...problems, the city has been experiencing severe traffic-problem which is a common phenomenon in our daily life. Dhaka city situation is more alarming mainly due to vehicular movement and traffic jam. There are different types of vehicular namely, car, bus, jeep, truck, minibus, microbus, auto-rickshaw, tempo, mini-truck, motorcycles and innumerable numbers of rickshaws. There are many reasons behind traffic jam in Bangladesh. Among them some major factors are as follows: • Undisciplined traffic signal in the road. • Indiscipline among the road user. • Might is right, everybody are free to park their vehicle on Road. • No knowledge of traffic rules which encourage violating the rules. • Enforcement of rules by dishonest persons who are busy in collection of illegal money from traffic rules violators. • Heavy numbers of vehicle on roads. Time is the most valuable things in the twenty first centaury no doubt. And traffic jam is killing the most productive time of the people of Dhaka city. Time is going on and on and we are lagging behind. The world is becoming speedy where as we are becoming slower. To reduce traffic jam we can take steps such as: • Have a good public transport system so people would use it • Ban rickshaw from the main roads of Dhaka • Good traffic system • Good lane system • Traffic police should do their duty properly • Use zebra cross and...
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...Florida. All of the following is required: 1. An out-of-state mailing address (which will be shown on the Florida Vehicle Registration Certificate) for the military member. The military member's Florida address of residence, which will be shown in the DMV database. 2. 3. A copy of the military orders. or, An affidavit from the military member's commanding military orders and the date of assignment. officer that confirms the member's 4. An affidavit stating the vehicle is being maintained in the member's state of military assignment and will not be driven in the state of Florida, except in a transient visitor status (see sample below). AFFIDAVIT I, (Name of Military Member or Spouse) certify that my vehicle is maintained in the , where I am on military orders and will not be driven in the state state of of I Florida, except in a transient visitor status. I also declare that I have: Property Damage Liability, currently in effect with: (Policy Number / Binder Number) I D Personal Injury Protection (Insurance Company Name / Agent) o on the following described motor vehicle (Year) (Make) (Vehicle Identification Number) UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THIS DOCUMENT AND THE (Signature of Military Member or Spouse) THIS EXEMPTION ONLY APPLIES TO VEHICLES REGISTERED MILITARY MEMBER OR THE NON-MILITARY SPOUSE. RS-36 (11127/07) IN THE NAME OF THE...
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...* 除非另外公布,商业区限速:25英里每小时。 * 除非另有标明,在有小孩的学校地段的限速为:25英里 住宅区限速:25英里。 * 您在时速65英里的高速公路上驾驶,当时交通繁忙,车流时速35英里,您驾驶的最佳时速是:35英里 * 您在限速65英里的高速公路最左车道上以时速55英里速度驾驶,在下列情况下,您可能会因为车开的太慢而收到罚单:如果您阻挡正常和合理的车流 盲点交叉路口限速:15英里 * 如果在没有信号管制的交叉路口,您在进入交叉路口之前没有看到车辆穿过,则限速为:15英里 * 如果对面来车开始在您面前左转,您应当:减速或停车以防发生车祸。 * 转弯车道上有信号表示仅仅在左转箭头亮起时允许左转或掉头,信号的意思是:左转箭头亮起时允许左转或掉头。 * 您在具有分隔带的街道上开车,您的方向有几条车道,您需要掉头,您应当从哪里开始掉头:左车道。 * 下列情况不得穿过道路中间的双黄色实线:超车。 * 您必须在行驶的车辆系上安全带:如果您的车配备安全带。 * 您在受绿色箭头管制的转弯车道中,以下哪一条是正确的?对面所有来车和行人被红灯拦住 * 您打算从斜形停车位倒车退出,您务必应当慢速倒车并:在倒车时回头向后看。 * 如果没有限制线,应该将车停在哪里?:在转弯处 * 您正在接近一个交叉路口,交通信号灯是闪动红灯,您应该:在进入交叉路口前停下,安全后再继续行驶。 * 开车时若往车前方观看,您应当:来回远近都看。 * 如果有人跟得太近,您应当:小心增加您车前方的空间。 * 有关其他司机的哪一种说法是正确的?:绝对不能假设其他司机会给您让路。 * 您在一条四车道高速公路最左车道加时,但速度低于车流,您后面的一位司机希望开快一些,您:应该变换车道,而不论您的车速是多少。 * 您在开车时血液酒精浓度超过法定限制:您将会收到一项命令,吊销您的驾驶特权。 * 您在停车时,重要的是将前车轮转向路沿:面向下坡。 * 您在一条四车道高速公路最靠近中心分隔带的车道上开车,如果要从最右边下高速公路,您应当:每次改换一条车道,直到您进入正确的车道。 * 道路上公布的限速是55英里每小时,道路潮湿时,您应当:在限速以下5-10英里速度行驶。 * 您通常应当在下列情况下减速:看到前方相隔几辆车的刹车灯亮起。 * 一辆小车在您相同的道路旁停下。车上有红灯闪动,您应当:只要红灯闪动就一直停着。 * 如果您的车在比较滑的路面打滑,您应当:停止踩刹车。 * 您应当在夜间使用远光灯:只要合法安全即可使用。 * 您的行驶方向只有一条车道,您前方的司机常常无缘无故减速,在这种情况下,加州司机手册建议:保证自己和这个司机之间有很大距离。 * 如果您卷入车祸,除了向对方出示您的驾照,您还必须提供什么资料:经济责任和车辆登记证明,目前地址。 * 一辆大卡车在一条三车道公路的中间车道行驶,您打算超越大卡车,最好的超车方法是:从左边很快超车,然后开到大卡车的前方。 * 如果您的车将从后方遭到撞击,您应当:准备好在撞车后刹车。 * 您在倒车时应当:从后车窗向外看。 * 行车速度低于车流可能会:增加发生车祸的可能性。 * 如果在铁路旁停下,您可以在下列情况穿过铁路:只有在您能够看清两侧方向时。 * 出现浓雾或沙尘时最好怎么办:在情况改善前不要开车。 ...
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...sdfsadafsdfsdfsdfAutomobiles come in all shapes and sizes. They range from having comfort and speed, to excitement and price. There are many different types of vehicles to choose from in this new technological world. Some are for thrills, racing, off-roading, and for the boring people, a mode of transportation. Hundreds upon thousands of vehicles fill the roads and highways every day, and many don’t need to be there, due to just people driving for no reason. There are really three types of automobiles that are the greatest in number on the road. These types that fill the roads are cars, trucks, and SUV’s. Each vehicle is very different and really all contain what a person is looking for. Cars are the most common form of vehicle on the roads today. Cars can really be categorized into a few types, from economy, luxury, and sports cars. Economic cars usually cost less, and get more efficient gas mileage. They are great for the average family or single person. A few examples of these cars are Civics, Cavaliers, and the new hybrid cars. Luxury cars are more for the people who have too much money on there hands. The gas mileage is not too bad, but the car can cost a pretty penny. Some examples of these cars are Cadillac, BMW, Mercedes, and Lexus. Luxury cars have the most smoothing cruising and really are the best for relaxation. The final type of car is the sports car. These cars are the ones that cost the most and guzzle gas like no other. They range in the highest price range and...
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...the last that is remaining being grabbed by the richest that are able to afford it by paying a huge premium for it. It sounds like a situation that will happen in far future, but all of us need to realize and be aware of the fact that the so called ‘far future’ is just 4 decades away. Can we envision a world sustaining without oil reserves? Can we still be ignorant of the fact that the oil reserves are getting completely drained up in the near future? Can we still continue comfortably the same level of oil consumption? One needs to act upon to save the oil, use it very meticulously and postpone the exhaustion of the oil reserves by as much as possible. All of it can start with initiative as simple as - • Turning off the engine of motor vehicles while one idles at the Traffic Light Though it seems to be very small saving, it will definitely make a big difference when considered holistically. And studies did reveal the benefits of such actions. Such small initiative will not only result in saving of the oil but also gives many other cascading benefits. But all it needs is awareness and realization in the general public. If we can successfully market the cause and call for the action, the public will definitely join hands. In India, domestically the oil production is roughly 0.69 million barrels per day. But the demand for oil is 2.2 million barrels per day. Hence, only 30% of the demand is met by the domestic oil reserves and the excess 70% of the oil required is imported by India...
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...Billing Phone Number Billing Fax Number Tire Maintenance PK PK PK,FK1 Barcode Manufacturer ID Vehicle Serial Number FK1 FK1 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Parts Purchasing History PK PK PK Transaction ID Catalogue ID Manufacturer ID Quantity Purchased Order Quantity Price Shipping Tax FOB PK PK PK Vehicle Serial Number Vehicle Part ID Maintenance Type ID Put in Service Date Last Maintenance Date Next Scheduled Maintenance Date Under Warranty Flag Transaction ID Catalogue ID Manufacturer ID FK1 FK1 FK1 MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTIONS PK PK,FK1 PK,FK1 PK,FK1 Maintenance Type ID Manufacturer ID Barcode Vehicle Serial Number Level Code Description Average Hours Required Days Between Recommended Maintenance Maximum Days Between Maintenance PK PK,FK1 PK,FK1 PK,FK1 PK,FK1 Type Vehicle Type Put in Service Date Rotation Schedule Last Rotated VEHICLE TYPES VEHICLES Disposal Date Type ID FK1 Vehicle Part ID Maintenance TypeFK1 PK,FK1 Maintenance Type ID ID Maintenance Type ID PK,FK1 Vehicle Serial Number Barcode Vehicle Serial Number PK,FK1 Manufacturer ID PK,FK1 Barcode Manufacturer ID PK,FK1 Type ID Description VIN Class Code Put into service Date Gross Weight Mileage Purchase Price Accumulated Depreciation Taken out of service Date Capacity MAINTENANCE WORK ORDER PK PK PK,FK1 Work Order ID Part ID Maintenance Type ID Vehicle Assignment TO Date Started Date Completed Hours Type ID Vehicle Serial Number...
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...On September 6, 2011, McAfee released a report titled “Caution: Malware Ahead,’ specifically detailing potential threats to the car industry. As consumers call for more and more connectivity in their lives, car manufacturers are following suit. Manufacturers are providing more and more ways for consumers to remain connected from Bluetooth technology to mobile hotspots in vehicles. This connectivity, along with the complexity of cars today, directly contributes to many major systems and subsystems of a car relying on embedded controllers. The automobile industry continues to make cars more and more complex, but has not continued to make sure that embedded controllers are secure. Research has shown that this technology can be hacked. Hackers could even use technology like OnStar© to determine a driver’s current location. This article spoke of a security consultant at the Black Hat conference was able to lock and unlock a car by sending text messages from a smartphone (Champman, 2011). All of this added technology could also lead to a hacker being able to access your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and/or other personal data. What the automobile industry does not realize is that it is cheaper to build security in, that have to develop it as an afterthought. Just the thought of a hacker being able to access subsystems within my car is pretty scary! I am attaching Caution: Malware Ahead for your reading pleasure as well. Chapman, G. (2011, September 6). McAfee...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Anzac Pit Stop offers on-site maintenance and repairing for cars, providing the fast, sophisticated and reliable services by experienced mechanics to ensure the customers’ vehicles would always be in their best condition. It will also provide the necessary spare parts and supplies for cars. For the past ten years, the car wholesaling and car retailing have seen a significant growth in car sales across Australia. In South Australia itself, there were 62,922 new cars sold in 2011 which is increased 30.75% compared to 48,125 figure in 2001. Moreover, the car ownership in the state has increased from 555,834 to 609,910 units during a period of 1996 to 2006. These figures show a potential market for the business because these cars, wether new or old ones, will require professional handling. The location for the proposed business is on Anzac Highway. The particular target market will be people living in the nearest two suburbs, Kurralta Park and Plympton. The location was chosen for several reasons. First, it is easy to locate and very accessible. Second, there is no similar business the designated area. Third, 72 to 76 percent of employed residents in these suburbs are using cars to go to work and other activities. Beside regular services, Anzac Pit Stop also offers more to the clients. First, free installation fee for minor services. Second, a limited warranty would be given to cars that had been serviced at the shop. Third, an interactive website contains...
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...cause of death and disability for children and teenagers in the United States. The physical, social, cultural, and economic environments in which they live can significantly increase or decrease their injury risks. Children face a variety of situations that put them at risk for injury. Awareness of age-specific risks are key to effective prevention. Let’s look at the toddler age-group. Because of their size, growth and development, inexperience, and natural curiosity, they are particularly vulnerable to injury also referred as unintended injuries. Though, Toddlers are exposed to many types of injuries such as: Motor Vehicle, Suffocation, Drowning Poisoning, Fire/Burns, fall, Recreation. However, the most common cause of unintentional injury death for children age 1-4 years was a motor vehicle (MV) crash, with the majority of events involving a vehicle occupant. While properly used restraints can reduce serious injury by up to 70%. A child riding on a lap is not protected but is at double risk: Not only is it physically impossible for the parent to keep the child from being thrown into the windshield and dashboard, but if the adult is not wearing seat belt, the force of the adult’s body may crush the child. Although laws requiring seat-belt use are now in force in all 50 states, many parents fail to use safety restraints. This is the simplest and easiest way to keep a young child safe. Children at this age level are less likely to be injured as pedestrians than are older...
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...Note: ----- Cheat codes can also be entered while the game is paused. This way you can enter cheat codes when you have to enter them quickly. Code Result ---------------------------------- MIAMITRAFFIC - Aggressive Drivers NUTTERTOOLS - All ''heavy'' weapons THUGSTOOLS - All ''light'' weapons PROFESSIONALTOOLS - All ''medium'' weapons IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK - All cars are black AHAIRDRESSERSCAR - All cars are pink GREENLIGHT - All traffic lights are green BIGBANG - Blow up nearby cars SEAWAYS - Cars can drive/hover over water COMEFLYWITHME - Cars can fly STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP - Change Skin/Clothes ICANTTAKEITANYMORE - Commit Suicide LEAVEMEALONE - Decrease Wanted Level ABITDRIEG - Dense Clouds AIRSHIP - Fast boats can fly for short periods of time CANTSEEATHING - Foggy Weather PRECIOUSPROTECTION - Full Armor ASPIRINE - Full Health CHICKSWITHGUNS - Girls Carry Guns PROGRAMMER - Gives Tommy girly arms/legs FANNYMAGNET - Ladies Man, Women Follow You APLEASANTDAY - Light Clouds ONSPEED - Makes everything faster BOOOOOORING - Makes everything slower DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS - Makes Tommy fatter CERTAINDEATH...
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...stabilization, the chief officer: (792) Your Answer: | takes credit for incident stabilization. | | Correct Answer: | may choose to assume another role. | | LPG is explosive in concentrations: (779) Your Answer: | greater than 0.5 percent. | | Correct Answer: | between 1.5 and 10 percent. | | Which of the following statements about natural gas is MOST accurate? (778) Your Answer: | In its pure form is methane, which is flammable and toxic. | | Correct Answer: | In its pure form is methane, which is flammable but nontoxic. | | Where is natural gas used? (778) Your Answer: | Commercial facilities only | | Correct Answer: | Houses, businesses, and as a fuel for motor vehicles | | The techniques of approaching and controlling leaks or fires involving vehicles: (778) Your Answer: | are different than those for storage vessels. | | Correct Answer: | are the same as for storage vessels. | | Which of the following is the method most often used for controlling flammable liquid fires? (774) Your Answer: | Applying dry chemicals | | Correct Answer: | Applying foam | | Which of the following is NOT a main use for a master stream? (769) Your Answer: | As a backup handline | | Correct Answer: | Indirect fire attack | | Which of the following types of fire extinguishers should be used to extinguish fires in transformers at ground level? (782) Your Answer: | Stored-pressure water extinguisher | | Correct Answer: | Carbon...
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...Mercedes Benz - All Activity Vehicle (AAV) Problem Identification: Mercedes-Benz (MB) always took advantage of its loyal customers and a good brand image until it faced its first financial loss in 1993 due to cost inefficiency, issues with material purchasing and the inability to adapt to market changes. Since the loss, MB has been trying to react to environmental changes by identifying new segments and developing a whole new range of products. MB’s most far reaching project was the All Activity Vehicle (a new sports utility vehicle model), which used target costing in its design and production. MB now realized that it needs to develop its strategy according to environmental changes. Problem Diagnosis: The AAV concept came into existence in 1992 with production commencing in 1997. MB moved its manufacturing facilities to United States to be in close proximity with the target market for sports utility vehicles. AAV’s manufacturing process relied on value added system suppliers. MB made sure that its suppliers were completely involved with the development process. MB asked its potential customers to rank various factors such as safety, comfort, economy and security that were important to them for such a car. The most important factors were categorized and given an importance weight which was converted into a relative percentage. Suppliers of various components were divided into function groups. For this model, the components were all going to be produced by the suppliers, who...
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...peer-reviewed article was showing how in the 1950s, SUV’s (sport utility vehicle) sales increased tremendously with baby boomers. People were in need of larger vehicles to accommodate their entire family. This was not just for domestic vehicles this also included foreign vehicle. With so many people interested in purchasing the SUV’s, this led to other car companies designing more comfortable, larger vehicles. Another peer-reviewed article was in regards to the searching strategies people used before actually purchasing a new vehicle. Not everyone can walk into a dealership and know exactly what they are looking for in their price range and it is readily available. That is why most people before purchasing a vehicle use a strategy before purchasing. Not everyone’s search strategies are the same, not everyone is looking for the exact type of vehicle. Some automobile companies sent out surveys to some of their customers for a 3 month span to see how satisfied they were with the new vehicles and what the new vehicle may not have had that the consumer would have liked. When the surveys were returned they categorized the responses to see where improvements could be made to accommodate more people. The next peer-reviewed article pertained to how well auto incentives increase business. This article was in reference to finding out if car incentives and manufacturer rebates increased sales of vehicles. It started with one manufacture using incentives, which quickly spread...
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...The Car Buying Market Today To gain some perspective on the overall car market in the US, each year, approximately 213 million cars drive the streets of America. As for vehicles that are purchased annually, here are some interesting observations: * Of all the vehicles purchased in the USA each year, 16 million are new and 41 million are used. * Of all the used vehicles purchased by consumers: one-third are from private parties one-third are from franchised dealerships one-third are from independent dealers * 17 million used vehicles are sold to auctions each year. How to buy a car Don't head to the car dealership empty handed. If you want to make the dreaded process of buying a car a little easier, make sure you have your papers in order. An unsuspecting victim is in the market for a new car complete with sweaty palms and racing pulse. He has no plan of attack, and the car dealer's approach is as calculated as a lion stalking its prey. He sizes up the shopper and finds the jugular. Then ... he pounces. Finance rates go flying, down payments make the victim's head spin, he barely remains conscious as the salesman rips into his prey with option packages. Buy now, pay later, cash for your trade-in, no credit-no problem -- how many ploys can these blood-thirsty savages use to bring their victim to their knees? But you can arm yourself and be prepared for your showdown in order to make the confrontation as quick and painless as possible. You've just got to get your paperwork...
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...Lemon Law Lemon laws were another way for consumers to get some sort of compensation for a vehicle. This law is enacted in several states including California, the basic premise of this law is that when you purchase a car and the car does not meet standards or constantly breaks down then they have a right to go to return to the manufacturer. The only way that this will work out is if the car is still under manufacturer’s warranty. The manufacture is given several opportunity to fix the problem whether it is replacing the parts, or fixing the automobile in a timely manner if this does not work the manufacture has to give the consumer the money for the car. With this being said this law will only work if the automobile manufacture is not in bankruptcy. What is the case when the only safety net that is there for the consumer is taken away? How are people going to go out with the same confidence? “Under the California law, new or used vehicles that have a defect that can't be repaired after four attempts -- or two, in the case of life-threatening defects -- or that have been out of service for 30 days during the warranty period may be designated "lemons." That triggers an obligation for the manufacturer to either pay the owner a cash settlement or buy back the vehicle.” This is the safety net California consumers keep in mind when they buy a car. Buying an automobile is a big decision one that cannot be taken lightly since there is a large amount of money on the line knowing...
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