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Italian Exam Guide


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Speaking section
The 15 minutes preparation time – as quoted by the excel examintation board and I fully support the same opinion my notes are in brackets() .
Before the Unit 1 test, students will have 15 minutes to study a stimulus text linked to the general topic area they have chosen.
Students must not write on this stimulus, but can make notes on a separate piece of paper. (Notes on key words you have or want to use- these were previously learnt by you). Both the stimulus and any notes must be taken into the exam room, and students can refer to these at any point during the test. (Preferably not for higher marks but if needed referring to them wont be an issue) However, students must not refer to dictionaries or any other resources during the preparation time. (You wont need a dictionary at this point so no problem here right!) * Begin by reading the entire text through (two, three or even 4 times) * Make bullet point notes of the main points of the text * Make a note of any vocabulary from the text which might be useful in discussion of this topic * Do not waste time writing out complete sentences; you will not be allowed to read out long prepared statements anyway (marks are awarded for spontaneity and fluency so please try not to use your notes) * Consider the types of questions which might be asked about the text, and your answers to these questions * Identify any vocabulary you already know that might be useful when answering questions on this topic.

The actual exam – As advised by myself.

This sections is relatively straightforward ,however, here are a few pointers :

1) Dont rely on flashcards alone, the examiner might throw questions you have not prepared, this sections aims to test your fluency and understanding of the language so variety is best!

2) Focus on learning single word vocabulary, sentence/opinion starters, and sometimes dont be scared to go for the controversial side, these unfortunately have the most points eg. Do you support or dont mind obesity?
Your points could be either A- well everyone should be free and accepted to be who and how they want to be and they might have undelying health issues


if you go for the argumentative side you can go into B- Credo che l’obesità è un problema che si deve risolvere, essere sovrappeso mette sforzo sul cuore, il fegato e altri organi. Nei giorni nostri con tutte le attività sportive, palestre e supporti medici che ci sono, non c’è scusa per essere pigri e danneggiarsi il corpo in tale modo. A lungo termine imparare a stare in forma migliora la lucidità della mente e allunga la vita.
(these are basic examples) underlined sentence is a conclusive sentence to be used when saying “in the long term” to be followed with “this is good or this is bad” + “answer why is it good or bad?”.

3) Give a lot of opinon – opinon is good! If it helps brainstorm in english then translate but remember that during the speaking you wont have time to think in english then translate to italian so its important to get used to fast word recall try and use single word flash cards and try and translate as fast as you can, get a friend or family member to test you that way during the speaking your answers will appear almost fluent, hesitation doesnt earn marks so remember its important to practice this sections, yet again you still have time to prepare I would suggest a minimum of 10-15 solid hours (on separate days obviously) put toward the speaking should give you a good background.. the more the better, even if you did 30 minutes before going to sleep and then 30 when you wake up this give your mind overnight to let the information sink in.

So I’ve listed in the next page opinons sentences (we have gone through a lot of these) but remember the basic structure of the speaking exam is very basic:

EXAMINER: “Qual’è la tua opinione ….” Or “Parliamo di XYZ…” (This is STARTER QUESTION, this question will tell you the first topic that will be covered and from here more questions will stem)

SOPHIA: “OPINION SENTENCE + SUBJECT +EXPAND” (if you run out of things to say dont carry on and branch into other things, just finish what your are saying and give a polite smile and the examiner will simply add another question later for you- nothing is lost so dont worry at this stage)

EXAMINER: “Questions your opinion” or “Gives you an opinion to agree or disagree on”

SOPHIA: “Io + agree/disagree + what the examiner asked + perche.. + 3 strong points to back up your argument- this is where the single vocabulary recognition is key because you dont know the question until you are told so its very on the spot.

EXAMINER: “Si, pero….” Very likely again try and contraddict what you are saying or suggest others opinion.

SOPHIA: This is where personal experience comes in handy, you can even make up something that is not true, since this exam isnt a truth test, so eg. if your agreeing with vegetarians you can say “Anche se io non sono vegetariana, rispetto le mie amiche che non mangiano carne perché essere vegetariani le aiuta a stare in forma e a sentirsi meglio”

The same format will repeat probably twice more and will cover at least 3 sub-topics of the given topic.

So here are the list of opinion/ agree/ disagree sentences for you to use if you would like..

è opinione comune che... -> it’s a common opinion that...

è una questione d’opinione...-> it’s a matter of opinion...

secondo me /a mio parere / a mio avviso -> in my opinion

pare / sembra che [+ subjunctive] ... -> it seems that...

sono del parere / d’avviso / d’opinione che….-> I’m of the opinion that..

penso / reputo che... -> I think / consider that..

sostengo che.. -> I maintain that..


essere pro ... -> to be for... sono della stessa opinione...-> I think the same.. sono assolutamente d’accordo... -> I agree wholeheartedly... è un’idea convincente...-> it’s a persuasive idea... sono d’accordo con quelli che dicono che... ->I agree with those who say that... c’è molto da dire in favore dell’una e dell’altra parte... -> there’s much to be said on both sides...


essere contro... -> to be against... non sono d'accordo ... -> I disagree / take the opposite view... dall'altro canto ... -> conversely / on the other hand... contrariamente a ciò che lei dice...-> contrary to the claims made by.. essere contrario/a a...-> to be opposed to... è vero il contrario... -> the opposite is true... osteggiare un progetto..-> to be against a plan.. non c'è una base logica per questa affermazione .... -> there’s no sound basis for the argument.. è un modo superficiale di affrontare un problema difficile... -> it’a a casual approach to a difficult problem...

REMEMBER – in brackets is what you are working with starting with the lowest in bold and working up. So read over the lowest ones and see where you can improve this will help you calculate where you are and remember nothing is stopping you from those higher marks except yourself Mark | Quality of language (Accuracy) (AO3) | 0 | No rewardable language. | 1 | Isolated examples of correct language; pronunciation and intonation often impede communication. | 2-3 | Many basic errors, impeding communication at times; pronunciation and intonation erratic, not always comprehensible. | 4-5 | Accuracy variable but errors rarely impede communication; pronunciation and intonation inconsistent but comprehensible. | 6-7 | Generally accurate but some errors in more complex language; pronunciation and intonation generally good. | 8 | Highly accurate with perhaps some very minor errors; pronunciation and intonation authentic. |

Mark | Quality of language (Range of Lexis) (AO3) | 0 | No rewardable language. | 1 | Very basic lexis; minimal command of structure. | 2-3 | Lexis restricted; operates generally in simple sentences. | 4-5 | Adequate range of lexis; limited range of structures. | 6-7 | Good range of lexis with some examples of more complex structures. | 8 | Wide range of lexis and good variety of structures with only occasional limitation. |

Mark | Response (AO1) | 0 | No rewardable language. | 1-4 | Little spontaneity; cannot develop responses; very reliant on examiner’s language. | 5-8 | Few examples of spontaneous discourse; limited development of responses; often fails to respond appropriately to questions; needs prompting. | 9-12 | Some examples of fluent discourse but not always spontaneous or well developed; some hesitation in more complex areas; difficulty with some questions. | 13-16 | Frequent examples of spontaneous discourse ably developed; responds usually without undue hesitation; deals adequately with most questions. | 17-20 | High incidence of spontaneous, fluent discourse; able to respond readily to all questions; develops and sustains discourse well. |

Mark | Understanding (Stimulus specific) (AO1) | 0 | No understanding of stimulus. | 1 | Limited answers to prescribed questions, demonstrating poor understanding of stimulus. | 2 | Satisfactory answers to prescribed questions, demonstrating adequate understanding of stimulus. | 3 | Detailed answers to prescribed questions, demonstrating good understanding of stimulus. | 4 | Full and detailed answers to prescribed questions, demonstrating excellent understanding of stimulus. |

Mark | Understanding (General topic area) (AO1) | 0 | No rewardable language. | 1-2 | Hardly any relevant ideas and opinions, demonstrating poor understanding of general topic area. | 3-4 | Few relevant ideas and opinions, demonstrating limited understanding of general topic area. | 5-6 | Some relevant ideas and opinions, demonstrating satisfactory understanding of general topic area. | 7-8 | Many relevant ideas and opinions, demonstrating good understanding of general topic area. | 9-10 | Wealth of relevant ideas and opinions, demonstrating excellent understanding of general topic area. |

AS Italian Speaking cards

1. Oggi, lo sport è molto importante nella società perché crea nuove abitudini positive. I giochi olimpici di Londra sono stati una grande opportunità per la società e lo sport perché adesso più persone sono state incoraggiate a praticare lo sport.

2. Not found

3. Gli eventi importanti, come le Olimpiadi e para olimpiadi incoraggiano positivamente la gente a praticare lo sport, questo è perché loro sono inspirati a partecipare o in attività sportive o a partecipare in uno sport di gruppo.
Uno sport popolare è la corsa, per esempio Mo Farah ha vinto due medaglie, quindi, persone appassionate a vedere i campioni dello sport sono più motivati a cominciare.

4. Qualche volta, lo sport può avere aspetti negativi perché crea forte competizione e violenza, per esempio, i tifosi di calcio o rugby sono qualche volta molto violenti.
Lo sport può anche essere molto positive per la salute, può essere usato come mezzo di educazione per i giovani nelle aree urbane, dove i giovani normalmente giocano per strada.

5. Secondo me i cibi grassi, in congiunzione con (in conjuction with) la televisione e i video giochi hanno causato il problema dell’obesità. Questo fatto comincia dal principio che i giovani e i bambini preferiscono guardare la televisione o giocare che smettono di fare movimento.

6. Secondo me lo sport è molto importante perché migliora la salute, aiuta le persone a fare nuove amicizie e in fine stimola la mente. (Stimulates the mind)
Per esempio, quando io sono stressata corro perché mi aiuta a pensare.
Lo sport aiuta, perché aumenta il benessere, incoraggia le persone a migliorare la loro dieta.

7. La dieta mediterranea, e completa di verdura, frutta, pollo e pesce.
Si mangia poca carne rossa e si beve un bicchiere di vino durante il pasto. Ricerche scientifiche mostrano che la dieta mediterranea aiuta a dimagrire e in media allunga la vita.

8. Io non sono vegetariano perché mi piace la carne. Tuttavia a volte non voglio mangiare certe carni a causa della crudeltà sugli animali.
Alcune persone sono vegetariane perché sono influenzate dalle loro opinioni sull’uccisione degli animali, altre invece, smettono di mangiare carne a causa della loro dieta o perché e una tradizione nella famiglia.

9. Ogni giorno, per pranzo mangio slow food perché e molto buono per la salute e inoltre è beneficio per il corpo e la mente.
Non mi piace il fast food perché fa male a la salute e puo causare uninfarto a causa di tutti gli zuccheri e acidi grassi.

10. Molti consigliano che bisognerebbe incoraggiare a mangiare bene e sanamente per avere una vita sana e equilibrata. Per esempio, l’anoressia e una malattia mentale che colpisce le adolescenti a disagio del proprio corpo, si sentono grasse e smettono di mangiare, il risultato di questo è grave, dove i loro corpi diventano estremamente malnutriti e se non trattato l’anoressia risulta alla morte.

11. Secondo me è veramente importante mantenersi in forma durante la preparazione degli esami perché una dieta equilibrata aiuta a mantenere la mente concentrata e quindi si lavora meglio. Personalmente, prima e durante i miei esami mangio una dieta piena di verdure e frutta e cerco di correre almeno una volta ogni due giorni, queste abitudini mi aiutano a sentirmi fresca e pronta per imparare.

12. In italia, come in inghilterra, ci sono troppi negozi di fast food. Pero in Italia ci sono posti dove si può comprare una pizza o panino al volo questo è un tipo di fast food anche se il cibo offerto è slow food. Gli italiani in generale preferiscono lo slow food e anche mangiare a casa piuttosto che comprare cibi d’asporto. Tuttavia i fast food rimangono una scelta popolare per i turisti e immigrati che passano molto tempo in giro e che non possono permettersi i prezzi cari dei cibi sani.

13. Secondo me, la cucina tradizionale italiana usa ingredienti sani e di stagione. Questo si chiama lo slow food. Io penso che una dieta come quella italiana sia una buona idea per molte famiglie perché e sano, senza grassi e si apprezza di più il cibo che si mangia.

21. In generale, nel mondo della moda, le modelle sono troppo magre ed è difficile per le persone rientrate in questi standard. Penso che sarebbe giusto accettare modelle di varie taglie, ed inoltre, gli stilisti dovrebbero creare abiti adatti a più persone. Purtroppo ancora oggi, ci sono modelle, come Kate Moss, che hanno detto che è meglio essere anoressici.

22. Il problema dell’anoressia è anche conosciuto in altri paesi oltre che l’Italia. L’Italia, dove la moda è un fattore importante, rimane una nazione dove molti giovani soffrono di problemi alimentari perché e difficile trovare abbigliamento per le taglie più grandi e il mondo della moda associa la bellezza con il diventare magro.

23. L’anoressia è un problema mentale che colpisce le adolescenti che non hanno sviluppato una forte personalità e che non si accettano per come sono, quindi, penso che le modelle non dovessero essere biasimate ma che bisognerebbe educare i giovani per accettare se stessi per non diventare ossessionati con il loro peso.

24. Io sono completamente contraria alle operazioni estetiche, sono sicura che anche se avessi molti soldi non li spenderei su questa

Listening section

Okay Sophia so in this section I’ve re-written points I have explained before to you and maybe added a little bit more.

So first things first, do whatever prep prior to the exam that will help you relax and give you the most amount of energy since the exam is long I wouldn’t recommend a coffee because caffeine crashes happen to all of us (tea however is an option), sweets help if you can bring them with you (glucose and energy release) and water is important also. Other than these basics the rest completely depends on what works for you as long as it will benefit you before during and after the exam!

So you have your paper exam is about to start, don’t be tempted to read the whole booklet at first, start with the section that works best for you, ideally essay at the end (I’ll explain why next paragraph), so either listening or reading.

So we start we the listening, treat sections like the reading section at first:

1) Read over and try and guess what the logical answer might be, usually the actual answer follows a logical sequence of events so while you do that use a pencil and try jot down the most likely answers. If your doubt on a word/question dont try and write down your answer for these – only write down when you are more or less confident you have gone through the right process, if your just 100% guessing there’s no point in adding notes (except if you want to note down a translation.

2) Further, listen to the tape 1 time, keep calm and don’t pause the tape except at the end of each extract. This gives your mind a little bit of time to process the information you are hearing. Press play again and finish listening, the first time you play the tape should help you understand the pace of the language and pick up words and meanings, while you listen follow the answers and see if there is a link – remember the tape might fool you! Eg. If you hear the word “viene da Roma” and the answers could be something like A. lives in Rome or B. Originally from Italy you know the answer is B because the extract doesn’t tell us that he lives in Rome, stick as close to the facts as you can! Write words from the extracts near the sections this will help you break it down when you re-listen round 2.

3) At this point you will have made your own initial notes, listened to the tape once and made additional notes from the listening. In this stage its time to listen to the tape again (second time) so here its important to pause at the end of each sentence or word and absorb what is being said, if you don’t understand because it was too fast rewind pause and try and pick out individual words, this step is key to get all the facts right! Also trust your instincts when answering, as discussed in the session before easter you have the knowledge and things wont be as complicated as they seem! So have confidence in yourself when answering, if you have broken down the answers and you have broken down what you are hearing there are only so many options left! This is the most time consuming section so don’t worry about the clock because its important to catch words for the extra marks.

4. When you have all of your answers its time to listen to the extract a 3rd and final time, doubts might appear at this point, here if you have to change your answers please be 100% sure when doing so, sometimes your first instinct is the best.

5. Move on to the next section, if you started with listening move to reading if you started with reading this section is your next.

Essay writing

1) Plan, plan, plan – fail to plan and plan to fail, in this section please spend ¼ of the time left on writing out your plan this should look something like this. * Look at title – what does the question specifically ask? Avoid straying from question * Brainstorm key words on paper aim for about 15-20. * Introduction – introduce the given topic with a strong sentence started or quote, if you would like you can also outline the essay you are about to write “In this essay I aim to show/agree and disagree with the fact that XYZ firstly by going over XYZ then analysing XYZ, discussing XYZ and concluding with how this topic is XYZ. * Main Point 1 (Agree/Disagree/Opinion) break down this point into 3 smaller points and discuss. * Main point 2 (Agree/Disagree/Opinion) break down this point into 2/3 smaller points and discuss. * Main point 3 (Agree/Disagree/Opinion) break down this point into 2/3 smaller points and discuss. * Conclusion, no new information should be added here, the conclusion aims to summarise everything you have said and follow this struction “ in conclusion all the points above show that XYZ question at hand is …

So on paper this planning could look like this:

Eg. Title is “ related to health and fitness”


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...chocolate bars at any grocery store. But the Swiss and their country are far more complex.   The biggest challenge is pinning down who exactly typifies the average Swiss: there are four different cultures and languages. Some 64 per cent of Swiss speak German. (They actually use Swiss German dialects when chatting and High German for writing). About 20 per cent speak French, seven per cent speak Italian, and less than one per cent speak Romansh.   Only by living here does one learn the customs and etiquette that make the country so much more than its stereotypical image.   The Swiss, for example, pursue a policy of neutrality but also have a large army to defend the country. It’s not unusual to phone up a business acquaintance and find they have left for military service for a few weeks.   And while the Swiss love their rules and order, you still find places where chaos reigns. Try figuring out when to cross the road at the crosswalks known here as “zebra stripes”, as the cars ignore the pedestrians and fly by.   In the spirit of trying to get to know the Swiss better, here’s a cultural guide focused on the German-speaking part of the country.   Greetings   This is an area you should try to get right or things could get uncomfortable. The Swiss, while not the most outgoing individuals on the planet, still like their formal...

Words: 1474 - Pages: 6

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Changing Our Lives

...College Credit Through Advanced Standing Produced by the Office of Academic Services This manual is accurate as of the date of publication. As new information becomes available, it will be posted to the online version, available through the Academic Services web site, Revised June 2012 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 3 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................3 TYPES OF ADVANCED STANDING ...................................................................................................3 GENERAL PROCEDURES ...............................................................................................................4 EVALUATION RESPONSIBILITIES .....................................................................................................5 SECTION 1—CREDITS FROM POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS ........................................ 7 GENERAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................7 GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CREDIT FOR STUDENTS WITH PREVIOUS DEGREES ..................................9 EVALUATION OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSCRIPTS .....................................................................

Words: 11912 - Pages: 48

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Influences That Effect an Indivduals Leanring

...P1: Explain key influence on the personal learning process of individuals For an individual there are positive and negative influences that can effect there learning. On a professional approach, many psychologists believe that learning takes place via different processes in which recall has to take place in order to remember. Recall can be affected by different influences; these can weaken memory or strength the memory trace of information. There are different theories that can show the different types of learners; David kolb and Honey and Mumford. David kolb’s theory (1984) is an explanation in how adults learn. The many ways in which people learn are called the cognitive ability. During adolescence and adulthood we develop a performance for instinctive preferences. This is the way in which we make sense of our experiences. He proposed that learning takes place in four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation. The first stage is concrete experience, this is the doing stage. The individual has to physically carry out actions in order to remember. The second stage is reflective stage this is where they concentrate and review the information. This involves mental thought about what they have completed and the actions that took place in the concrete stage. The third stage is the concluding stage, in which you begin to make sense of the actions in your head. The last stage is the active experimentation, is the planning...

Words: 3568 - Pages: 15

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...Phone: Email: Course Objectives: • • • • • • • • To examine movies as art, business, entertainment, and a cultural expression. To display the difference between narrative, documentary, and avant-garde films. To explore various genres, film theories, and cinematic styles. To illustrate a variety of filmmaking techniques, conventions, and icons. To gain knowledge of international cinema. To study the works of prominent filmmakers and their cinematic impact. To provide a critical methodology and practical application to facilitate a greater critical understanding and appreciation of all aspects of film. To gain experience in writing critical academic essays in relation to film analysis. Students  should  gain  a  solid  foundational  knowledge  and  understanding  of  different  film  genres,  forms,  and   techniques  of  film  making  and  be  able  to  analyze  and  communicate  how  those  concepts  are  used  in  films  to   1)  tell  a  story  effectively,  2)  communicate  meaning  in  a  visual  medium,  and  3)  persuade  audiences  towards   different  or  particular  ways  of  feeling  about  or  seeing  themselves  and  the  world.           As  a  result  of  taking  this  course,  I  hope  that  students  will  1)  understand...

Words: 3744 - Pages: 15

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Effects of Gay Lingo in English Contexr

...Foreign Language Anxiety in in-Class Speaking Activities Two Learning Contexts in Comparison Alessia Occhipinti Written by - Hilde Hasselgård A Thesis Presented to The Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages The University of Oslo in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements Autumn Term 2009 Supervised by 1 Acknowledgments Writing this thesis has been a pleasurable process. I am grateful to my supervisor Hilde Hasselgård for her good advice and continuous support they offered. invaluable help throughout the process of writing this thesis, to the University of Oslo and to the University of Cardiff for useful information. I thank my family, mum, dad and Johannes for the University of Oslo, October 30, 2009 2 Table of contents 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………6 1.1 Motivation……………………………………………………………………………………………………7 2. Theoretical background…………………………………………………………………9 2.1 Foreign Language Anxiety……………………………………………………………………………9 2.1.2 Debilitating and Facilitating Anxiety…………………………………………………………..12 2.1.5 Components and sources of Foreign Language Anxiety ……………………………...16 2.1.4 Different perspectives: Trait, State and Situation Specific Anxiety……………….14 2.1.1 Foreign Language Anxiety in early studies……………………………………………….....11 2.1.3 Foreign Language Anxiety in later studies…………………………………………………..13 Test Anxiety………………………………………………………………………………………………....19 Fear of Negative Evaluation…………………………………………………………………………...

Words: 38650 - Pages: 155

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Receipe Book’s Easiest, cheapest & FUNNEST student recipes Welcome to’s essential student cooking guide! Our scientists have been hard at work in the Beanopolis laboratory creating the formula for the perfect student cooking guide. They’ve discovered the Student Cooking Square. Easy Cheap Optimum Student Eats Student cooking cupboard essentials..............................5’s supermarket saving secrets.........6 Student classics...............................................................7–14 Future student classics................................................15–23 Cult student recipes.....................................................24–29 The freakiest foods know to man..............................30–31 Rachel’s kitchen..................................................................32 The journey from cooking zero to cooking pro Fun Tasty Using the Student Cooking Square we’ve enlisted the help of our favourite chef Rachel Davies to create this incredibly useful guide. Tastiness, cheapness and fun-ness is yours! boo Make sure you’ve liked Rachel’s Face recipes and cooking tips. k to get delicious 2 Student cooking cupboard essentials LIVE LIKE ROYALTY ON YOUR STUDENT LOAN Join today and make awesome savings on 2 for 1 meals, half price tickets, free stuff and competitions Stock your cupboard with these to enter a world of tastiness...

Words: 5687 - Pages: 23