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Personal Narrative: Growing Up In Public School

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Growing up in public school, I was always forced into overcrowded classrooms, undoubtedly filled with a diverse group of students. I quickly learned that each student had their own opinion or story to share and it was impossible to drown each one of them out. Always looking for a new friend and realizing there was no way around it, I decided to start listening. While I may not remember every lesson I was taught in world history, I will never forget meeting one of my dearest friends, bonding over our mutual hatred for bell ringers. Conversations about who went to the movies together the previous weekend soon turned to a much deeper discussion. She began confiding in me about her tyrant-like father and the lack of power or respect women had in her religion. She opened up about her struggles following such strict religious guidelines and her dream of being an average blue-eyed, blonde teenage girl. She allowed me a glimpse of my small world from another perspective, giving me the opportunity to walk in her shoes, the shoes of a Muslim girl simply looking to fit in. My schedule also happened to coincide with the school’s biggest know-it-all. …show more content…
He came to school late routinely. Tired and a bit disheveled, he always had his homework and managed to receive high grades in each class. Asking him how he was able to do so well he said, “You do what ya gotta do.” I later learned he had to take care of his siblings, work, and go to school. He told me about his job, about having to apply for it, about his interview, and his hourly wage. He also told me how he taught himself to change a car’s oil and tires, always looking for a way to save money even if it required a little extra work. He did not learn just to pass a test; he was learning to provide for himself and his family. I realized he extended his educational environment beyond the walls of the classroom to the real world and was continuously learning new

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