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Discussion 3


Submitted By simpliyjazzy
Words 560
Pages 3
From the scenario, differentiate between the concepts of criminal law, antitrust, and health care as they apply to U.S. health law in the 21st Century. Conceptualize the primary ways in which these laws apply to U.S. health care administrators.
In order to properly analyze between the concepts of criminal law, antitrust law, and the health care law I had to fully understand them individually. Worldwide, the criminal law is what protects and maintains the public well-being and safety of our communities. Criminal laws are directed to a system that is concerned with the punishment of those who commit crimes. The Antitrust law, helps prevent and/or control the intent of promoting competition within a business. Furthermore, we all understand that the health care law simply oversees all health issues whether it has to do with the physician, facility, and/or patient.
In the 21st century, the primary way in which the laws apply to the U.S. health care administrator is based on how to receive proper business with affecting physician and patients. The criminal law deals with more on to properly treat someone who is in need of care within the health care establishment. The antitrust law differs tremendously.
The antitrust laws in the United States is more comprehensive than those of other industrialized nations. Many other industrialized nations, perhaps because they focus on the possibility of foreign competition, have minimal antitrust law. In the United States, the original antitrust law was the Sherman Act of 1890, with important extensions added in 1914. Two government agencies have authority to enforce antitrust laws, the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). In addition, the laws allow companies, organizations, or persons who are adversely affected by actions that violate the antitrust acts to sue for damages.

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