active Agent). 2. Soaps are produced from naturally occurring fats and oils. Soapless or synthetic detergents are manufactured from organic chemicals usually derived from petroleum. Advantages: 1. Very effective as a bactericide. 2. It will form gels, emulsify oil and lower the surface tension of water. A lower surface tension allows the soap to come in contact with greater surface area than with water alone. Disadvantages: 1. When used in hard water, soap can produce a scum - calcium and magnesium salts present in hard water react with the soap to cause this to happen. Soapless or synthetic detergents do not leave a residual film behind. 2. Considerable rinsing is required to remove soap scum. 3. Soap may produce a greasy build-up on the surface which can be slippery. 4. More expensive than synthetic detergents. Sample Products: 1. "Joy", "Ivory" (Procter & Gamble Co.) ANIONIC DETERGENTS Uses: 1. Commonly known as a "neutral" detergent. 2. The most widely used soapless detergent. 3. Available in both liquid or powder. 4. Manufactured from strong alkalis and...
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...Detergent Study by manjiri1991 | studymode.com The soap nut tree, Sapindus mukorossi, is one of the most important plants in the tropical and subtropical areas in Asia. Native to South India, it grows wild in warm temperate to tropical regions. Belonging to the family Sapindaceae, the genus Sapindus includes between 5 to 12 species. The soap nut tree, also known as Soapberry, has been used traditionally in India to wash clothes and hair. The Indian names for soap nut are Ritha, Doadni, Doda or Dodan. In China and Japan it has been used as a remedy for centuries. ABOUT THIS REPORT Delivery method: instant download Report format: PDF (download a sample) Market statistics: Excel workbook (download a sample) Overview Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Home Care industry in India with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts. Find hidden opportunities in the most current research data available, understand competitive threats with our detailed market analysis, and plan your corporate strategy with our expert qualitative analysis and growth projections. If you're in the Home Care industry in India, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions. When you purchase this report, you also get the data and the content from these category reports in India for free: * Air Care * Bleach * Dishwashing * Insecticides * Laundry care * Polishes * Surface care ...
Words: 4394 - Pages: 18
...15007152002 Umar Khalid - 15007152006 Zaman Saif - 15007152005 Submitted to: Mr. Ali Mehdi Ass Business Proposal Liqua Dish Wash with 4P’s of Marketing Concept Group Leader Name: Zaman Saif Semester No: 01 Batch No: 07 Assignment No: 01 Table of Contents: Introduction to Market Our Product “Liqua” Where you can use Liqua? Is Liqua Safe for People With Sensitive Skin? Where you can get Liqua? What Price for Liqua? 2015 4/21/2015 Introduction to the Market As we know, now-a-days liquid dish wash has replaced the dish wash bars in Pakistan. Since the advent of liquid soap in Pakistan, the detergent producer has not found it easy pinching with the competition. This is because of the simple fact that liquid soap is fast gaining grounds for laundry and dish washing. Liquid dish wash has several advantages over soaps and detergents hence its preference for laundry and dish washing. Now several skill acquisition centers have integrated liquid soap making into their curricula hence the rise of several small scales liquid soap production companies are growing day by day. Now the big question is, how can one tap into opportunity abound in the liquid soap production industry? The answer is not far-fetched. All you have to do is to acquire the skills, setup your own share of the ever increasing market. Hence we are here with an innovative Dishwashing product in the market. Liqua – Eat with Passion & Clean with Liqua Our Dishwashing liquid “Liqua”...
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...with fairly little differentiation. Gain has great passion for the brand. Procter and Gamble works hard to appreciate the Gain consumers and to deliver the great scent experience they find in Gain. In this report, I will identify the laundry detergent industry. There are two major leading companies outside Proctor and Gamble; are Uniler manufactures of Surf and Church & Dwight manufactures of Arm & Hammer Introduction Procter and Gamble will strive to provide recognized products and outstanding quality services to our consumers. By doing so, the consumers will reward the company with profit and leadership sales allowing the company and all channels involved to succeed. While almost all laundry detergents on the market will work well to clean your clothes and get the job done, Gain offers an enticing appealing fragrance across with its array of laundry detergents. Gain delivers a fresh smell along with a great cleaning power. Describe Main Line of Business of the Company Ultimately, all laundry detergents have one, basic function—to get clothes clean. P&G has built solid brand loyalty over its formidable, long history as a company, but no company can rely upon name alone, forever. With detergents and fabric softeners, and more, Gain will fill every room in your home with anything but average scents. To continue to generate revenue and expand sales, the company has attempted to be original in the method, market structure...
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...Detergent wars: Nirma, Wheel & Ghari HLL entered India in 1957 and was the undisputed leader in detergent space. Surf was the most selling detergent in India. However in 1980's Surf suffered huge losses at the hands of a new and small firm, Nirma Chemicals. Nirma was launched in 1969 and its primary focus was to create a good, branded product at affordable prices. The product was priced far lower than the market leader - Surf. Nirma caught the attention of the middle-class and lower middle class customers and had such great sales that it evicted HUL's Surf from the No. 1 position in 1985. HLL then had a look at the situation and found that there was a large market segmentation in detergent space and then came up with lower priced Wheel (green) and Rin (blue) detergent powders targeted at different market segments. This segmentation helped HLL regain part of its lost market. This post deals with price wars which are becoming an essential part of business. But a cut in price is the last resort in a price war. We will discuss more on various tactics to fight a price war. I will primarily focus on price wars in the detergent space, will also chip in with more examples as and when suitable. Before i delve into more theories and strategies, lets have a look at some stats and series of events: The detergent market in India can be divided into premium (Surf, Ariel), mid-price (Rin, Henko, Tide) and popular segments (Ghari, Wheel, Nirma, Mr. White). They account for 15%...
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