...An Article On Business Ethics and Global Dimension of Business Business Ethics and Global Dimension of Business October 19, 2014 Ethical issues have been around for a long time and its association with globalization has been documented. The effects on the association with globalization are similar and closely related to that of international marketing. As a result, the increased globalization over the years has brought an increase in many problems associated with global trading including ethical ones. (WTO, 2011). As indicated by World Trade organization in 2011, there was significant expansion in world trade from 1950 to 2000. This increase was documented to be over twenty-fold with foreign direct investment and exports playing a significant role. This increase in world trade in the middle to late 20th century also saw small businesses increasing their investments in cross border trading. This resulted in an increase in the average yearly outflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from about $25 billion in 1975 to a record $1.3 trillion in 2000. (UN, 2001). This means that there were a great number of business people with different social and cultural backgrounds doing business in other areas of different geographical, political, legal, social and cultural environments. The challenges that confronted these business people working in these different environments with its associated social and cultural problems created a platform for indulgence in ethical problems and other...
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...Business Ethics and Global Dimension of Business Ethical issues have been around for a long time and its association with globalization has been documented. The effects on the association with globalization are similar and closely related to that of international marketing. As a result, the increased globalization over the years has brought an increase in many problems associated with global trading including ethical ones. (WTO, 2011). As indicated by World Trade organization in 2011, there was significant expansion in world trade from 1950 to 2000. This increase was documented to be over twenty-fold with foreign direct investment and exports playing a significant role. This increase in world trade in the middle to late 20th century also saw small businesses increasing their investments in cross border trading. This resulted in an increase in the average yearly outflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from about $25 billion in 1975 to a record $1.3 trillion in 2000. (UN, 2001). This means that there were a great number of business people with different social and cultural backgrounds doing business in other areas of different geographical, political, legal, social and cultural environments. The challenges that confronted these business people working in these different environments with its associated social and cultural problems created a platform for indulgence in ethical problems and other issues. (Dagdelen, Elibol & Yucel, 2009). Cross border trade experienced a great...
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...knowledge of cultural intelligence in employees is very important for decision-making, implementing organisational strategies and for smooth functioning of daily business processes. According to Triandis (2006), the definition of intelligence is culturally orientated. Earley and Mosakaoski (2004) defined cultural intelligence as, “ an outsider’s seemingly natural ability to interpret someone’s unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures the way that person’s compatriots would”. There are various definitions of cultural intelligence with moreover the same meaning touching different aspects of business processes. Cultural intelligence in general is the course of motivated actions in an adaptive environment. It refers to making adjustments with people of different cultures to carry out business operations around the world. Cultural intelligence is of great significance in today’s employees as it is the basic necessity in deals around the globe. Many enterprises especially the family-owned ones still believe in the traditional form of business, whereby they hire employees whom they can easily trust and rely on. But in such cases it becomes difficult for the company to exploit the foreign markets as these employees may not have the necessary knowledge of cultural differences. Hence Cultural intelligence is of great importance in today’s world. For example, Lloyds TSB believes in hiring culturally intelligent people to enhance its customer relationships across the globe. Culturally intelligent individuals...
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...Final Paper – International Management (2012-08-MAN-372-OL011) Management Strategies and Building a more Successful Global Business Introduction Globalization is a powerful real aspect of the new world system, and it represents one of the most influential forces in determining the future course of the planet. It has manifold dimensions: economic, political, security, environmental, health, social, cultural, and others. The focus here is on the concept of "globalization" as applied to the world economy. International expansion is simply about smart preparation and well-thought-out execution; it can be enticing and highly profitable, but only if you do it right. If you don’t plan for tax exposures, business model alterations, and international corporate structure in advance, then you’re setting yourself up for an uphill battle at best — and failure at worst. With the increasing trend of globalization, industries are rapidly expanding into the international market. With no exception, many U.S.-based companies are expanding beyond the home country despite the risks. Why is international expansion important? A company can grow by exploiting overseas market opportunities and imperfections through internationalization, and growth has a positive impact on the firm performance. In short, international expansion can be profitable to companies. Moreover, why is the relationship between international expansion and firm performance important? Ultimately, a company’s performance...
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...Culture and its implication on the international business management. Introduction Today, problems associated with global business management have been identified as factors that negatively impact the performance and productivity of multinational corporations and in turn, adversely affect regional and national economic growth The goal of this paper is to analyze the influence of culture in international business. The globalization of the world economy has intensified international relationships, increasing the importance of cultural dimension. The world is being affected by the globalization of the economy. This phenomenon is bringing movement of companies, assets, services, capital and people. Analyzing globalization this process is taking the world to major changes in the economic, technologic and social areas, which are having consequences in all organizations and societies that participate in this globalized market. It is a process that does not bring equal benefits to all participants. The globalization concentrates more of its actions in some sectors of economic activity and some regions and countries, rather than acting everywhere. With the world getting flatter doing business anywhere in the world is easier today, because of major changes in technology, global politics and expanded educational opportunities. But it is not only businesses that are affected. Governments, NGOs and society itself is changing at a fast pace. Nevertheless going forward can only happen...
Words: 4150 - Pages: 17
... Effects of Global Economic Interdependence Globalization in the economic context is related to the increase of individual businesses that operate in a range of countries. Therefore, Globalization stimulates economic growth, creates jobs and raises income levels. Globalization is marked by free trade, free flow of capital and cheaper foreign labor markets. Globalization has several facets, globalization of markets, merging historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge marketplace, and globalization of production, sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe. There are still many challenges in the global market, for example; distance, time zones, language barriers, cultural differences, currency issues, as well as national government regulation issues, and business system improvements. Still, the world is looking smaller through globalization. In the case of the Wal-Mart as a Multi-National Corporation (MNC), the factors that affect its global and domestic marketing decisions are based on their striving to continue to dominate the retail market of the United States, and continue to build their presence around the world. The strategic planning of Wal-Mart approaches global expansion with a regionalized marketing campaign. Wal-Mart’s global focus is on finding low cost products from around the world, importing those products, integrating such products, and finally distributing them into the American marketplace. Global interdependence...
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...contexts in multinational organizations which operates across different cultures. This paper examines the extent of literature which have focused on the study of language and its impact on activities concerned with leadership and management in multinationals. The main focus being the impact on headquarter and subsidiary communication, knowledge sharing and management contexts, this paper details the literature which suggest that multinationals would be better off by focusing on language and developing language policies which better suit its nature rather than taking language as a granted factor. The objective of this paper is to conclude that language difference across different cultures can no longer be left unattended as its as various implication internally as well as externally for corporations which are operating with different cultures and different languages. Keywords: Language, MNC, multinationals, leadership, management, communication, knowledge sharing, language policy Introduction The growing integration of companies from all around the globe is increasing the race towards a global village. Companies that operate beyond borders are the most influential of them all. Multinational companies are crossing their national borders operating at different corners of the world with different cultures and different languages. As Jones (1996, p.4) says, “An MNE is usually defined as firm that controls operations or income generating assets in more than one country”. In order to...
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...and Opportunities Galactic Therapies Incorporated (GTI) has been expanding on a global level and therefore has developed a very diverse, multicultural workforce. The new dynamics of this globally diverse workforce has helped to expand their ability to innovate and expand their operations, but this growth has not come without difficulties. With the new diverse workforce GTI has encountered issues related to communication and teamwork between the workers from different corners of the globe. The board of directors has asked Team Alpha Consulting to research the problems, evaluate how other companies are handling similar issues, and provide a report that will help to integrate this diverse workforce with GTI’s ever-expanding global force. Managing a multicultural workforce requires a clear understanding of the different cultures involved and how the cultural differences require different management styles. During our research we have found two primary ways to expand a company’s workforce globally. The first option is to hire an outsourcing company that will provide its own workers and will manage most of the relationships with the hiring company via liaisons. Outsourcing companies prefer to minimize direct contact of their employees aside from their own management staff. In this scenario it is prudent for the hiring company to employ managers who have a working background with the different cultures the company is attempting to outsource with. If multiple outsourcing companies...
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...Journal of Applied Business and Economics Global Business Management: Current Trends and Practices Michael Wisma Saint Joseph College of Indiana Today, problems associated with global business management have been identified as factors that negatively impact the performance and productivity of multinational corporations and in turn, adversely affect regional and national economic growth. While factors related to logistics and distribution are important when selecting international suppliers, they are inadequate when considered in isolation of internal and external forces. This paper engages in a comprehensive and systematic analysis of global supply chain management, particularly in terms of micro and macro cultural considerations. INTRODUCTION Organizations are facing increased global competition, economic uncertainties, and changing markets. Technology is changing the way we conduct business and manage information. Outsourcing of significant functions within businesses and organizations complicates the landscape of supplier relations. Suppliers and vendor partners may be located in the same city, region or country. But they are just as likely to be located halfway around the world, adding new challenges to business management. The growth of international strategic partnerships has risen exponentially in the last twenty years. Competing in a global marketplace has made it increasingly important to align business strategies with a risk management strategy...
Words: 5714 - Pages: 23
...Is culture really all that International Human Resource Manager is about? * Introduction * Diversity Management * IHRM & Culture issue * Conclusion * References Introduction People have always been the driving force of business and management. This force is a challenge and if not addressed with the right skills, it will develop into disturbing elements that are very dangerous for the management of the company. The challenges of global talent selection and mobility of labor, established by a career concept that transcends national borders and organizational groups and the emergence of virtual collaboration on international projects requires companies to develop new skills in their employees to be effective in the complexity of today's contexts. The workforces are people, and as we are human, we are all different from various points of view. This paper aims to answer the question: “Is culture really all that International Human Resource Manager is about?” I’ve analyzed the differences between HRM and IHRM based on the concept of diversity, characteristics that influence both topics but in a different way. After this, the next stop is to define IHRM and the concept of culture to reach the conclusion that managing cultural differences in an international team is the major challenge to IHRM. Due to the movement of employees between foreign subsidiaries and headquarters and between foreign locales, HRM professionals are likely to...
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...International Business - Environments and Operations Part One Background For International Business Chapter 1 Globalization and International Business Introduction Globalization is the ongoing process that deepens and broadens the relationships and interdependence among countries. International Business is a mechanism to bring about globalization. (The term sometimes refers to the integration of world economies through the reduction of barriers to the movement of trade, capital, technology, and people. Throughout recorded history, human contacts over ever-wider geographic areas have expanded the variety of available resources, products, services, and markets. Today, so many different components, ingredients, and specialized business activities go into products that we’re often challenged to say exactly where they were made. Example: Japanese firm Matsushita furnishes the CD player in the Korean-manufactured Kia Sorento.) International business consists of all commercial transactions—including sales, investments, and transportation—that take place between two or more countries Increasingly foreign countries are a source of both production and sales for domestic companies (These global activities enable us to get more variety, better quality, or lower prices. Private companies undertake such transactions for profit while governments may undertake them either for profit or for political reasons.) Studying International Business is Important * Most companies are either...
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...Responses to Review Questions Answer One What are the factors that influence a company's decision to go abroad? Please explain how these are related to each other. In the discussion on the internationalisation process of a firm, the product life cycle model plays a major role. Please explain and discuss the usefulness this model. (A) Generally, the first decision to go abroad is a specific one. It is a decision to look at the possibility of a specific investment in a specific country, not a general decision to look around the globe for investment opportunities. At this stage the organisation has no experience with the complexities of foreign investment, although it often has had some export experience. There are no standard operating guidelines, which can be given to deal with these complexities. What is needed mostly is a strong push and/or commitment to go abroad. A company benefits from these earlier experiences in the subsequent investment decisions. The organisational factors include: • role of the management • motives of the organisation • success at home Other than these internal forces, a number of factors in the environment, outside the organisation, may also force a company to go abroad. These drivers of internationalisation may include: • unsolicited proposal that cannot be ignored. These may include proposals from a foreign government, distributor or customer • competitive drive or bandwagon effect following other competitors or a general belief...
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...Management Theories and Challenge for Global Managers Preface The hospitality and the tourism industries are inter-related. Neither industry is limited to country boundaries. They are growing very rapidly. In a world which has become globalized, international trade barriers are becoming less and funds can be more easily obtained at present than in the past which boost the development of these industries throughout the world. More and more multinational organisations have emerged in these fields. These organisations are working in different countries in different cultural environments. This cultural difference in different countries introduces to the managers with the classical problem of cross cultural management which involves problems regarding understanding, interacting and communicating with individuals from different cultures (Ayoun and Moreo, 2008). Organisations in hospitality and tourism industries, especially hotels, are being more widely spread across the globe. As such, all managers have to think about culture. There may be two types of manager in this scenario. One is a global manager, actually the best person available for the job from any culture, who is responsible for coordinating business in more than one country. The other one is an expatriate manager, a person from any culture, who is assigned to control the business of one country and who thus becomes an expert of that culture (Capellen and Leuven, 2006. p. 1-4). The global manager’s competency and success depend...
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...The major elements and dimensions of culture in the UAE The elements and dimensions of culture include communication (language), religion, ethics, values and attitudes, manners, customs, and social structures and organizations. The understanding of these principles, relative to culture, is imperative to the success of international businesses, marketing scholars, and practitioners alike. Within this insight lies approved goals and objectives to meet the needs of merchants and consumers internationally. Social Structure of the UAE The UAE is one of six members belonging to the Gulf Corporate Council (GCC). It is also a member of the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Oil Product Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) (Rees, C. J., Mamman, A., & Braik, A., 2007). Compared to other nations in the Middle East, the UAE is regarded as the most politically stable (Akoum, 2008). After declaring its independence from British parliament in 1971, the UAE formed a federation of seven independent emirates (Akoum, 2008). Those emirates are: Abu Dhabi, which is the largest city and capital of the UAE, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Qaiwain, Ras Al Khaimah, and Fujairah. Governed by Hereditary rule, each emirate consists of a Sheikh from the supreme council of rulers who work alongside a Crown Prince and a deputy ruler (Rees, et. al., 2007). These rulers control general policy and federal laws. Values and attitudes In keeping with Islamic...
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...Global Human Resource Management Learning Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the drivers behind globalization in the early 21st century. Discuss the role that culture plays in determining the effective use of human resource management practices in a global organization. Identify critical HRM issues faced by multinational and global organizations when they conduct business in the international marketplace. Internet/Web Resources General Sites www.expatexchange.com www.ilo.org www.odei.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ index.html www.mexicomaquila.com www.gmacglobalrelocation.com www.shrm.org globalgateway.monster.com Company Sites www.globaldynamics.com www.nortel.com www.bp.com www.dell.com www.ballygaming.com www.nestle.com www.unilever.com www.fiat.com www.volvo.com Career Challenge Chapter 4 Global Human Resource Management 97 Boswell Technologies is a computer software development firm located in Akron, Ohio. Michael Carl, vice president for human resources at Boswell Technologies, has just returned from San Benedetto, Italy. It seems that Boswell is soon going to become Boswell International. The company has just acquired a successful software firm located in San Benedetto. The purpose of the acquisition was to quickly allow Boswell to become a premier supplier of new and innovative computer software in Europe. On his first day back in Ohio, Michael has been called into the office of Boswell’s president, David Randolf, to give...
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