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Grand Canyon Research Paper

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The Grand Canyon offers amazing views you will never forget, and the easiest way to see those views is from above. If you get tickets on one of the many cheap Grand Canyon airplane tours out of Las Vegas, you don't even have to pay an arm and a leg to enjoy these spectacular views.

Almost before you know it, you'll be taking off from Las Vegas and soaring over the stunning sights along the canyon's South Rim. There are other ways to see the Grand Canyon, but you will never see as much of it all at once as you will from an airplane. During your flight (almost 60 minutes) you'll see more than you could possibly see in several days on a land tour.

You can expect to enjoy a flight along with eighteen or less other passengers on a very safe twin-engine …show more content…
All airplane cabins are roomy and comfortable, and the air-conditioning system will keep you cool despite the desert heat. The wings of the airplanes are elevated so they won't obstruct your view. And the airplane's design is very aerodynamic, reducing air turbulence and ensuring that your flight will be smooth.

It takes less than an hour to fly from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon National Park. Compare that to the motor coach ride that lasts over five hours and you see why so many people prefer to visit the canyon through plane rides. Driving yourself into the Grand Canyon is not recommended, and that would still be a poor alternative to cheap Grand Canyon airplane tours since it takes several hours at least.

Plus, you cannot listen to detailed information regarding the Grand Canyon or have that information delivered in sixteen different languages when you drive yourself! The recording you hear through the headset on your plane tour will fill you in on the geology of the area as well as historical facts. All you need to do is sit back in your comfy seat, enjoy the view, and listen to interesting information about the canyon and the surrounding

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