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Different Cultures in America


Submitted By adlivun
Words 1895
Pages 8
“The northeastern or America is densely populated, because of the extensive corridors of the urbanization it has been called the national “megalopolis”” as stated by Molly Doane in her statements at After years of acting as the leader for technology and the industry in America the Northeastern part of America falls off of being the leader to California’s Silicon Valley. Though it’s not towards the restaurants and businesses of the Italian, French, German, Russian, Muslims, Jews, and the English; “Huge waves of non-European immigration since the 1960s have made the United States the nation with the highest immigrant population in the world” also stated by Molly Doane in her statements at and so because of this today most of the cultures that are a part of America and its history would be the Italians, Jewish, and the English cultures. This is because before the revolutionary war people emigrated from Britain to America to the 13 colonies, then there were the Italians who immigrated to America because of the English population saying it is a land of the free and people would live better and richer than they already were. The Italians are most famous for creating the mafia and godfathers that people have heard or known about today. The Jewish have more history with America than the Italians. The Americans helped free the Jews and leads them to America so they can live with freedom, without fear of dying by another person’s hand just because of what he or she are, and being able to make a life of their own for themselves and their family. They immigrated to America and created another culture to the list after the first World War. The Jewish culture is mostly famous for the Hebrew language and the Hanukah holiday for Christmas. Between these cultures the have made up the Northeastern and the eastern side of America. If you go from the west side of America to the Easter side of America you’ll see it more randomly different and see a change in the culture and people you’ll run in to. You’ll hear an Italian accent more than you’ll hear somewhere in the south or the west. You’ll also see more of the men wearing caps on the top of their heads which signifies that they are Jewish. In the south of America you’ll see more of the gangs, old village type cities, poor communities which is populated mostly by the Cubans and the Hispanics, which what I have read they don’t like each other very much. The Cubans are of the South African continent and culture which came and immigrated to America after the Spanish War with the Hispanics. Today the Cubans have the most leading gang members and crimes gang and drug related. Not to mention they have the most illegal immigration levels more than any other culture and the highest rate of having drugs smuggled in to America over the borders. Grant it, not all of the Cuban are like this, they also have some crazy ways of cooking. The saying “Use anything to cook with” well, they take it literal. Just like their cooking, they cook cow tongues, pigs’ feet and many more ingredients that we never really eat or use before. The Hispanics come second to the gangs and the drug detail through the border lines. You will usually see more of the Hispanics around America but not much of Hispanics because you usually seen them in New Mexico and Texas. The Hispanics mostly immigrated to America after the Spanish War. They do things commonly like the Cubans; some say they’re relatives but rivalry relatives, if you look at it. This is because the Hispanics and Cubans don’t seem to see eye to eye about things like territory, reputation, dealings, and the supplies or family viewings. The Cubans are more of a gang related culture about territory, power, and who all is trusted or who all is in the click like a high school, because in high school you have people in clicks. If you don’t belong in the click or you mess with someone in the click the rest of them will come after you just like the Cubans. It’s similar to the Italians but not really because of the different languages being Spanish and Italian, but also the taste in foods. The Cubans like to use cow tongues and pigs feet while the Italians are big in to the sausages and pasta. The Hispanics are kind’ve the same way as the Cubans but they are less harmless than the Cubans. They also use a lot more spices in their cooking, they’re also gentler than the Cubans. Now they do create gangs and crimes like the Cubans but not as much. It has been said that the Cubans and the Hispanics are related to the ancient Mayan tribes. This is still being proven by archeologists and scientists, but they have found good evidence stating that the Hispanic and the Cuban cultures originated from the Mayan tribes. The south eastern part of America is between the French, Muslims, Germans, Russians, and the English. Grant it, the English will be the culture to populate mostly all of America, but these cultures carry over throughout the country also. The French immigrated like the Italians but there’s no real rivalry here for the French and Italians other than the culture differences between the two. The Muslim’s immigrated for a better life and a richer life for themselves without worrying about the rules of covering up and going against things leading to death. They also came for the free religion. They’re sort’ve like Christians but they have a huge deal of rival ship between the two because of the religion. They see God and Christ as ALA while we look at them as God and Christ. Germans and Russians immigrated here after the first and second World Wars. They have a huge rivalry between each other because of the Nazi standards most of Germany began to acknowledge to. Grant it, the Germans were hated for this even though most of the Germans were killed by the Nazis, but the ones who were are not like they use to be but still don’t like the Russians and vice versa. The Russians have the Soviet Army which most people do not like but most of Russia isn’t about the war or death. Today where I live there is Russian communities around Missouri and also out of the country school experiences. Most of the population here in America has different cultures in their bloods and are mostly just one culture. The cultures as well as the Italians don’t get a long but also do get along. Because of the histories all of the cultures have, they mind their own business most of the time. Except for the mafia and the gangs, other than that most of the businesses today are made and or created from immigrants who are not American. Most of the game systems today are from different cultures which made them more popular and interesting today. The businesses I was talking about consists of the Sony, Mitsubishi, Honda, Toshiba, Acer, Hp, and other businesses from japan, China, and the other cultures I have just talked about previously. Most of the game systems today that are popular from these cultures would be the PlayStation, Xbox, Sega, Game boy, and Wii. African Americans are just like Americans but they have had a rough history in America leading up to their freedom and rights today. They came here as slaves, not having any rights, being punished, treated, talking to disrespectfully, and ultimately being told to act like slaves unfairly. They leaded up to the Civil War because the northern region of America didn’t approve of the way the south was making the African Americans slaves when their human beings with rights. The west of America is originally based on the cultures of mostly Japanese and Chinese. The reason being is because most of the cultures came from the east while these two cultures came from the west side making it easier than traveling longer around the world to the east. Japan’s culture is actually the most interesting culture I think, because they have many religions and they keep excelling in to technology and electronics before we even think of it. They are also the most leading car sellers and factory industries today in America. Most people today do not like Japanese people because of the Pearl Harbor incident that they decided to attack us. They also use to have the world’s largest navy that could not be stopped or destroyed until America showed Japan that America was the biggest now. Japan also has so many words in their languages about just one word like the word really would be “Houtou and Hountoni” with many other words for the word really. They have a vast language that is much more complicated than ours but to everyone who doesn’t speak English, find the language harder than any other language. China is very strict about the population and breeding in their culture and lands. In one family they could only have two daughters, if they have more than two daughters than they would kill the other daughters. You can have as many sons as you wanted but you could only have two daughters. Not to mention they usually work on farming and selling jewels. They also have the world’s largest wall separating the borders of China and another country. Even though these two cultures are both Asians they both have very different cooking styles, languages, and ways of religion but also have just one related religion together which is Buddhism. The Japanese culture has several ways of religion but the main religion they have and pray to be Buddhism just like China. These two religions also believe in the ying and yang which the Chinese have started long ago. Their cooking is vastly different as well, they eat mostly noodles, egg rolls, see food, squid, fish, and many more from the sea as well as fruits. The Chinese culture actually started the Chinese zodiac off of a calendric cycle after the Greeks started the Horoscopes off of the constellation. The Chinese Zodiacs consist of twelve signs which are: the year of the Monkey, year of the Dog, year of the Dragon, year of the Snake, year of the Rat, year of the Boar, year of the Ox, year of the Tiger, year of the Rabbit, year of the Horse, year of the Goat, and year of the Rooster. The biggest religion they have would the same as Japanese culture which is Buddhism. These two religions were also the ones who started the Karate and have had a big fuss back in the day about non Oriental’s learning karate. The Chinese language isn’t as huge as the Japanese language as well, they have just a word or two for one word and that’s it, unlike the Japanese language where they have several words for just one word.

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