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Determinism Vs Freewill

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Numerous scientific findings, especially those from the field of neuroscience, show that most of our actions can be explained through external and internal factors such as genes, upbringing, the influence of peers, community influence or schooling (Swaab, 2016). This deterministic approach towards explaining one’s behavior inevitably questions the existence of free will and what responsibility our current legal system can assign to a criminal. Despite the doubts regarding existence of free will I share with those holding the deterministic position, I believe that legal system should be based on the publicly supported concept of free will since such a system would contribute to the maintenance of social order and perseverance of the inherited …show more content…
It means that majority of people believe that every individual is free to choose and to control his behavior. The general public opinion holds up the belief that people are morally responsible because their actions are caused by their free will not by physical states of brain or external factors. The reason why people believe that human actions depend on free will is that when they are deciding about one’s moral responsibility for a misdeed, they unconsciously rely on their emotions and moral evaluations which together create reactive attitudes such as resentment or praise (Strawson, 1962). This reactive attitude is always directed towards the individual and his will to perform the action not towards the external factors. Thus, since law should reflect societal norms and attitudes, legal system should be based on the idea of free will as ordinary people believe that human actions are result of free …show more content…
As more and more scientific facts demonstrating the huge influence of external factors on one’s actions are released, the more probably it is that the general public will disregard the concept of free will and tend to accept the view that offenders actually cannot be morally responsible since it is not their fault but fault of external factors that they broke a certain standard of behavior (Greene & Cohen, 2004). However, this counterargument can be simply refuted. Strawson (1962) argues that it is impossible to evaluate individual’s actions only from the deterministic approach because the reactive attitudes are so deeply rooted in people and essential for personal relationships and social processes, that we cannot simply disregard them when forming the attitude towards one’s action and deciding whether he should be assigned with responsibility for his action or

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