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Evaluating A Dog's Case Study

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The first step is to assess the situation to make sure it is safe for myself to approach the dog. Naturally, the dog will be frightened, in pain, and possibly suffering from shock, which could result in the situation worsening. In order to keep the dog calm, I would use a soft voice whilst approaching in so that the dog knows I am there and that I am not a threat. This also allows me to assess his consciousness, as I would be looking for any response, whether this is a subtle eye movement or a clearer movement of any limbs.
Due to the nature of the scenario, I would automatically presume that the dog is suffering from some form of shock. He may appear to be overly subdued, or excited and have a rapid heart rate. The early stages of shock are difficult to recognise, but by assuming that the …show more content…
If this occurs I would move onto CPR immediately. For a Westie, a rotation of 3-5 chest compressions to every one breath given should suffice to encourage the heart to pump at a normal rate, given his small size.
ABC ensures that all vital signs (Airways, Breathing, Circulation) are monitored so that the animal can be stabilised, in order to be transported to the vets. Keeping my safety in mind, I would stop and wait for the animal to become calmer, should the dog be appear to be agitated. To ensure that the airway is clear, I would look, listen and feel for the animal’s breath, checking also for any rapid breathing and any blockages in the airway. Circulation is also vital to be monitored, checking for a heartbeat or pulse, and any severe bleeding or wounds. The easiest place to feel for a heartbeat is by placing one hand under the armpit and feeling the chest. Alternatively, the femoral pulse can be found at the top of the inside hind leg. In addition, it is also best to stop any form of blood loss

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