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Worthmore Academy

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Welcome to Worthmore Academy - Special Education in INDIANAPOLIS, IN, where our dedicated staff maintains the highest quality of education. At Worthmore Academy - Special Education parents can be guaranteed that their child will get the best assistance they need to reach their full potential. A special education private school is designed to accommodate the specific needs of a student to ensure success. Founded in 1988 by Brenda J. Jackson, Worthmore Academy - Special Education is a special education private school where a child will feel comfortable in the environment and to achieve their academic and social needs.

If your child is in need of individualized remediation, you can depend on our staff. We specialize in learning disabilities …show more content…
By touring the clean facility of Worthmore Academy - Special Education in CARMEL, IN, you will get a better feel for the environment and have the assurance that your child is in capable hands. You will never have to be in doubt or worry about the professionalism of our trusted staff. We offer a supportive environment that we feel is a good fit for disabled children. Our ADD private school is a comfortable environment that encourages children to learn and to grow. If you are thinking about choosing a positive place, we recommend you to try Worthmore Academy - Special Education.

If your child needs individualized instruction to remediate his or her condition, do not hesitate to contact Worthmore Academy - Special Education in CARMEL, IN. Our main objective is to help children reach their traditional academic setting within one or two years. This is easily accomplished because each child has the ability to work according to his or her level. Each child will leave our academy feeling more achieved than when they arrived. If you would like more information about how you can enroll your child at Worthmore Academy - Special Education, we encourage you to visit our website online at We look forward to hearing from …show more content…
If you have the knowledge of your child’s strengths, challenges and special needs, it should not be a complicated task to find the appropriate school that allows him or her to succeed. You will find that a majority of private school for learning disabilities are equipped with special education programs that are extremely beneficial for students to flourish. Special schools that have the essential curriculum for students with special needs are always in high demand. Best of all, teachers are well trained so that they can serve the students in a better manner. It is a known fact that students with a learning disability will progress better when they are given personalized attention and fewer distractions. Instead of being in a noisy classroom where it is difficult to concentrate, students are better off being in a quiet, learning

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