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Fourth Of July Narrative Essay

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July 4th~ What a relief! We have reached Independence Rock by the Fourth of July. We had to be here at Independence Rock by the fourth, otherwise we have the risk of still traveling in the mountains in the snow. We are spending two days here celebrating, relaxing, and we plan to carve our names in the three to four acre granite rock. My son James said that Independence Rock looks like a giant whale. Sarah Adams, Grace Taylor, and I prepared a picnic lunch for our families, while all the children played games like tag with each other. I have become very close to these woman along the trip. While we cooked and chatted, the men sat around and talked about man things. Who knows what they could be talking about for hours. We cooked the morning away, …show more content…
It was a group of Indians, the Shoshone, that were approaching our train on horses with spears and tomahawks. I was frozen in fear, thinking about the worst that could happen, attack. My instincts kicked in and I grabbed the children and I put them in the wagon, and told them to stay put and listen to Jacob. I stayed near the wagon just in case. A group of men including Adam went up slowly to talk to the Shoshone, to try to talk peace. We obviously didn’t want any trouble. I could see that the men had reached the Indians with no harm, and seemed to be talking to their leader. After about a 10 minute discussion, the men came back and told us that the Shoshone would like to negotiate a trade with us. The Shoshone wants guns, bullets, food, or blankets. I went to look for items to trade, and I came back with a chest that we’ve emptied out, and is just a waste of space and too heavy. Other members came back with blankets, bullets, and food like they had asked. We put our items to trade in the chest, and the man went back to talk. A little while later we saw a handshake, and the chief gave a our men a basket. Once basket was in the women’s hands of reach we wanted to see what we got. We got moccasins, beads, buffalo hide, some deer meat, and vegetables in return. This meat will taste so good after all the bacon we have been eating. It turns out that the

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