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When Wiretapping Is Bad

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Wiretapping is when someone secretly listens to a conversation of another person without their consent. Wiretapping can be done through a fax line, phone, computer and all other electronic devices. Back in the days, (1960) police was not required a warrant to listen to conversations, that were legal all over the United States. However, that was changed very quickly and the Supreme Court decided that people needed to have privacy in their phone conversations, and now it is a must to have a warrant to listen to someone else's conversation before wiretapping. Many people are asking can the police legally wiretap me. The answer to that question is yes; the police can wiretap your conversation with a warrant issue by a judge. The questions asked, is it illegal for companies to use sniffing? Sniffing is a program that will allow you to listen in on someone's computer conversations without them knowing. Sniffing has been around and have been used in several companies, there is a commercial packet sniffers that helps maintain the networks, but on the other hand, you also have underground packet sniffers that are used to break into computers, and I think that is illegal. …show more content…
There is a judge in Illinois, he has ruled that sniffing or intercepting traffic over Wi-Fi is not wiretapping and because of this decision, goggles were found violated this law because of the street view cars that was intercepted some of the traffic from open Wi-Fi around the

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