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Romeo And Juliet Theme

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ManyMuch literaturesworks of literature have a major theme that carriescarry the story. This theme is often evident in a certain scene. In Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, Mercutio’s speech in Aact III reflects one of the major themes of the story: A house divided cannot stand. This is a major theme of the story because it leads to Mercutio’s demise, it gets Tybalt angry at Romeo for crashing the party, and it carries the plot and adds conflict because Romeo is in love with a Capulet. To begin, Mercutio’s death was to a fault of both the Montagues and Capulets. Mercutio says “A plague o’ both your houses” (2.1.103). Mercutio is cursing both Tybalt’s house because he stabbed Mercutio and Romeo’s house because he intervened causing

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