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Digital Privacy


Submitted By Starstein
Words 963
Pages 4
The Value of Digital Privacy in the IT Age

The Value of Digital Privacy in the IT Age Digital Privacy in the IT age is almost extinct. The World Wide Web houses information about anything and everyone. People use the digital technology everyday with the impression that what they are doing is protected from others, unless they chose. While few consumers are fully aware of how their data is being used and even fewer are capable of actively managing it, most individuals expect their digital identity to be treated responsibly and openly: 79%, for example, said companies should be more transparent about use of personal data. There are systems and technologies that people use to gain access to a person’s information. The information obtained can be an advantage or disadvantage. The government has implemented laws for years to try to establish some controls
There are many technologies that will allow an individual to research citizens, but the three that will be discussed are Facebook, Intellus, and Google. Facebook is a web based social app use to contact friends. A person can either download for free or buy “apps” for a small amount of money. Apps are games, quizzes and sharing services. These “apps” are consists a host of personal information which includes emails, current locations, sexual preferences of “app” users and their friends. Intelius allows people to access personal records by name, social security number or phone number. People use this system to find family or do background checks on others. Intellius will show you where a person lives and his/her family members. Google is a search engine that can be used to find information on individuals. Background information, phone numbers, addresses, maps and more. Vice versa, anyone can find the same information about you. Information obtained is given by citizens at the time of opening up an account. This is

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