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Discuss the External Environmental Factors That Most Directly Affect the Hrm Process.


Submitted By vinod257
Words 871
Pages 4
BME 4813

Assignment 3

Lecturer : Mr Zamri

Name : Vinod Ammalanathan (133011780)

Date : 13 July 2015

12.1 Discuss the external environmental factors that most directly affect the HRM process.

A number of environmental forces constrain human resource management activities. The four factors most directly influencing the HRM process are economic conditions, employee labour unions, governmental laws and regulations, and demographic trends.
I. Recent economic changes have had a profound impact on the nature of work. Unemployment (and under employment) are high in most developed countries due to the latest recession felt world-wide. Economic news, whether good or bad, has effect on employment, attitudes toward work, careers, and retirement.
II. Unionization can affect a company’s human resource management activities.
a. A labour union is an organization that represents workers and seeks to protect their interests through collective bargaining.
b. Good labour-management relations, the formal interactions between unions and an organization’s management, are important.
c. Although only about 12.5 percent of the workforce in the United States is unionized, that percentage is higher in other countries.
III. Federal laws and regulations have greatly expanded the federal government’s influence over HRM . Balance of the “should and should-not’s” of many of these laws often fall within the realm of affirmative action—programs that enhance the organizational status of members of protected groups.
IV. Demographic trends will continue to play an important role in the Human Resource function as the pool of workers change for example increase in older workers ready for retirement and greater ethnic diversity due to an increasing number of Hispanics residing in the US.

12.3 Describe the different selection

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