...Bureaucracy and you October 23, 2011 POS/110 Mary Ann Koehler Axia College The federal bureaucracy is the United States (U.S.) largest employer. They have millions of employees that literally help run the country we all know as home. Their jobs range from postal services, public broadcasting, and to being in control of student loans. The federal bureaucracy plays such a significant role in our everyday lives that sometimes we do not even realize it. My essay will explain five ways in which the federal bureaucracy regulates my everyday life. I will explain the five agencies that are associated with these regulations and give an in depth explanation of the agencies specific job description and how they affect my life. The federal bureaucracy affects my life more than I knew. I was very surprised to learn that almost every move I make and every think I do on a daily basis is based on the federal regulations. My fiancé is in the process of starting his own business so one of my first errands I or we have to run almost every day is to the bank. The bank that I use is run by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). When I am home I wait for the mail to come because clients send receipts for invoices they receive and I have to keep track of all of them to ensure our books are straight and that all payments have been made. This goes for our monthly bills we get in the mail as well. The United States Postal Service is in charge...
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...the legislature. The separation of power amongst the three branches along with the different terms served by each member of the corresponding branches, avoids the monarchial system most Americans of the time were familiar with from Great Britain, France and the likes of the various European nations America’s immigrants hail from. The political system up to this day is unique but leaves too many national issues to be lost in legalities, slowing the nation down while political and economic developments move faster and faster in our modern world. We will examine the US governmental process through political, economic, and social dimensions. In addition, we will discuss the character of American society, and the change in society throughout American history. The political aspect of American government is built on bureaucracies who handle the different flavors of public service, i.e. health care reform, education, and national security just to name a few. In order to understand the political aspect of government it must be first observed on a grand scale, and the social and economic aspects must be included in the discussion. When examining American government, one thing that stands out the most is the system of checks and balances carried out...
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...The president only has the power to persuade. Discuss (30 marks) Although the president of the United Sates may been seen globally as one of the most powerful men in the world, it is argued that this is only a perception and in fact his power is restricted to persuasion of others who call the final shots. Due to the separation of powers in America the legislature, executive and judiciary are all completely separate which means to get items pasts of decisions made, people from each of these 3 main sections needs to do work. As the president is only head of the executive, he must rely on the support of other people to get hi desired bills and legislation passed. From this comes the argument that his only real main power is to persuade, as it is the 3 departments combined which actually do the work and all he has done is persuade people in these departments to side with him. The president actually has many specific powers he has responsibility for, ranging from the proposition of legislations, submitting the annual bill and veto of legislation, to acting as chief executive, negotiating treaties and acting as the overall commander-in-chief. These powers burden the president with great responsibility; he is looked to for advice and guidance from all areas of government. The president is the chief executive of the United States, putting him at the head of the executive branch of the government, whose responsibility is to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” To carry...
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...A Government’s Role in the Centralia Disaster Crystal Mack Strayer University PAD 500 – Modern Public Administration Professor Timothy Smith October 22, 2012 On March 25, 1947, there was a tragic blast in a small town of Centralia, IL. This blast took the lives of 111 men working to support their families during World War II. I will identify and explain four logistical alternatives Scanlan could have addressed, Analyze and discuss Scanlan’s motivation toward the Constitution (the law), bureaucracy (as a public administrator responsible to the public), and obligation and discuss different actions that Scanlan could have taken. One logistical alternative that Scanlan could have addressed would have been to develop some kind of fail safe or escape route. Having these plans could have in some way save or improve the hazardous environment for the coal miners. However Scanlan had inspected the mine several times in the years before the explosion. At the end of each inspection he sent his report to the Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals. In many of these reports, he noted that the mine was highly explosive due to coal dust buildup. In April 1945, Scanlan told the director of state mining board, that he had to shut down the mine or clean it because of it being extremely dangerous. By having an alternate route, this would have given the coal miners another way out or at least preserve their lives until they could be helped. A self escape strategy should have addressed...
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...The aim of the Organizational behavior is studying the human behavior in an individual and group processes and actions. It is significant for us to explore and understand the implication of human beings and the interactions of organization as well as aware the best way on nature and the role of management in designing and controlling the organizations. Organizational theory is distributed to two main approaches, Technical-rational approach and Social-human approach. Technical-rational approaches simply are considering the organization as machines and treating human as mere cogs within them which include Bureaucracy, The Classical School and Scientific management. About the Social-human approaches are seeing the organization as communities of people and treat human as emotional and social beings, which structures are more flexible and It can be called as Human rations school. Afterward, I would like to discuss them respectively and particularity. First of all, about the Bureaucracy demonstrates the people to have their own responsibilities and well-defined tasks. It indicates there are the hierarchical reporting structures in organization which means the managers have official authorities to exact obedience such as because of their position, as well as the personal authority based on individual personality, intelligence, and experience obedience and respect within an organization are absolutely essential. Good discipline requires managers to apply sanctions whenever violations...
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...Democracy in America Robin OConnell POS110 Sept 30, 2012 Jeffery Steely Democracy in America One of the most basic rights we as Americans hold dear is the right to free speech. This is a civic issue that has been at the forefront of our country since its inception. This right is imposed on the minority just as it is for the majority of the citizenry by the government in an effort to recognize every citizen and their right to voice an opinion or even disagree about the majority opinion. Our current system of government stands true to the original ideas of the framers of the Constitution yet has also stood the test of time, moving forward as we grow as a nation, and still keeping the original ideals while amending those that become outdated with more relevant laws. The key to our democratic principles remaining in place is our commitment to our civic responsibilities in the country as a whole. The Constitution includes a system of checks and balances set there to make certain that all three branches of our government, the legislative, the judicial, and the executive, all must work together to make policy. This separation of powers and the requirement that all be included in policy making is what sets our country apart in its pursuit of democratic values. It was a disturbing omission in the initial Constitution of the specific meaning of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The later ratification of the first ten amendments did go a long way towards clarification...
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...Table of contents Introduction The loyalty The bureaucracy of Japan Face-saving The increasing stress Introduction For discussing about the culture of the Japanese companies, we think that the type of the culture in Japan business is the task type. In Charles Handy’s theory, there are four types of behavioral characteristics: Zeus (power); Apollo (role); Athena (task); Dionysus (personal). We think that the Japanese culture is the task culture. The task culture is job- or project- oriented. Much of the power and influence lies at the connecting points of the organization. The whole emphasis of the task culture is on getting the job done. It is the job of manager to be concerned with the continuous and successful solution to problems. Influence is based on expert power rather than on position. The task culture uses the unifying power of the group to improve efficiency and to link individuals with the objectives of the organization. It is appropriate where flexibility and sensitivity to the external environment is important, and where speed of reactions is important. Groups, project teams or task forces are formed for a specific purpose and can be reformed, abandoned or continued. The organization works quickly, since each group ideally contains all the decision-making powers required. Individuals find in this culture a high degree of control over their, judgment by results and easy working relationships within the...
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...World History Dr. Mahdavi History 101 Fall 2012 Study Guide For Mid-Term Examination The examination will consist of 5 essay questions of which one is mandatory to write upon (40 points). You may choose any other two to write about (30 points each) for a total of 100 points 93 - 100 A 73 - 76 C 90 - 92 A- 70 - 72 C- 87 - 89 B+ 67 - 69 D+ 83 - 86 B 63 - 66 D 80 - 82 B- 60 - 62 D- 77 - 79 C+ 59 or below F=0 In reviewing for the examination, focus your study on the following general topics: 1) 1.Examine the centralizing efforts in countries like France, Spain, and England. How and in what ways were they successful? Why was the Holy Roman Empire not as successful as other European states in centralizing power? 1. 2) Examine the career of Martin Luther. 1:What were the foundations of his Reformation? 2: What legacy did he leave Europe? (Bentley & Zeigler, Chap. 23) A: 1: POLITICAL INTRIGUES, COMBINED WITH THE CHURCH’S GROWING WEALTH AND POWER, ALSO FOSTERED GREED AND CORRUPTION, WHICH UNDERMINED THE CHURCH’S SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY AND MADE IT VALNERABLE TO CRITISISM. 2: IT LED TO THE CHURCH REFORM ALONG TO LUTHERS TEACHINGS, WHICH MANY CITIES PASSED LAWS PROHIBITING ROMAN CATHOLIC OBSERVANCES AND REQUIRING RELIGIOUS SERVICES TO FOLLOW PROTESTANT DOCTRINE AND PROCEDURE. 3) Learn about the Scientific Revolution and 1:why the early discoveries of the Scientific Revolution met with such resistance? 2:...
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...not have the ability to peruse your notes or retake the exam. The exam itself will consist of 30 multiple choice questions and you will have 35 minutes to complete the exam. Federalism: The Basic elements of a Federal system of government (i.e. how is it structured/how power is shared) • Layers of gov • Equal power • Distinct powers Powers of the federal government: delegated powers, implied powers (necessary and proper clause), and concurrent powers. • Delegated Powers: (expressed/enumerated powers) powers given to the federal government directly by the constitution. Some most important delegated powers are: the authority to tax, regulated interstate commerce, authority to declare war, and grants the president role of commander and chief of the military • Implied Powers: Powers not expressed in the constitution, but that can be inferred. “Necessary and proper clause” • Concurrent powers: powers shared by both levels of government. Ex: Taxes, roads, elections, commerce, establishing courts and a judicial system • Reserved powers: powers not assigned by the constitution to the national government but left to the states or the people. Guaranteed by the 10th amendment. Include “police power”-health and public welfare, intra-state commerce. Example of police powers: Gonzales vs Raich (2005) and California Medical Marijuana. The parts and relevance of the "Triad of Powers" • Interstate commerce clause • General welfare •...
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...Executive summary: Outsourcing allows company to reduce their cost and gain a competitive advantage and this idea is strongly adopted by companies all over the world. Outsourcing is an agreement in which one company contracts-out a part of their existing internal activity to another company. Outsourcing benefits company because it maximizing company’s resources, more efficient output and make legal agreement for performance guarantees. Telstra is Australia’s leading telecommunications and information service company (telco). Telstra has been using BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) which creates substantial business across Asia, North America and Europe. For home country, owners earn cost & saving efficiency and diversity of intellectual talent, hence, government face unemployed labor force and manager loss their ability to control as the disadvantages. For the host country, employees improve their life standart and there are economic growth. But, there’s higher social gap and inflation for the host country. Nike is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. They outsourced Customers services, manufacturing, advertising, promotion, charity, and society impact. For the home country, it cut their cost and expand international market, hence, it also bring negative social impact and mislead reputation. For the host country, it make lower unemployment rate and financial & risk reduction. Meanwhile, market monopoly and legal/ethic...
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... 3. Compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeconomics. How do the two approaches interrelate? Use a specific example to explain. Macroeconomics is the study of a country’s overall economic issues such as performance, structure, behavior, decisions making, and study rates. Microeconomics focuses on smaller economic units such as individual consumers, families and businesses. They can affect how much and what you can buy for your family. 4. What is the difference between fiscal and monetary policy? What role does politics play in shaping these policies? Fiscal policies refer to government efforts to influence the economy through taxation without representation and spending decisions that are designed to encourage growth. Monetary policies refer to actions that shape the economy by influencing interest rates and the supply of money. Politics plays a role by making taxes higher and by influencing interest rates. 5. What are the fundamental elements of the free market economic system? How can businesses thrive within this system? The fundamental elements are rights to own a business and keep after tax profits, the...
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...| 2011 | | FIN 360-01 | [comparison of Health care approaches in america] | This essay describes the broad forms of available health care systems today. The discussion indicates that no current health care system will adequately control costs over time. The basic systems are then compared with the conclusion that there is no good answer to the issue of cost control and equitability in America yet, but a change may be made in spite of the lack of surety. | Introduction One of the biggest issues facing Americans today is health care costs with respect to medical insurance and the increased liability Federal taxpayers are subject to for the funding of current nationalized health care programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and mandated emergency care. We see models throughout the world, especially in Europe, that look appealing to some Americans, so there have been many champions of reforms that mimic those arrangements. Herein we will define what nationalized and privatized systems consist of, talk about the economics of health care, and discuss some advantages and disadvantages of each arrangement. To quantify the problems that America faces today let us look at a few key statistics. The United States has seen health care costs increase 131% from 1999 to 2007, and there seems to be no respite on the horizon (KaiserEDU, 2010). The United States recently paid 16% of its GDP per capita for health care expenditures, while western European countries spent about...
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...Creating Innovators: The underlying need of American Education System The First Innovation Education Fellow at the Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard, Tony Wagner states that “The culture of schooling as we all know it is radically at odds with the culture of learning that produces innovators.” Concepts are a general notion or an idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particulars. There are numerous perspectives on any given concept and a certain interpretation of a concept can be profoundly influential in shaping one’s thinking and even in determining one’s future. The concept of education is the achievement of skills, knowledge and understanding where such achievement is not confined to one sphere of life and is not inert in life. A good education system is fundamental to a nation that wants to be economically and otherwise independent. Career based education indeed seems to be mandatory in present scenario. The first thing we all have on mind while selecting a specific course of education is thinking what is the ‘ employ ability’ aspect of it. In simpler words, we care to spend time on learning something that gives us back lucrative returns on the investment we made. As Pepellashi mentions “The design and structure of elementary, secondary, higher education revolve primarily around building skill sets related to work/career.” It is only very natural to think...
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...with information that they find interesting and useful. 11. “Federalist Number 10”- how the new government created by the Constitution would help deal with the problem of factions. 12. Faction- He lumps parties and interest groups togetheras including both large groups (majority factions)and small groups (minority factions) ofpassionate people who are united bysome interest. 13. democratic pluralism- checking and balancing 14. lobbying- those activities in which people contact public officials to try and influence public policy 15. lobbyists- Those who do this work 1. legislative lobbying- aimed at Congress, or at legislatures on the state level 2. bureaucratic lobbying- contacts with the bureaucracy in an effort to affect how bureaucracy enforces laws and administers programs 3. The Federal Register- All regulations must...
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...The Emergence of Bangladesh By Waqas Aleem Mughal October 22, 2002 Summary A. Introduction B. Causes: International Scenario C. Causes: Political Situation 1. Attitude of Muslim League 2. Constitutional Deadlock 3. Absence of Strong Bond 4. Regional Politics 5. Provincial Elections 1954 6. Violation of 1956 Constitution 7. General Elections 1970 8. Boycott of National Assembly Session 9. Mujeeb’s Six Points D. Causes: National Issues 1. Economic Backwardness of E. Pakistan 2. Domination of Hindus 3. Role of Hindu Teachers 4. Urdu – Bengali Controversy 5. Crushing of Democratic Institutions E. Causes: Atrocities in East Pakistan F. Causes: Indian Hostility G. Critical Analysis The Instrument of Surrender Read Time: 12 Minutes Readability Statistics Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 12 * Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Score: Rates text on a U.S. grade-school level. A score of 8.0 means that an eighth grader can understand the document. The Emergence of Bangladesh By Waqas Aleem Mughal October 22, 2002 Histories of nations are often marked with ruthless wounds. Time passes by but its scars never vanish. December 16, 1971 being the darkest day in the history of Pakistan ended with...
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