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Caffeine Persuasive Essay

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Although caffeine is a widely, and commonly consumed drug, ethical implications should be taken into consideration. Some ethical considerations that should be taken into account are improvements on cognitive performance regarding speed of performance and ability to effectively complete a demanding physical task.
In the athletics community the use of caffeine as an enhancer is not unheard of, and not explicitly banned. As a matter of fact it is the most commonly used sport enhancing drug. The debate on the allowance of using the sport enhancing drug is in full affect. Parallels of the argument are that the usage of caffeine makes for uneven competition and is not an accurate representation of athletes physical ability to play. However, society has so widely …show more content…
Some include, irritability, headaches, fatigue, amongst others. The higher your daily caffeine consumption is the worse your symptoms will affect you. If interested in completely abolishing, or reducing your caffeine consumption, reduce intake by small doses and interchanging intervals. If withdraw symptoms persist or you have any concerns, consult your family physician. Although, caffeine consumption isn't frowned upon in day to day life, it is if you are under a certain age. It is common that younger people are looked down upon by people of an older age, because they deem them to be too young to need such stimulants. According to the National Coffee Association USA, the most staggering increase in coffee consumption happened to the age demographic of 13-18 year old. The percentage increased from 31% to 37% . The common age that teens begin to drink coffee is between the ages of 14-16 years old. At that age many parents are comfortable with them having a cup or two a day. By those ages, and depending on maturity level, teens are embark into adulthood, and find the utilization of caffeine to be helpful in their day-to-day

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