...face the commandments of Allah. Further burying the dead is the Islamic way of showing respect to the dead as said by Prophet Muhammad: “To honor the dead is to bury them”. To make the similarity and differences more clear we would compare and contrast beliefs, practices and rituals of ‘Janazah’ with ‘Antam Sanskar’ as the funeral rite of Sikhism. Few practices like bathing the dead body, enshrouding it, recital of sacred hymns /Funeral prayer are common with both the culture except the nomenclature and the content of individual practice like Funeral prayer named as ‘Salat-al-Janazah’ in Islam and consist of Koranic verse while in Sikhism it is named as ‘Ardaas’ and consists of Shabds or verse from sacred Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Major diferrence lies in the ways the dead body is buried or cremated. While In Islam, the dead are buried and positioned as such that Mecca faces to the right of the dead, in Sikhism the dead is usually cremated and rarely buried or submerged into water. Post burial or cremation, a mourning period is observed which differs depending upon the age, sex and marital status of the dead....
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...be able to use at the end of this section. This Unit has four lessons: Worldwide Holidays, Science Changed the World, Traveling Abroad and No Warning is Bad Business. They involve the practice of the four main language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will learn grammar to help you self-correct and you will also find new words to expand your vocabulary. At the end of this Unit, you will be able to: Read • Use an interpretation to understand a text better. • Identify key ideas in paragraphs and classifying the information based on its purpose. • Identify text organization and anticipate general meaning from different sources. • Recognize situations where personal and public warnings occur as well as cultural diferrences. Listen • Listen for general understanding, and for specific information. • Identify the purpose and intended audience. • Listen to warnings and note taking. • Distinguish speaker’s attitude and turn of communication. Speak • Adjust volume and speed when constructing oral texts. • Recogniz expressions while speaking. • Add information to key ideas of sentences to exemplify, support or enrich them. • Answer questions to express opinions or points of view. • Express warnings and paraphrasing them. Understanding non-verbal language to warn. Write • Complete sentences with key ideas to make a text. • Recognize graphic and text components and Identifying text organization. • Formulate and writing questions concerning information from a text...
Words: 1046 - Pages: 5
...“If you have any query about this document, you may consult issuer, issue manager and underwriter” PROSPECTUS of GSP FINANCE COMPANY (BANGLADESH) LIMITED For Public Issue of 20,000,000 ordinary share of Tk.10.00 each at an issue price of Tk.25.00 per share including a premium of Tk. 15.00 per share totaling Tk. 500,000,000.00 Opening date for subscription Closing date for subscription Non‐Resident Bangladeshi (NRB), subscription opens on Non‐Resident Bangladeshi (NRB), subscription closes on Credit Rating Status Entity Rating Date of Rating Validity of Rating : : : : January 08, 2012 January 12, 2012 January 08, 2012 January 21, 2012 Short Term ST‐4 Long Term BBB3 06 March 2011 30 June 2012 RATING ASSIGNED BY: CREDIT RATING AGENCY OF BANGLADESH LTD.(CRAB) UNDERWRITERS IDLC Investment Limited Eunoos Trade Center (Level 21) 52‐53 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka. ICB Capital Management Limited 8, DIT Avenue, BDBL Bhaban (Level‐16), Dhaka. MTB Capital Limited 68 Dilkusha (6th Floor) C/A, Dhaka. City Bank Capital Resources Limited st Jibon Bima Tower, 1 Floor 10, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka. Lanka Bangla Finance Ltd. Safura Tower (Level 11), 20 Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka‐1213. Sonali Investment Limited Sara Tower, 11th Floor, 11/A, Toynbee Circular Road, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka. Issue date of the Prospectus: November 29...
Words: 56646 - Pages: 227
...Tema: Te ardhurat : Njohja, matja dhe paraqitja ne bilanc Permbajtja HYRJE 1. CFARE ESHTE E ARDHURA 1.1 KUR LIND AJO? SIGURIA MBI TE DHE NJOHJA E SE ARDHURES 1.2 TRAJTIMET MBI TE ARDHUREN 1.3 MATJA E SE ARDHURES 2. RAST PRAKTIK KONLUZIONET REFERENCA Hyrje Ceshtjet qe lidhen me njohjen e te ardhurave kane qene gjithmone burim debati midis organizmave qe merren me interpretimi, miratimin dhe venien ne fuqi te standarteve kontabel. Kjo lidhet pjeserisht me faktin qe modelet e biznesit kane evoluar dhe tipe te reja transaksionesh jane shfaqen. IFRS-te aktuale nuk ofrojne guiden e duhur. Nje shkak tjeter jane dhe divergjencat nga pikpamja konceptuale midis IAS 18 (te ardhurat), IAS 11 (Kontratat e Ndertimit) dhe Kuadri Konceptual per Pregatitjen dhe Paraqitjen e Pasqyrave Financiare. Treguesi I te ardhurave (rreshti I pare I pasqyres se te ardhurave shpenzimeve) eshte nje tregues I rendesishem per perdoruesit e Pasqyrave Financiare ne vleresimin e performances se kompanive dhe perspektiven e tyre. Per kete tregues eshte e nevojshme te kete standarte te te qarta, te pajtueshme dhe te plota. Per kete International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) dhe Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) vendosen ne vitin 2002 per te nisur nje projekt te perbashket ne lidhje me njohjen dhe vleresimin e te ardhurave, project qe vazhdon edhe sot. Objektivi I projektit qe te zhvillohej nje draft I plote I parimeve konceptuale qe do te eleminonin konvergjencat...
Words: 24008 - Pages: 97