... Determine Selection Criteria Determining selection criteria is a crucial part in the selection process. Relevant factors must be decided upon and weighed to determine what will be used to select the most qualified candidate to fill a position. Experience in a specific industry or education level can be key areas in determining the most qualified candidate. For this process to be helpful, the selection criteria must relate to the position advertised. I personally have been selected for employment based on industry experience and education only to have these factors completely ignored. Unfortunately, this situation led to my voluntarily leaving the company. Sometimes people accept a position with a company because the job description sounds like a great fit for their knowledge, skills and abilities. They later discover otherwise after a short stay with the company. This situation can sometimes work out to their advantage, as in my case with the Employment Development Department. I was hired (reinstated) by the state after a 20-year absence. I had the knowledge, skills, and abilities the position required; but the work I was doing did not pertain to my skill set. I later was told by the hiring manager I was chosen over the other candidates for the position because my positive attitude and enthusiastic personality fit the current working culture. Sometimes other qualities candidates possess can make the difference in being hired or continuing...
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...establish a new recruitment and selection process when it comes to employing our senior level staff. Below is a few options I think the organization can use to recruit and select new members for their senior level staff positions. Recruitment Approaches Recruitment approaches are highly used by human resource professionals, businesses, and organizations to fill their staffing positions. Recruiting suitable candidates to efficiently and adequately handle as well as manage senior level positions is vital to the success of the company but can also take time. Offering position to unqualified and inexperienced personnel could be detrimental to the company financially and in the competitive markets. 1. Internal Sourcing and Personal Recommendations Sometimes businesses use internal bulletins to inform staff members about available positions. They usually do this as a courtesy to those seeking to advance within the company to apply, and to seek recommendations and employee referrals. This process tends to be very effective when it comes to isolating the best job candidates. Also both old staff and new referrals almost always have some working relationship with someone within the company, and this can save the company time and money in recruiting outside of the company. (The ClearFit Team, 2012) 2. External Sourcing Job boards, newspaper advertisements and trade publication announcements are ways through which business can recruit members for...
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...HHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED TO: - SAUD SUBMITTED BY: - HAMZA IQBAL SUBMISSION DATE: - 30-AUG-2011 CONTENTS 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………… The process of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization. Human Resource Management includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and training, managing wages and salaries, providing benefits and incentives, evaluating performance, resolving disputes, and communicating with all employees at all levels. Examples of core qualities of HR management are extensive knowledge of the industry, leadership, and effective negotiation skills. Formerly called personnel management. 2 LO 1:- Understand the difference between……………………………………………………………....3 1.1 Distinguish between personnel management and human resource management and discuss the historical development and changing context in which they operate……………………………………3 1.2 Assess the role, task and activities of the human resources practitioner……………………………5 1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource practices……………….5 1.4 Analyze the impact of the legal and regulatory framework in human resource management………5 LO2:- Understand how to recruit employees……………………………………………………………... 2.1 Analyze the reasons for human resource planning in organization…………………………………… 2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning Human Resource...
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...Succession management plans are valid in all types of businesses (corporate, family business, small business) and is critical to the effective functioning and internal alignment of an organization for retaining employees, ensuring that critical tasks are completed, and helping the organization fill vacant positions more quickly and efficiently. There are several major benefits of implementing a succession management process. First, succession management allows for an organization to respond quickly and stay on target amidst change or turmoil such as a drastic and sudden change in the economy or business cycle. For example, if a significant change in the Canadian dollar appears quickly, with an effective succession management plan in place, the company is able to take appropriate action quickly to ensure the stability of the company regardless of any external factors that could potentially take a significant toll on the organization. Secondly, by having a plan in place it creates smooth, internal transition of staff, allowing the organization to save both time and money. By putting in a succession management plan, a company will be able to support new organizational structures and flexibility by providing back up for various positions and removing stress from one particular employee, such as having a program that involves employee rotation. Fourthly, succession plans help to develop employees for new opportunities and in turn giving them the required skills to increase...
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...Determining Who and Why HRM 531 August 8, 2011 Determining Who and Why Learning Team-B is task to research a job description for a well-known organization and identify our recruiting and selection methods which will be consistent with that organization. Team- B chose a job posting from the United Services Automobile Association (USAA). This posting is seeking a Compliance Manager. Our intention is to persuade the reader Team-B has a comprehensive understanding of the course objective which is knowledge of how Human Resource managers’ duties influence the recruiting and screening and the selection process for vacancies in an organization. Method of Recruiting and Screening USAA is a Fortune 500 financial services company here in San Antonio Texas whose focus is to accommodate the financial needs of members of the United States military and their families on a global scale worldwide. As of March of 2011 USAA is ranked 66 in net worth among the fortune 500 and 132nd in revenue (USAA.com, 2011). Because of the company’s financial strength and reputation it is imperative they use all available means at their disposal to recruit and hire the most talented employee in any vacancy required to be filled. Team-B looked into a number of methods of recruiting to fill this position of a Compliance Manager. After recognizing the job requires someone with a strong background in banking laws and regulations as well as risk assessment and leadership qualities it extremely...
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...“If an HR person is trying to choose people for an organization, knowing their values are very important-if they are not consistent with the organization’s values they are not likely to stay very long.” Professor Rodger Collins The aim of this report is to: • Identify and assess at least 4 factors that affect an organisation’s approach to attracting talent. • Identify and explain at least 3 organisation benefits of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. • Describe at least 3 factors that affect an organisation’s approach to recruitment and selection. • Prepare a Recruitment Authorisation Request to the MD comparing and contrasting the benefits of at least 3 different recruitment methods and three different selection methods. The Identification and Assessment of 4 Factors Which Can Affect an Organisation’s Approach to Attracting Talent Does the vacancy need to be filled? If a member of staff has left or is intending to leave in the near future, can the vacancy be filled by splitting the job between other employees? To investigate the possibility of this a job analysis would be required to gain information from the leaver and line manager via the exit interview process as to the feasibility of absorbing the required tasks into existing employee’s workloads. Why does the vacancy exist? As previously mentioned an exit interview would be carried out by the line manager, the primary aim of the exit interview is to learn reasons for the person's...
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...using different sources to find said employee candidates. Once a number of candidates are found, you must qualify each and determine if they are a good fit.(dunlapp, n.d.) Internal sourcing is the practice of advertising a new or recently vacated position within a business to existing employees. More businesses have come to use internal sourcing as a method to recruit employees upward or laterally within the company because little or no training is needed, and expenses that include advertising for a new employee and running background checks are spared. It also fosters loyalty and parity among team members. External sourcing is a method of recruitment that conducts an employee candidate search through external recruitment tools, such as job boards, newspaper advertisements and trade publication announcements. This method favors bringing in job candidates that may or may not have direct experience in your small business' line of work; a candidate within a satellite field may offer a fresh, out-of-the-box perspective to the organization. External sourcing is also used when the open position is not able to be filled by a current employee because of the technicality or specialty of the position. Small Business recommends that you know exactly what type of job candidate you are looking for before advertising the position and accepting resumes. Third-party sourcing involves using a placement agency or headhunter to find qualified job candidates. These third-party sources use various techniques...
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...Running head: RECOMMENDATION BRIEF FOR AN INTERNAL ACCOUNTANT Recommendation Brief for an Internal Accountant Claudia I. Hernandez University of Phoenix Recommendation Brief for an Internal Accountant When a company is experiencing difficulty controlling their accounting functions, hiring an internal auditor will alleviate some of the problems. Internal auditing helps companies to look at ways to improve and achieve short-term and long-term objectives. Internal auditors are hired to perform internal audits that look at a company’s operations, investigating fraud, financial reporting, safeguarding assets, and compliance of the laws and regulations set for companies. The internal auditors are employed to improve a company’s internal controls. Effective working internal controls detect and prevent fraud that is tested by internal auditors. A company must evaluate the experience and educational background of a potential internal auditor before making a decision to ensure the auditor is capable of meeting the company’s needs. Justifying the benefits of using an internal auditor Operational auditing is perhaps the most beneficial use of an internal auditor for a company experiencing difficulty controlling accounting functions. Operational auditing focuses on making recommendations on efficient use of resources, achievement of business objectives, and compliance with company policies (Louwers, Ramsay, Sinason, & Strawser, 2007) An operational audit gives you a three...
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...1.0 Introduction South East Bank Limited has a long and relished heritage. It is second generation banking which was established in 1995 with the vision to stand out as pioneer banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the national economy. It was incorporated on March 12, 1995 as a Public Limited Company. Certificate of commencement of business of the bank issued by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms was also dated March 12, 1995. The Banking license for the bank was issued by Bangladesh Bank on March 23, 1995. The bank and its first branch at the busiest commercial hub of the country at 1, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka was opened on May 25, 1995 by Mr. Saifur Rahman. The authorized capital of the bank is BDT 2500 million. It’s paid up capital and reserve reached BDT 2236.84 million as on December 31, 2005. 1.1 Purpose of the Report The manpower is the lifeblood of any service oriented organization. As a private commercial bank, South East Bank Ltd. is playing a very significant role in development of various sectors in Bangladesh economy. In the field of deposit mobilization, Loans and advances, Import and export business, foreign remittance South East Bank is showing best growth performance year after year through its highly skilled human resource. At present a large number of banking and non banking financial institutions are doing their business i.e. the banking business is more competitive for the existence and smooth running of the banking...
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...Question #1 The purpose of developing and maintaining a succession management process is to have a safety net for the company to fall back on, in situations similar to the one faced by Stonewall Industries. The succession management process is cultivated by the HR department and consists of qualified, trained candidates seeking a position within the company. The degree to which the risk management of the succession pool embodies is determined by the sufficient funds used to maintain it. Since the talent is being drawn from groups of individuals who are being sent on call in a moment’s notice, monetary compensation is expected. The overall ideal of having a succession management system in place is to enable a faster response to the impending need for an executive staff member. Benefits of implementing a succession management process are: 1. Improve internal candidate pools. 2. Assure business continuity. 3. Reduce skill gaps. 4. Retain employees. 5. Help individuals realize their career plans within the organization. 6. Develop leaders more quickly. 7. Encourage the advancement of diverse groups. 8. Improve employees’ ability to respond to changing environmental demands. Question #2 Creation of elite corps of employees: * Managers fear that publicly identifying those who will be promoted, a cadre of “crown princes” will be created. * They may coast through their job, they know that their contributions have already been recognized and the reward is in the...
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...Analysis of JetBlue Airways JetBlue Airways is a young airline that is very successful and is also growing rapidly. In this analysis, the human resource strategies, policies, and practices will be reviewed and analyzed with suggestions as to how human resources practices and equal opportunity employment law relates to JetBlue and how these practices and laws can be beneficial to all of the organization's human resources areas but also how they can be beneficial to JetBlue as an organization with a bright future. Hiring Practices JetBlue already has impressive hiring practices because they focus on finding the right people with great attitudes. However, there are three national equal employment laws that have been identified that will impact JetBlue's hiring practices. The first law identified is the Age Discrimination Act of 1967 which prohibits "employers from discriminating against individuals who were 40 to 65 years old" (Mondy, 2012). In making sure not to discount hiring people over the age of 40 whether they have previous airline experience or not can benefit JetBlue as an organization because many workers that are over the age of 40 have a great work ethic along with great customer service skills as noted by CVS executive, Stephen Wing (Mondy, 2012). This also creates diversity in the workplace which only enhances the organization. The second law identified is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that was amended in 1972. Title VII prohibits an employer...
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...A study on Recruitment And selection process of BRAC Bank Ltd. A study on Term Paper On Recruiting Process on BRAC Bank Submitted To: --------------------------- Md.Mahbub ul Alam Senior Management Counsellor Head, Training of Trainers (ToT) & Behavioral Management Division & Member Secretary, Post Graduate Diploma Courses Submitted By: -------------------------- Sabyasachi Bosu PGD-HRM Roll# 14KH002 Bangladesh Institute of Management Date of Submission: December 21, 2014 Letter of Transmittal December 21, 2014 Md.Mahbub ul Alam Senior Management Counsellor Bangladesh Institute of Management Subject: Letter of Transmittal Dear Sir, With great pleasure I submit my Recruitment and Selection process report on “BRAC Bank Limited.” that you have assigned to me as an important requirement of PGD- HRM course. I have found the study to be quite interesting, beneficial & insightful. I have tried my level best to prepare an...
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...management (P1) 3 1.2 Assess the functions of human resource management of Tesco (P2) 4 1.3 Evaluate roles and responsibilities of the line mangers of Tesco (P3) 5 1.4 Analyze impact of the UK legal and regulatory framework on human resource management (P4) 5 Task 2 6 2.1 Analyze the reasons for human resource planning for Tesco (P5) 6 2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning Tesco’s HR recruitments (P6) 6 2.3 Compare the recruitment and selection process of Tesco and Toyota (P7) 8 2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection techniques of Tesco and Toyota (P8) 8 Task 3 9 3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward (P9) 9 3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay (P10) 9 3.3 Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in two different work contexts (P11) 10 3.4 Examine methods that being used by businesses to monitor employee performance (P12) 11 Task 4 11 4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with Tesco (P13) 11 4.2 Describe employee exit procedures of Tesco and Toyota (P14) 12 4.3 Consider the impact of the UK regulatory framework on employee cessation agreements of Tesco (P15) 12 Conclusion 12 Reference 13 Introduction Human resource management is way of directing and executing the workforces of the organization in order to make easy the path towards success. The personnel management is the older version of human resource management. Both of them are the...
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... | | | |Workforce Planning and Forecasting |In Brief: This chapter explains the process of | | |Strategy and Workforce Planning |forecasting personnel requirements, discusses | | |Forecasting Personnel Needs (Labor Demand) |the pros and cons of methods used for recruiting| | |Improving Productivity Through HRIS |job candidates, describes how to develop an | | |Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates |application form, and explains how to use | | |Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates |application forms to predict job performance. | | |Talent Mgmt. & Predictive Workforce Monitoring | | | |Developing an Action Plan to Match Projected Labor Supply and Demand |Interesting Issues: The Internet has changed | | |The Recruiting Yield Pyramid |the face...
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...concepts of strategy and leadership. Accountants use a variety of technical information to make decisions for the future of the business within an ethical framework of operation. This segment shows that accounting information, ethics, strategy and leadership are applicable to accountants working throughout the world in diverse organisations. As discussed in Ethics and Governance, accounting as a profession is respected internationally and CPAs are employed worldwide. The segment materials address the needs of candidates operating in different international markets in varying roles. This segment builds upon knowledge gained in the other three compulsory segments of the professional level. The concepts of professional ethics and good governance underpin the segment. Candidates who have previously undertaken the Advanced Audit and Assurance or Strategic Management Accounting segments will be familiar with the use and application of Porter’s five forces model. Those candidates who have studied Strategic Management Accounting will note a number of concepts that have been expanded upon in this segment, including strategic analysis, performance measurement and the value chain. The international focus of this segment acknowledges the importance of the reporting requirements under...
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