...Healthy Eating Chris Williams Com/172 10/27/2014 University of Phoenix Healthy Eating A person who eats a healthier diet or improves their diet will have less risk of getting type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancers. A person who is obese has an increased chance to becoming type 2 diabetic. When a person eats healthier, their chances of becoming obese are slim. Reducing their weight by 5-7 percent can greatly reduce the chances of developing diabetes ("The Facts about Diabetes: A Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.", N.D.). To reduce your risk of heart disease, a person needs to have control over their cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight. Eating a healthy balanced diet can help a person achieve this. It also reduces a person’s chance at having a stroke ("Nutrition’s Role in Disease Prevention", N.D.). It is shocking to know even a healthy diet can prevent cancer. With obesity being at an all-time high in America, and causing a lot of health problems, people are not eating healthy as they should. The result of this is people catching diseases like diabetes, having strokes and heart failure from clog arteries. Let’s not forget Cancer. The reason for this is that the body is lacking all of the vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that comes from healthy eating, and not to mention key ingredients that can ward off cancer. By consuming a healthier diet you can reduce the risk of developing many different types of cancer to include; uteral,...
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...people where to manage their amount of sugar they have a day, they could have a much healthier lifestyle. Do you like sugar? Well there are many types of sugars that can be healthy and could be unhealthy, which I will be talking to you about why sugar is not so good for you. Many people are getting diseases from eating an overflow of sugar such as heart cancer, brain damage, diabetes, effects on immune system, and overflow of your liver. If you ate 25g or less sugar a day that is perfect and it is healthy for you, unlike eating 40-60g that is not good for you at all. Research says we should stop eating too much sugar as it may affect us negatively in our brain or immune system. Eating too much sugar may affect your immune system. If...
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...fast food. That is fine every now and then but, not every day. Eating fast food every day is very bad the body. Fast food may be cheaper but, a home cooked meal is healthier for you. Too much fast food can lead to health problems, a higher calorie intake, and weight gain. Eating fast food every single day is not a good thing. There are many reasons to not eat fast food every day. One is too much fast food will lead to health problems. It is very bad for your body secondly. Fast food as of now is all over the world in most of the countries in the world. With so many fast food chains and restaurants it is no wonder why people are having so many health problems and becoming obese. If you have time to go through a drive thru window, than you can make a home cooked meal. When you go to a fast food place you are not just paying for the food. If you think about it, you are paying for the supplies and the employees working there too. Fast food meal prices are absolutely ridiculous. It would be better for you and your wallet to eat a healthy, home cooked meal at home. With eating too much fast food there are a lot of health problems. The health problems that go along with eating too much fast food are endless. You can get diabetes, cancer, arthritis, reproductive complications and even premature death. Your arteries can also clog and lead to heart attacks as well. Once you have consumed so much fast food all the fat from the food goes to your arteries. Once the arteries are full that...
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...of new technology and the way food is being made is so harmful that it is causing many people to become unhealthy to the point that some are dying from food such as fast foods. Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly and any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food (Jennifer, 2003). Fast food consumption has grown dramatically in recent years. The fast food restaurant has permeated every part of our country so much that, in some areas, it seems as though every small city one of the fast food restaurants will be there. Thesis Statement There are many effects of fast foods among youths such as fast foods can cause obesity, can lead to many diseases, and can cause depression. Development of the first main point One of the effects of fast foods is obesity. A condition in which the body has dangerous quantity of body fat is called obesity. The people who weight more than 20% than their usual weights are classified as obese persons (Alte, Schiff, 1998). Alte and Schiff (1998) also stated that a condition when the body has a lot of fat is called obesity. The persons who are obesity weight from 10% to 19% than their usual weight. So, the people who love to eat fast foods will easily gain their weight and will become obesity. There are many effects when being obesity. When being obese, a lot of physical problems occur. Obesity is connected with some of the heart disease risk circumstances, containing high blood pressure...
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...Body Fat and Eating Disorders xxxxxxx SCI/241 November xx 2013 xxxxxxxx Body Fat and Eating Disorders At birth, each person is given their body to take care of. Everyone needs help for the first decade or two in taking care of it. As people age, they become more in control of their body and what goes into it. People need to be concerned with what they are eating, and how they are taking care of their body to ensure they have the proper body composition, are not obese, or do not gain any eating disorders. The first two can be easy enough, however eating disorders are so much more because they can happen in many different ways, and psychological factors affect them so easily. Body composition is what the body is composed of. This includes water, fat, muscle, etc. The body needs to have acceptable ranges for each of these. One of the most important things to measure is body fat as it is linked to so many things in the body. Shape Up discusses how too much body fat can be linked to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and certain cancers. If the body has have too little fat, Shape up goes on to discuss how it can lead to reproduction problems in women and can affect normal, health functioning in both men and women (Shape Up America, 2013). There are a few ways to check body fat, but the two easiest ways are using Body Mass Index or BMI and by percentage. The good news is that both of these are easy to use so it can be done in the...
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...cafeteria. Date : 04/08/2012 Effects of the kind of foods served in the school cafeteria. We all know how much fast food is essential for human beings and other living things to survive. Earlier, people used to have healthy foods, but now eating habits are changing. Change in the lifestyle and because of the busy schedule, nowadays, most people tend to prefer fast food (junk food) which is unhealthy for us. The fast foods, which are poor in diet, can lead to very serious health issues especially in children. Children are more affected because schools and colleges mostly offer fast food and children also tend to choose fast food mostly for its taste. Fast foods have many serious effects on our body both physically and mentally. The first and the very common is obesity which is commonly seen in children. The busy hectic lives of parents and children make fast food an ultimate choice of food for them. Nowadays, both parents work so they get less to go and prepare healthy food. Hence, instead of healthy balanced diet, children opt for fast food which is easy and quick to make. This becomes a habit and children end up eating fast food almost every day. Taking in fast food means consuming unhealthy nutrients like more calories, more fats, more sugars, and more carbohydrates. In the first place adults only have to consume about 2000 calories per day, so; for example, one cheeseburger, a large order of fries, and a coke are taken by a child then he/she will end up taking...
Words: 1710 - Pages: 7
... Abstract Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, and/or body water. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what's considered healthy for his or her height. Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you burn off. The balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person. Factors that might affect your weight include your genetic makeup, environment, television, and not being physically active. Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. These diseases can be deadly and if something is not done, more people are going to become obese and later on possibly die. Obesity costs taxpayers millions of dollars every year and needs to be put to a stop. What is Obesity? Obesity is a term used to describe a person who weighs 20 percent more than their ideal weight. To determine that, doctors use what is called the BMI (body mass index) to measure a person’s height, gender, age, and build (MedicineNet.com, 2012). Obesity happens when someone regularly consumes more calories than what they burn. It is the point where the body is physically delayed and is in need for medical attention. Obesity is very common all over the world, but especially in the United States. One-third of all adults are obese in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015), but it...
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...unhealthy eating like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer are some of the causes of death that can be prevented ("Overweight and Obesity", 2014). According to Centers for Disease Control and prevention “More than one-third of U.S. adults (34.9%) are obese”. How can a healthy eating plan help? A Healthy eating plan can help stop the rise in people becoming overweight or obese by following a diabetic diet even if the individual is not diabetic. Knowing what the diet consists of and following it can help promote a healthier weight. Improving a diet can help a person ward off certain types of diseases and knowing why it is hard to stick to a specific diet can help a person’s chances at succeeding. Although obesity and its related diseases are on a rise, healthy eating plans like a diabetic diet can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. What is a diabetic diet and why is it recommended even if people do not have diabetes? A diabetic diet is about eating food that is naturally nutrient packed and low in fats and calories ("Diabetes Diet: Create Your Healthy-Eating Plan", 2013). This diet consists of healthy carbohydrates, High fiber foods, low sugar, moderate protein, and “good” fats. Healthy carbohydrates consist of eating fruit, vegetables, whole grain, and legumes (which are also high in fiber). Eating sugar and “bad” carbohydrates like white bread and pasta raise sugar levels in a person’s blood ("Diabetes Diet: Create Your Healthy-Eating Plan", 2013)...
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...people started to have serious health problems related to health. One of the very famous dietary ingredients known to everyone is high fructose corn syrup. First it was made and introduced in United States in late 1950s, but it was not perfected. A decade later Japan have improved and started using it for mass production. HFCS was added to processed foods and soft drinks as a sugar substitute. Advantage of this new food additive was a much easier production and a low price. Right after Japan, USA started using it too; however, no one new its affects on the human body. Since USA started to add HFCS to manufactured food and soft drinks, the rates of obesity, heart diseases and metabolism problems has grown. Since we started to use HFCS in our manufactured food our obesity rates have been increased among the all ages of USA residents. According to Centers for Desease Control and Prevention (CDC), “During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and rates remain high. By state, obesity prevalence ranged from 21.0% in Colorado to 34.0% in Mississippi in 2010. No state had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. Thirty-six states had a prevalence of 25% or more; 12 of these states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia) had a prevalence of 30% or more.” One significant problem that causes obesity is that HFCS mainly consists of “empty calories”...
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...With different types of ways to feed your body nutrition. People don’t think highly of nutrition. All we worry about is what the food taste like and how much it cost. As of right now I don’t truly have a current fitness habit. That does not mean I don’t work-out. That simply means I don’t have a weekly work-out plan or schedule. When it comes to working out there is not a lot of weight lifting involved in my work-out. A normal work-out would consist of mainly running for my cardio and doing hands-on activities for other areas. When working out I try to keep myself hydrated. So I try to give my body all the right nutrients. Which consist of water and other sports drinks that give good nutrition during a work-out. As far as getting all the right nutrition I need while eating I don’t get on a daily basis. Out of seven days in a week three or four days might be good days where I take in all the nutrition that I need. As a result to this im not as healthy as I thought I was. I know healthier food should be implemented in my diet on a daily basis. A better work-out plan should be affectively made up and put to use on a weekly basis also. Obesity affecting your health depends on a great deal of things. It depends on your gender, age, how physical you are, and where you carry your body fat. Being obese puts you at risk for diseases. You...
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...children. He was also morbidly obese and had a multitude of health problems. His biggest health problem? He had diabetes mellitus and was very noncompliant with his diet. He often came into the hospital with blood glucose levels way over 600. The last time Michael came into the hospital his blood sugar was over 1200 and he was in a diabetic coma from which he never recovered. Michael could have lived a much longer life had he chosen to eat healthier and refrain from junk food. Michael’s story is just one of many that happen every day. In a country such as ours this should not be the norm. Junk food is a major industry in this country. It is much easier and often, less expensive for someone to obtain and consume junk food then it is to create healthy meals. The ramifications of junk food consumption are not widely known and these ramifications are beginning at an earlier age. Therefore, education needs to begin early in life and children should be able to have healthy food selections in schools. As an experienced registered nurse, I have seen many health problems that begin with obesity. These include heart disease, metabolic diseases, high blood pressure, stroke, cavities, and even some forms of cancer. The best way to avoid the majority of these health problems is to eat healthy and exercise. Even though I am an experienced registered nurse, I am a novice scholar, therefore I will utilize several sources that will establish my credibility regarding the health ramifications...
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...like a machine such as car engine, there are many moving parts which keep it running and from time to time maintenance is required in order for that machine to operate at peak efficiency. Much like the car engine needs oil, lubrication and fuel to operate smoothly, so does the human body. If the improper fluids or fuel are used in the engine it may operate for a while before the systems begin to shut down. This is similar to the human body, because although foods such as candy, soda and cheeseburgers may be taken in and have enough vitamins and minerals to keep the body running, it may still not contain the proper amount of nutrients that that it takes to maintain it for a long period of time. The human body requires certain nutrients that healthier foods can provide while unhealthy foods contain additives and preservatives which are harmful to the body. If a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, and other such healthy foods are consumed, the human body will be much healthier than when a diet consisting of prepackaged and unhealthy foods are consumed. According to the (Centers for Disease Control [CDC]. 2004a), there are more people consuming foods that are prepackaged because they are fast and convenient, but are higher in fat, sugars, and calories. The portion sizes have also increased, and many are consuming calories from too much food in a single meal which can lead to health problems including obesity, high blood pressure...
Words: 1657 - Pages: 7
...Eating disorders affects many people today. Five to ten million American’s have this disease, but mostly women with psychiatric problems are plagued by it (Rayworth p. 271). There are several variables that play a part in why women develop diseases such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa who binge eat, or even obesity. Some of these women have been through abuse, have jobs that require them to be thin, affected heavily through social media, influenced by family members, or pressured by their peers. Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa usually begins around the age of 14 to 18 years of age, while bulimia starts further in age, closer to their 20’s. Exact reasons are unclear as to why eating disorders starts, but have strong associations...
Words: 1188 - Pages: 5
...drug makes you more attentive or alert unfortunately it causes too much pressure on the heart and there is a big risk of heart failure. These drugs are cocaine, speed, ecstasy and mephedrone. Also, there is the depressants these make you feel calm and relaxed because they slow down the heart rate and make breathing fatal. These drugs are alcohol, tranquillisers, heroin and cannabis. Finally, there is the hallucinogens drug they make you more view life in a different way, everything around them is more vivid meaning the movements and the time can change to them, it can either speed up or slow down which can lead to hallucinations. These drugs are LSD and magic mushrooms. This can increase the understanding of health issues and our responsibility for our own health because people are more aware of different drugs and the consequences of these drugs. Additionally, many teenagers know this information but tend to ignore the facts because they are simply more influenced by their peers. The website Talk to Frank states different information on drugs which schools can take in the information and teach children on drugs and its effects. The school can operate the information about drugs in the PSHCE days and educate children and the school can request the school’s police officer to inform the children about the consequences if you are caught with drugs. Health-risk advice can decrease the risk of people developing diseases relating to drugs because they are less likely to do drugs because...
Words: 3334 - Pages: 14
...to survive, however eating fast food rather than a home cooked meal may not be the ideal choice. The difference between fast food and home cooked meals has several differences like preparation time, convenience, and quality. Health problems seem to be linked to the types of foods we eat. Obesity one of the number one issue in the United States alone. Fast foods are blamed for causing the majority of the obesity problems here in America today. Fast food is a convenient food that is usually faster to get and sometimes ready at the time it is wanted. Ultimately fast food slows the metabolism down with all the calories and unhealthy ingredients that can cause people to be overweight which can lead to obesity if we continue to consume as much as we do on a daily basis. An alternative to fast food is a good home cooked meal. Home cooked meals can help fight the war against obesity. Home cooked meals may take time, that most American’s don’t have these days, however they are much healthier for everyone. Cardiovascular health is affected by the foods put into our bodies. Fast food causes a much higher risk of heart disease because of the extra saturated and trans fats in the foods. Trans fats are found in french fries, fried chicken, fried fish sandwiches, biscuits, fried apples, and other pie desserts. Trans fats are also found in several other fast foods like pizza and doughnuts. Trans fats cause a higher risk of heart disease than saturated fats. Eating home cooked meals...
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