...Identify The Three Domains Of Development Identify the three domains of development, as described in Chapter 1. The three domains of adult development are physical development, cognitive development, and social and emotional development. The interesting fact about the study of physical development is that it not only looks at obvious physical changes but at the unseen changes such as changes in the brain (Witt, Mossler, 2010, p. 3). Although both the study of physical development and cognitive development look at the brain, the study of physical development focuses on the actual physical changes of the brain. The study of cognitive development focuses on the mental changes of the brain. The last domain concentrates more on a person’s emotions and personality. As Witt and Mossler put it, “it is an overall description of your abilities, traits, and personality” (2010, p. 8). discussing the theories of adult development? It is important to consider each domain of development because they all affect each other and are in constant change which last a lifetime (Witt, Mossler, 2010, p. 3). As Witt and Mossler also state that “each category shows distinctly different types of development and different schedules of development; they are, however, not separate” (2010, p. 3). Why is it important to consider each domain in the study of adult development? Because this is a very helpful way for everyone to know where they are in life. An I think that it would be interesting...
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...Computer Center, Reading Center, and Art Center. This center is too helping the children with all domains and to help them with their developments. The physical domain is best reached in the dramatic play area the children are able to move large muscle groups as well as their small muscle groups and their affective domain. Their hands are cooking, mixing, setting table, or having dinner at the table. The large group has the possibility of use to set the table or change the clothes on the “babies”. The next best to help aid the children is the block area (this you will see in the bottom left corner). The block area has blocks of all textures, shapes, and sizes and sets on a rug with colors of blue, red, green and yellow shapes. While the children learn to use their small group’s muscles, more in this center, their image is boarding by the fact there is also cars and trucks in the area and they can make cities, towns, bridges, or racetracks. A good example of the physical development is when four of the students decided to “cook” dinner one afternoon while playing in the kitchen center. the first little girl said to one of the boys that it was time for dinner and he had better have had his homework done cause he had to set the table. The young and other little boy “helped” him clear the table and “set” the table for dinner. These students were able to use their physical development (large and small muscles) to place and lift items around the table. While at the same time them...
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...1. Anwar and Leah are concerned about protecting the funds in their estate after it is passed to their children. They have tried to structure their wills in as optimal a manner as possible, but their advisor has told them that once the children receive the funds, it is up to the children to take certain steps in order to protect the funds into the future. Explain some of the steps that their children (i.e. not Anwar or Leah) could do to help protect their inheritances. 5 MARKS (5 marks) Anwar and Leah, in order to protect the funds in your estate after it is passed onto your children David, Amal and Lisa. There are many steps we can take. However, it is not always possible to protect assets from claims by a former spouse or partner, especially since we are in a society where the statistics show that 50% of all marriages will end with a divorce. There are a few precautions your children can take to protect their inheritances. In David's instance since he is currently the only one married and without a marriage contract, if he wants all inheritances to remain exempt from his current spouse, he would need to discuss with his wife about setting up a marriage contract. This could be a difficult conversation to have and may put a strain on the relationship between David and his wife. She would have to agree on setting up a marriage contract and agree to the terms of being excluded from his inheritances from his parents. A marriage contract is a legal document that discloses all...
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...Did New London treat Susette Kelo and her neighbors fairly? Assuming that the proposed development would help to revitalize New London, is it just for the city to appropriate private property around Fort Trumbull? a. I believe that New London treated Kelo and her neighbors as fair as they could. The proposed development would hope to attract new development, which would help revitalize the community and bring in tax revenue. I believe it’s just for the city to appropriate private property around Fort Trumbull because of their power of eminent domain. 2. Are towns such as New London and Salina pursuing wise, beneficial, and progressive social policies, or are their actions socially harmful and biased against ordinary working people and small-business owners? a. I believe that New London and Salina are pursuing progressive social policies but their actions are socially harmful to the homeowners of the areas that they are taking over with their eminent domain right. 3. Do you believe that eminent domain is a morally legitimate right of government? Explain why or why not. a. I believe that eminent domain is a morally legitimate right of government. I feel this way because you are being compensated for your loss of property with either money or land or both. If the area where your home is located is potentially a prime area that could bring in new development and revitalize a community, I think that it is only fair that you are relocated for the...
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...name Institution name Date Introduction Question: Is the policy of eminent domain providing for the public welfare, through the taking of privately owned property, using a rightful procedure involving due process and just compensation as it was intended to do when the policy was founded? Eminent domain is the inherent power of the government to take over a citizen's property for public use without the owner's consent. Initially, this public policy originated in the Middle Ages throughout the world. It became part of the British common law before reaching the United States where it was then illustrated in the US Constitution in 1791 (Britannica: eminent domain). The Fifth Amendment granted the federal government the right to exercise eminent domain, provided protection to individuals, and protected the property rights of citizens. Shortly after the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment made the federal guarantee of “just compensation” applicable to the states. The use of eminent domain power to promote economic development, particularly in urban centers of the United States, has become the focus of significant controversy in this present day. This is commonly done when the acquisition of property is needed for the completion of certain project. Projects intended for the public good such as highways, bridges, schools, and government buildings have been created from Eminent Domain. The policy pertains to every independent government. It requires very little constitutional...
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...Kelo vs City of New London The Kelo vs City of New London case is one that was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States with the issue involving eminent domain. Eminent domain is the transfer of property from one private party (Kelo) to a public party (City of New London), with proper compensation. The case brought to light the difference between what is considered to be public use and what is the best public purpose. Susette Kelo and fellow property owners owned property that was condemned by the city of New London to be used as further economic development. The properties were taken from the owners due to the fact a pharmaceutical company named Pfizer Inc, was planning to build a facility in the area which gave the New London Development Corporation the motivation to develop the surrounding area to help increase the current New London economy. The property was to be used as a redevelopment plan which was promised to generate 3,169 new jobs and tax revenues of $1.2 million per year. The court decided in a 5-4 decision that the benefits given to the community outweighed the benefits of Susette Kelo owning the property; the courts determined this as permissible public use under the Fifth Amendment. The City of New London had agreed with Susette Kelo to compensate for moving the Kelo’s house to a new location and substantial additional compensation to other homeowners. The property eventually became an empty lot which was then transferred to a city dump due to...
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...Cents' lease, but the company refused. Lancaster then used its power to emenent domain to condemn the 99 Cents property for the purpose of making city contrasted 99 Cents property for the purpose of making it available to Costco. the city noted that blight might follow if Costco left, and the city contrasted 99Cents' under $40,000 per year in sales taxes generated with costco's more then $400,000. 99 Cents then sued the city seeking an order blocking the effort to take the 99 Cents property Eminent domain allows states the right to take over private property, at fair market value, for public use. Due the declining economy of Lancaster, I would rule in favor of the state to take over 99 Cent Only Stores Property thereby allowing Costco to move in. The additional sales tax generated by allowing Costco to take over the property of 99 Cent Only Store would allow Lancaster to continue independently as a productive county. The present negative of eminent domain, in this case, wieghs far less than the positive outcome of ruling in favor of Costco. B. Would the result be any differnet today after the Supreme Court's 2005 decision in the New London, connecticut case? Explain According the to Supreme Courts ruling, the city can file for eminent domain even if the economy is not blighted. The result would be the same today; however, prior to ruling in favor of the state, I would require Costco's development company to provide a commitment for funding. Without the benefits of funds to...
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...protected, helping to secure the future of the people while working within the company’s estimated budgets and timeframes. Describe the Situation Issue and Opportunity Identification M-Core is having difficult y negotiating acceptable deals with the remaining homeowners causing delays towards the development of the new research and development facility. The opportunity M-Core has is to develop creative ideas to resolve the conflict with the resistant homeowners by creating an alliance with Nature’s Gift Society through the implementation of a green plan during planning, developing, and implementing phases of their new facility. By creating the alliance, Nature’s Gift may ease the negotiations with the homeowners, minimize the need for legal actions to take the properties from the remaining homeowners, and avoid need for the Mayor’s involvement. Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas M-Core desires to gain additional acreage to develop their facility to create the “chip” and a better workplace, while developing on land that displays serenity to inspire and relax employees. They face the dilemma of seeming heartless as they force homeowners from their properties. If development is delayed, they will lose their competitive edge above the others in the industry. The homeowners have a right to remain in their homes or be offered acceptable monetary settlements. M-Core has the unfair advantage over the homeowners with governmental assistance....
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...New London, Connecticut, after the closing of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, reactivated the New London Development Corporation (NLDC), a non-profit entity for land development in the city, specifically the Fort Trumbull area vacated by the U.S. Navy. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. expressed an interest in locating a research and production facility in the area. The city advised the NLDC to move forward with its plans. Over 90 acres of property were purchased and acquired through eminent domain for the development of residential housing, recreational, marina, retail and industrial parcels. Of the 90 acres, thirty-two of the acres came from Fort Trumbull and the remainder from private owners. All private owners, except 15, sold to the city for the project. The remaining 15 held out not for money, but for emotional and sentimental reasons. The Supreme Court of Connecticut ruled in favor of the taking of the private property under eminent domain. The United States Supreme Court granted certiorari and grouped all 15 cases in one appeal. IV. LEGAL ISSUES: Is the use of eminent domain to acquire property by the government and redirect for private use repugnant to the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which reads “…nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation”? Is the taking of property from A and giving it to B for economic development a “public use” under the Fifth Amendment? V. COURT DECISION: In a 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court...
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...When Should Eminent Domain be Used? When should a city or state use their eminent domain powers? Over the past few years there have been a couple of cases that raised the questions of when eminent domain should be used. One of the most controversial cases in the history of the United States was the Kelo v New London Supreme Court ruling. In order to generate tax revenue, add jobs, and to prevent bankruptcy, the government’s right to initiate eminent domain for public good is a necessary evil. Eminent domain in definition is “the right or power of public purposes without the owner’s consent on payment of just compensation” (“Eminent Domain History”). Eminent domain has been a part of the United States ever since the constitution was created. Eminent domain is not stated in the constitution. However, it is implied at the end if the Fifth Amendment, " [no person should] be deprived of life, liberty, or property be taken for public use, without just compensation" (U.S. Constitution). Eminent domain is not new to the United States. The first eminent domain case was “in 1879 the Supreme Court, in the case of Boom Co. v. Patterson, (98 U.S. 403) said that eminent domain appertains to every independent government. It requires no constitutional recognition; it is an attribute of sovereignty" (“Draw the Line”). After World War II, eminent domain was used on a regular basis. "In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled in Berman v Parker that private projects meet the definition if...
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...give it to either yourself or others who could use the gift to its full potential? This is essentially eminent domain. It is the power of government to take private property for “public use” if the owner is fairly compensated. Lakewood’s Mayor Madeleine Cain says that while it is “difficult and unfortunate,” it is necessary for her town to survive, and I completely agree (Source B). The term “Eminent Domain” is the power of government to take private property for “public use” if the owner is fairly compensated. It is found in the United States Constitution, 1787, in the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution....
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...DB THREAD - PROPERTY Barney, like many retirees, is looking forward to enjoying the reward of his labor as well as the fruits of his investments in relative comfort. Although, one cannot control economic down shifts that undermine 401Ks, diminish stock portfolios or plummet real estate markets to unprecedented lows; it behooves all to seek out wise financial counsel. Anything can happen in financial management and investing. Wisdom, awareness, education and personal responsibility are necessary tools to hopefully ensure one’s retirement planning stays on target. “Fools think they need no advice, but the wise listen to others” Proverbs 12: 15 (New Living Translation). Regretfully, for Barney, he appears to become complacent over the years and allowed his investments to rather flounder unsupervised. The scripture is clear; we are responsible for our actions as well as our in-actions or sadly, complacency. “Look carefully then how you walk. Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people)…..Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is” Ephesians 5: 15 and 17 (Amplified Bible). Barney’s joint tenancy with a right of survivorship with old friends appears to have hit a snag. One of the deceased owner’s sons, Opie, has assumed his father’s interest as denoted in his father’s will. Furthermore, the son utilized his perceived property as collateral...
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...This case is about Kelo v. City of New London. The first case on the issue of eminent domain was Norwood v. Horney. A developer named Jeffrey Anderson decided that he wanted to expand his real estate empire that was worth 500,000,000. He wanted to build condominiums, office space, and a chain of stores to replace the well-kept neighborhood where Carl and Joy Gamble and other IJ clients lived. In the article “Norwood, OH Eminent Domain,” “After choosing to bulldoze the Gamble’s neighborhood for his private gain, Anderson initiated and paid for a “study” the Norwood government used to declare the well-kept neighborhood “deteriorating” so it could use eminent domain under Ohio law.” Under urban renewal laws and the Ohio Constitution, eminent domain...
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...will provide a sound security plan for the firms most important mission critical assets, identifying and reducing vulnerabilities, Risks and threats to the firms confidential proprietary intelligence, sensitive customer data and other important assets within each of the Seven Domains that make up the core for the IT infrastructure as a whole. An aggressive approach should be mapped out in a 3-5 year progressive implementation achievement plan starting with one or two security initiatives where success can be clearly demonstrated and evaluated. First, indentifying Risk, Threat and Vulnerabilities within each of the seven Domains that make-up the firms IT infrastructure. Secondly, proposed security measures and controls for headquarters and each branch office. Keeping information assets secure is challenging for any business, regardless of its size. It seems there's no limit to the ingenuity and maliciousness of today's cybercriminals, hackers and identity thieves. In fact, hackers have become so sophisticated and organized that their operational methods are similar to those of traditional software development and business practices(Symantec 2008). What's more, while yesterday's attack activity consisted of a single compromise aimed at gaining access to the data on a computer, current attack techniques are multi-staged. Hackers use their initial compromise to establish a beachhead from...
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...Professor Aragon Real Estate Law – FIR 4310 23 April 2015 Essay Assignment A State’s Right of Taking Under Eminent Domain or Police Powers Johnny Appleseed’s 356 acre fruit orchard was flooded and, as a result, he lost his crop for that year in addition to fruit trees that were damaged beyond repair. The government released water from a damaged dam to prevent it from catastrophically flooding a valley below. The question is was this a taking under the state’s right of eminent domain, therefore requiring compensation, or a taking under the state’s police powers, therefore no compensation is required. In my opinion, the damage to Johnny’s fruit orchard is a taking under the state’s police powers; therefore no compensation is required. A “taking” defines as “to acquire possession or control of something” (Herman). However, the practice of eminent domain do not provide a clear context of taking, thus American courts put it into three categories: per se takings, regulatory takings, and exactions. Johnny’s case could be under the regulatory takings category. “Regulatory takings demand a fact-intensive, multi-factored inquiry into whether the governmental action amounts to an unreasonable interference with one’s private land rights, as to trigger the takings clause” (Herman). But first, I want to define what police powers and eminent domain are. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, police power is “in U.S. constitutional law, the permissible scope of federal...
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