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Discrimination In The Criminal Justice System

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Imagine you are in court and you are not guilty at all but your not white, and your race defines who you are so they make you look guilty when in reality you aren't. Like someone once said, “We are all humans until race disconnects us, religion separates us, politics divide us, and wealth classifies us”.
The Criminal Justice System isn't equal for all races because it gives fewer prerogative to the other races. The system was established by Caucasians, they focused all of it on them and didn't give any fair rights to the black and Hispanic race. There have been many reports of how Hispanics are “overrepresented in the nation’s criminal justice system, with Hispanic defendants imprisoned three times as often” mexicans are being locked up because …show more content…
Recent studies have shown us that “32 percent of black males and 17 percent of male Latinos born in 2001 can expect to spend time in prison during their lifetime”. The question still remains unanswered, there is a massive percentage of black and Hispanic males that could go to prison and stay there for a lifetime, it could be for the crime they have committed or if they are getting put in prison because they are getting discriminated. Another reason there might be discrimination is because of who and how the system was made. A criminologist claimed that ”discrimination pervades the justice system. He said the legal system was made by white men to protect white interests and keep blacks down”. Since the system was made by white men they wanted to protect their interest and not focus as much on the other races. If there was a trial between a black and a white, then most likely the white defendant would succeed with the case. With further investigation “Professor Johnson discovered that white jurors were more likely to find a black defendant guilty than a white defendant, even though the mock …show more content…
A lot of the hispanic race would like to join clinical trials but there aren't any they would fully understand. The University of California have stated that “Generally, invitations to participate in clinical trials are in English, which may limit the participation of Latinos who are limited English proficient”. If the hispanic race went to trial then they would most likely not comprehend what they would be saying but many desire they could. If a good percentage of the hispanic race understood fluent english there would be many lations in clinical trials. A big problem hispanics are facing is that “Latinos face barriers to participation in clinical trials”. This means that they face obstacles that prevents them from what they wish to do, they face discrimination when it comes to clinical trials or anything dealing with the treatment of the human body. Not just for the hispanics but for the African American race as well, they as well get discriminated and won’t be able to accomplish there dream job or the job they always wanted to do. In specific,the ”Latino families are also often very involved in medical decisions and may be hesitant to have their family member participate in clinical trial”. Many hispanics wish to be included in the medical

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