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Diabetes Insipidus: A Case Study

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About Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes Insipidus is the extra excretion of diluted urine from the kidneys. The kidneys are not absorbing the extra water back into the body, therefore it excretes the necessary water that the body needs to function properly. The ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is responsible for the reabsorption of the water from the kidneys back to the body and is located in the hypothalamus, which is where it is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland. Any malfunction in ADH can cause Diabetes Insipidus (Williams; Hopper, 2015). There are four kinds of Diabetes Insipidus which are Central Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Gestational Diabetes Insipidus and Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus (Mayo Clinic, 2016).
Cause of …show more content…
This can be a result from head injuries, genetics/heredity, tumors, infection, inflammation, surgery or loss of blood supply to the brain (Bichet, 2013; Carr, 2014). Children who have Central Diabetes Insipidus, it may be caused by genetics (Mayo Clinic, 2016) With Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus this happens when the kidneys are not responding to the ADH. There is efficient amount of ADH being produced but the kidneys are not receiving the message from the brain. This usually is caused by certain medications, damage to the kidneys by diseases such as polycystic kidney disease or pyelonephritis, genetics may also contribute to the problem and hypercalcemia (Bichet, 2013; Carr, 2014). Next is Gestational Diabetes Insipidus which occurs only in pregnancy. Normally the …show more content…
Contact the doctor if any of these symptoms are experienced, you may have diabetes insipidus. Symptoms include Polyuria, Nocturia and Polydipsia. Dehydration can become evident if you lose more fluid than your intake. Then this can create other symptoms such as hypotension, weakness and poor skin turgor (William; Hopper, 2015). In children with diabetes insipidus they may appear fussy, have a fever, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and delayed growth (Mayo Clinic, 2016). The patient may also experience an enlarged bladder from holding urine constantly (William; Hopper, 2015). Risk factors and Complications of

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