...Direct Marketing According to the official definition of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), direct marketing is an "interactive system of marketing which uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and/or transaction at any location." While there are many other possible definitions, the DMA captures the four basic concepts that set direct marketing apart from traditional marketing. The notion of interactivity, or one-to-one communication between the marketer and the prospect or customer, is one factor that distinguishes direct marketing keting from general advertising and other types of marketing. Direct marketing makes an offer and asks for a response. By developing a history of offers and responses, direct marketers acquire knowledge of their prospects and customers, resulting in more effective targeting. Measurability also sets direct marketing apart from general advertising and other forms of marketing. Direct marketers can measure the response to any offer. Measurability allows direct marketers to test a variety of lists, offers, media—virtually any aspect of a campaign—in order to allocate marketing resources to the most effective combination of elements. Direct marketing uses a variety of media, including mail, magazine ads, newspaper ads, television and radio spots, infomercials (also television but longer format), free standing inserts (FSIs), and card decks. This flexibility allows direct marketing to provide interactivity and measurability...
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...The first thing that must be done is to assess if our industry or sector is susceptible to the use of direct mailing as an aid to the generation of sales leads – so we will need a market feasibility study which will include: Description of the Industry Current Market Analysis Competition Anticipated Future Market Potential Potential Buyers and Sources of Revenues Sales Projections If the conclusion is that we should undertake a direct-mailing campaign, we will have had to face up to and overturn the following adverse arguments. We must not expect too much and must use calculations to back up the wisdom of what we are doing. When profits result from a successful marketing campaign, it nevertheless almost always reflects a tiny percentage of returns, and this return must be subject to calculation and assessment. For example, if we send out 1,000 postcards at a cost of €750 (printing and postage) we need to generate enough sales leads to at least pay for the campaign. If we are a clothing boutique say, and our average customer spends €100 per visit we would need to get 7 or 8 new average customers to break even. Direct mail marketing is about building new relationships and getting the word out about the business – we are unlikely to get rich from it. Another problem may be this; if location is important, and we send out inserts through a local direct-mail advertising company we will reach potential customers in our local community. But we will also waste...
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...: Distribution management CURM 418 Lecturer : Saruchera F (Mr) Question Direct marketing has been one of the fastest growing areas of distribution over the past 30years. With reference to various forms of direct marketing, account for direct marketing’s increasing success. Introduction Kotler P et al (2012) defines direct marketing as direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships. Kayode O (2014) further defines direct marketing as the process involved in selling goods and services without the aid of wholesaler or retailer and such activities involve direct response advertising, advertising for leads which sales people can follow through to achieve sales. This can be in the form of recording, analysis and tracking of customers’ direct responses in order to develop loyalty. West D et al (2010) points out the main scope of direct marketing as customer retention though there may be some acquisition involved. The evolution of direct marketing as a product distribution tool In recent years direct marketing has established itself as a major component of the promotional mix. Direct marketing uses media which is more specific and targeting specified individuals or organisations and request an immediate response. Although the origins of direct marketing lie in personal selling, direct mail and mail order, over the past few years marketers have come to adopt and exploit information...
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...Definition: Direct Marketing delivers promotional messages directly to potential customers on an individual basis, such as postal mail, telemarketing and direct e-mailing, in contrast to mass media such as television, radio or the Internet. It is a form of advertisement in which physical marketing materials are provided to customers in order to communicate information about a product or service.1 This form of marketing seeks to create an action (visit the store, demand further information, enter companies website) from the target group in response to a message from the marketer. Furthermore it shows measurable responses from consumers, regardless of the medium. Benefits: The major components in Direct Marketing are the evaluation and measurement of responses. The usage is very popular with marketers, because its results can directly be measured. Meaning that, if a company addresses 500 letters to their customers and 50 of them respond to the promotion, one can conclude that the mailing campaign led to a 10 percent directl response (measurement of efficiency). Furthermore the tool allows a company to create a qualified and potential database and feedback system for its own future use. Delivering promotional messages directly to the potential customer can easily raise awareness of the business/ product. A personal interaction (face-to-face) is not necessarily required so customers do not have to interact with salespeople. Most importantly Direct Marketing helps to build...
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...Introduction David Delorean, the marketing manager of BK Bank. The directors of BK Bank had a meeting and they decided to reverse a key decision of three to four years ago. In the same time, they had concluded that, they need to increase the revolving credit account base urgently and this task fallen to David to resolve. Therefore David may figure out the problem and solve it base on his experience. First, David needs to found out what is the main problem that causes the sales decreases. Besides that, he have to carefully planned, detailed marketing and direct marketing objectives. Thus he has to use their current data base to seek for customers that they need to put more efforts on it. Following he needs to calculate the net present value of the BK Bank. Moreover, David should figure out how their staff doing in Direct Marketing due to there is so many competitors in the market so they have to provide better services to attract more customers. Direct marketing is the most profitable technique, which can directly reach to customers in the shortest period. Lastly, David is required to come out with some new strategy to implement into the BK Bank to retain the existing company and recruiting new customers as well. By retain and recruiting customers may help to increase the sales of BK Bank. Planning for Media, Direct and Online Marketing Question 1 -Key Issues 1. Market Maturity High profits business has a high demand in the market, so that there is more company...
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...illustrated in the graph) Age range from under 18 to over 65. Population By Age (6th-October area) Under 18 18 -24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65 and Older Education and job types Highly Educated(University Graduated), Juniors and senior employee. Marital status Single , Empty nesters couples, Couples with young children. Size of household Small household (average: 4-members). Psychographic Lifestyles Dining out a lot. Fast food seekers. Social class Class B & C geographical 6th-October Citizens, mainly (For our 1st Year). People from other areas in Egypt and the MENA. Target market Youth (Age average 18 – 44 years old). Middle class (class B) customers. Highly educated people. Empty nesters and singles. Marketing strategies The 1st year for Forest Spirit Restaurant Objective:...
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...PHARMACEUTICAL DIRECT TO CONSUMER MARKETING Grand Canyon University: 437V September 18, 2013 Current medical and pharmaceutical marketing strategies raise concern from consumer groups and the medical community due to the overconsumption of the products as well as the advertised products supplying no medical benefit to the consumer. Although the companies’ marketing strategies of medical and pharmaceutical products attempt to persuade the public that the products are revolutionary and life changing, the marketing strategies exclude pertinent information that may change the consumer’s minds about purchasing the products being offered. Many consumers purchase products that assert testimony of anti-aging effects in an attempt to regain what was once lost from the natural human aging process. Other consumers search for answers and treatment to a wide variety of medical conditions or ailments and these revolutionary products are then viewed as the essential answer to the consumer’s search. An ethical dilemma currently exists with the current medical and pharmaceutical marketing strategies and approaches with desperate need for the consumer to be knowledgeable about all aspects of the products being marketed and the government or influential bodies to be reactive to the current marketing strategies. Regulatory Bodies of Marketing for Pharmaceutical Companies The Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communications (DDMAC), a sub division of the Food and Drug Administration...
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...2014 DIRECT MARKETING PLAN FOR UNI TRANSPORT 2|Page 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We developed a direct marketing plan for the transportation service known as the UNI Transport. We have come up with a marketing plan from where we have developed a direct marketing plan. We have firstly come up with a SWOT analysis through which we have identified the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. From there we have identified our target market and then we have gone further in to build a customer database from which we have identified our types of customers. From there we have moved on to the existing communications used and then we went for the marketing objectives and strategy. From the marketing objectives, we have recommended the communications that should be used by the service. After that, we have moved on to describe what the service offers and then we have talked about the types of payment terms. Since price and growth are interrelated, we have later moved on to the Ansoff matrix. Lastly we have calculated the expected return on investment and the upcoming plans for the coming years. 3|Page 4 OVERVIEW OF THE SERVICE The service we have chosen to work on is a university transportation service, run by a student of North South University. The name of this service is ‘UNI Transport.’ This is an existing service that is operating in a small scale. For students who study in universities located in faraway areas such as Bashundhara, it is an everyday hassle to travel...
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...Direct marketing The major role as advertising agency is to work alongside the clients to develop and sustain the brands that they mutually serve, through consumer understanding and insight and through creative and media delivery skills to provide best advice and the best execution thereof to those clients for the advertising of those brands. A product is something that is made, in a factory: a brand is something that is bought, by a customer. A competitor can copy a product; a brand is unique. A product can be quickly out-dated; a successful brand is timeless. The role of advertising and the advertising agency is to help effect this transformation from product or service to brand by clearly positioning the offering to the consumer, and by communicating the brand's own personality. There are few reasons why to choice an agency: • An advertising agency brings together people with the required expertise and experience of the various sub-disciplines of advertising. Thus, it has the copywriters, visualizes, researchers, photographers, directors, planners and people who get business and deal with clients working in ad agencies. An agency moulds all these people into a team and gives them a highly conducive work atmosphere. The agency makes the best use of their talents and experience to deliver rapidly, efficiently and in greater depth than a company or organization could do on its own. • Advertising agencies are highly professional. Objectivity is a major virtue of ad...
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...Creative Advertising Chapter 11 Direct Marketing Direct marketing has been a healthy and active industry for more than 150 years. There are many advantages of direct marketing it has immediate results, two way communication, pinpointing of prospects, personalized messages, and more consumer involvement. The direct mail industry has been hurt by rising costs in paper and delivery services as well as changes in consumer behavior. There are three musts you have to accomplished for successful direct mail and they are, the lists, they are as important element of a direct campaign the list should be narrowed to prime prospects for the product or service. The message you have only a few seconds to grab a customer’s attention with direct mail. Make it oversized. Also, the offer the mailing always asks for a response, often in the form of a limited-time offer. It could be a simple coupon. The design of the direct mail package is just as important the most common design or standard is 81/2 by 11 inch paper and folded into thirds. Catalogs are bring the retail store into the home and office, catalog advertising has come a long way There are many great forms of direct mail, e-mail it is inexpensive and an easy way to reach loyal customers. The internet is the ultimate direct marketing everyone is on the internet it is most unlikely to see a company trying to do business without it. There has to be an interactive team when you design for the internet. You would need an art director...
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...MARKETING DIRECT (Note de curs) Conf. univ. dr. Călin Vegheş Marketingul direct poate fi definit ca un ansamblu de concepte, tehnici şi instrumente de marketing, concretizate într-un demers orientat direct, personalizat şi interactiv către consumator, urmărind generarea unei reacţii cuantificabile a acestuia (concretizată în cumpărarea unui produs sau serviciu, solicitarea unor informaţii suplimentare din partea organizaţiei, furnizarea de informaţii despre caracteristicile şi comportamentul său de cumpărare şi consum, interacţiunea cu punctele tradiţionale de marketing şi/sau vânzări ale organizaţiei) şi crearea unei platforme relaţionale de marketing pe termen lung. Instrumentele utilizate de către marketingul direct sunt în bună măsură similare celor specifice marketingului „tradiţional”, similaritatea menţinându-se şi la nivelul noţiunilor şi conceptelor de bază folosite. Concretizarea conceptelor, tehnicilor şi instrumentelor specifice o reprezintă campaniile de marketing direct, proiectate şi realizate în vederea atingerii unor obiective specifice. Este esenţială precizarea că nu se poate vorbi despre campanii-tip care să soluţioneze probleme-tip. Deşi cadrul general al acestora este comun, ceea ce le separă în mod decisiv este, dincolo de datele concrete ale fiecărei situaţii în parte, creativitatea celui sau celor care le proiectează şi le realizează, fapt care conferă acesteia o poziţie determinantă pentru succesul campaniei. Elementele de referinţă pentru ansamblul...
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...Fiche Pratique N°2a Liste Permis de Construire Rédiger une lettre de prospection suite à un premier contact téléphonique Nantes, le 07 Mars 2009 Lieu et Date Pauline LORANT 1, rue Galilée 44340 BOUGUENAIS Coordonnées du destinataire Bonjour Madame LORANT, Suite à notre entretien téléphonique du Lundi 2 mars, vous trouverez ci-joint une documentation détaillée de notre gamme de Cuisines équipées. Spécialisé dans l’aménagement de cuisine depuis plus de 10 ans, nous disposons d’une gamme étendue de cuisines dans tous les styles. Nous sommes à votre écoute pour vous aider et vous conseiller dans l’élaboration de votre projet et mettre à votre service notre professionnalisme : - conseils techniques - étude personnalisée et gratuite - proposition adaptée à votre budget Notre conseiller, Benoît LEBEHEREC est à votre disposition Téléphone : 02 51 11 26 26 Mail : benoit.lebeherec@vecteurplus.com Comme convenu, il vous rappellera début avril 2009 A très bientôt Cordialement Période du prochain contact Resituer le 1er contact et l’objet du courrier Présentation de votre société Présentation de votre service Coordonnées de la personne à contacter Surlignés en jaune : les éléments fournis par le fichier ODH Astuces : Mettez en gras les éléments importants de votre lettre afin qu’ils soient plus lisibles. Si vous devez faire un publipostage n’oubliez pas de rajouter dans votre fichier deux colonnes comprenant la date d’appel du client et la période de rappel (élément...
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...INTRODUCTION Tanishq is India’s one of the largest, most desirable and fastest growing jewellery brand. A TATA Enterprise and the jewellery division of Titan Industries Limited, it started in 1995 with its first store opening in Chennai. In its early days, Tanishq was positioned as an international jewellery brand for the Indian elite. This meant it catered to a niche market. The Tanishq portfolio comprises a wide range of jewellery, including 18-carat studded products, 22-carat plain-gold products, silverware and coins. Tanishq is the first brand in the jewellery category to introduce collections designed exclusively for the modern Indian woman, especially working women. Tanishq pioneered the concept of branded jewellery and ornaments in India. They have set up production and sourcing bases with thorough research of the jewellery crafts of India. Their factory located at Hosur, Tamil Nadu (India) spreads over 135,000 sq ft. The brand’s winning virtues in design and overall quality have shaped a class of discerning buyers who seek the best in jewellery products. Leadership and innovation are two of the other brand features that Tanishq is consistently identified with. These values have helped the brand bond with its consumers like no other Indian jewellery retailer. PRODUCT LINE & THE COLLECTIONS PRODUCT LINE: Tanishq Diamond Cut and crafted with utmost care, Tanishq diamonds come with a certificate of authenticity, stating the karat, colour and clarity of the stone, to enable...
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...Media Marketing Strategy as a Form of Direct Marketing, Today’s Emerging Trends and Tomorrow’s Implications. Ahmad Jan 120070118 Hussam Alowaibeel 120070103 Marketing 420 - Direct Marketing Dr. Mikhail Zenchenkov ABSTRACT While firms strive to survive by gaining a significant market share and to position their products in the market with the ultimate aim of generating sufficient profits to sustain their survival, research has demonstrated that the marketing approach adopted by these firms underlies the strength of their positions in the market today. That has driven a significant number of firms in the world to invest a significant share of their revenues to conduct the marketing of their product using direct marketing strategies on the best media that has in the recent past unveiled itself, social media. Typically, that is because the internet has virtually merged the real world with the virtual world and its presence in the whole world is overwhelming. Unlike, therefore, the traditional marketing strategies that focused on segmentation with the 4Ps underlying concepts, a radical departure in the recent past where social media is increasingly taking the place of social media has been the trend. However, the implications and future trend share that firms have to fully get into the internet and use social media as one of the best strategies of direct marketing to reap the benefits of direct marketing strategies...
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...building into the design of its various programs the relevant strengths of JFC as a foodservice company so that program sustainability would have a fairly good chance. Jollibee is now to take the opportunity to move into the future and maximize the brand’s potential through a strong and effective coordinated promotional campaign. Executive Diary Jollibee desires to have an ability that allows the company to be far more responsive to the needs and expectations of consumers, providing the foods that directly meet the taste and preferences of the target market. Jollibee aims to maintain its position as the leading fast-food chain. The plan proposes to achieve this objective by having direct-response from the target audience through facilitating consumer engagement and action through event marketing; aligning Jollibee with consumer’s taste, preference and social connectedness. The proposed event is structured to occur starting from July 2014. Goals and Objective Key goals to be addressed through the proposed promotional event have been identified as a...
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