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Digital Forensics Case

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Digital forensics is the process of uncovering and interpreting electronic data for use in a court of law. In The main goal of the process is to preserve any evidence in its most original form while performing a structured investigation by collecting, identifying and validating the digital information which will be admissible in a court of law. To collect the document is has to follow certain guidelines. United States v. Gourde (2006) and United States v. Zeigler (2007) are both great examples of cases to investigate the case. The primary goal of this document is to demonstrate the importance of digital forensic in solving criminal investigation. In the following paragraph two criminal cases are studied and analyzed.

In United States v. Gourde, …show more content…
Ziegler. The case is about Frontline Processing Company who process online electronic payment in Bozeman. Anthony Cochenour, the owner of Frontline's Internet-service provider and the fiancé of a Frontline employee, contacted Special Agent of FBI James A. Kennedy, Jr. Jeffrey Brian Ziegler who is a suspect who is a director of operation. Agent Kennedy asks to copy the hard drive of before Ziegler tamped the hard drive. Freeman indicated that the company would voluntarily turn over Ziegler's computer to the FBI and thus explicitly suggested that a search warrant would be unnecessary. But Ziegler argued that Agent Kennedy, has violated the fourth amendment without his consent to search his computer on his office. He also argued that agent Kennedy lacks lacking a warrant. Simons, 206 F.3d 392 (4th Cir.2000), the court ultimately held that Ziegler had no reasonable expectation of privacy in "the files he accessed on the Internet" and therefore denied Ziegler's motion. Even though “The district court erred in its finding that Ziegler did not have a legitimate expectation of privacy in his office and computer." (Ziegler, 2007, p. 22). According to Mancusi, 392 U.S. at 370, 88 S.Ct. states that a private employee retains an expectation that his private office will not be the subject of an unreasonable government search, such interest may be subject to the possibility of an employer's consent to a search of the premises which it owns …show more content…
Zeigler. 474 F.3d 1184 (9th Cir. January 30, 2007). As an expert computer forensics examiner, we should always obtain a search warrant before proceeding with any search in order to stay in compliance with the law (Solomon et al., 2011 p. 12). This warrant must show all the elements that explicitly justify the approval of a search warrant. In their quest for “evidence that points to the suspect” (Solomon et al., 2011 p. 64) and which will fulfill their request for a search warrant where Agent James fails to do that. Agent James also violent Fourth amendment of rights where seizing and searching of personal device without user consent is illegal. But in this case employer y consent to search for their personal data however, even those searches may be limited to certain parts of the computer system or network, Zeigler may have e a personally-owned flash drive at work and may have all the evidence stored on that flash drive. He can easily tampered with all the evidence because he is already

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