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Diabetic Neuropathy Research Paper

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Diabetic neuropathy is a peripheral nerve disorder triggered by diabetes or poor blood sugar control. The most common categories of diabetic neuropathy lead to complications with sensation in the feet. It can develop sluggishly after many years of diabetes or might occur early in the disease. Diabetes-related nerve impairment can be excruciating, but it isn't severe pain in maximum cases. There are four categories of diabetic neuropathy: peripheral, autonomic, proximal and focal.
Symptoms of this disease are:
• Feeling full after eating only a trivial quantity of food
• Heartburn and bloating
• Nausea, constipation or diarrhea
• Swallowing glitches
• Throwing up food you have eaten some hours after a meal
• Tingling or burning in the arms and legs might be an initial sign of nerve damage. These feelings often begin in your toes and feet. You might have deep pain, often in the feet and legs. The symptoms are numbness, pain or stinging in the feet or lower legs.
Nerve damage is likely because of a blend of factors:
• metabolic factors such as high blood glucose, long period of diabetes, atypical blood fat levels and perhaps low levels of insulin
• neurovascular factors leading to impairment to the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to nerves
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The first step is to bring blood sugar levels closely controlled by diet and medicine. Another imperative part of treatment encompasses taking special care of the feet by wearing apt fitting shoes and regularly checking the feet for cuts and infections. Analgesics, low dosages of antidepressants and some anticonvulsant medicines might be prescribed for respite of pain, burning, or tingling. Some persons find that walking recurrently, taking warm baths or using elastic stockings might help relieve leg pain. The following medicines might be used to ease symptoms in the feet, legs and

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