...In a Distributed model, each site is self-sustained for the most part. While some connectivity to the primary datacenter is required, the remote site would host its own Email Server, manage its own backups, control its own Internet access, and host its own Shared Files. Application access may still rely on HQ, although many applications support this type of distributed model. The benefit of a Distributed model is that each site can ‘survive’ on its own. There is no Single Point of Failure in this regard. Also, assuming that the hardware in some of the sites is stored in a secure Server Room, this also would potentially facilitate Business Continuity by utilizing Sites that reference each other as contingency Sites. When designing distributed systems it is said that the following assumptions should be considered false: 1. The network is reliable. 2. Latency is zero. 3. Bandwidth is infinite. 4. The network is secure. 5. Topology doesn’t change. 6. There is one administrator. 7. Transport cost is zero. 8. The network is homogeneous By challenging each of these assumptions and looking at the system design within that context it can help identify potential risk areas. Systems that exhibit the key principles, like reliability and availability, have designs that take each of these fallacies into consideration. When it comes to failures, most fall into one of two buckets: hardware or software related. Hardware failures used to be more common, but...
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...Distributed System Failures There are four types of failures that may be encountered when using and operating within a distributed system. Hardware failures occur when a single component within the system fails. Network failures refer to the failure of links within the distributed system network. Application failure occur to the failure of applications that run within the system, and can occur when the application stops working or operates incorrectly. Failure of synchronization occurs when different points in the system do not synchronize correctly. Both hardware and application failures may also occur within a centralized system as well as distributed systems. In the event of an application failure, it is important to first be able to differentiate between operator error and software error in order to determine the point of failure. When a hardware error occurs, this can be due to a few simple causes. Hardware failures occur when a single component within the system fails. The most common types of hardware failures are of a link, a site, or the loss of a message. At one point hardware failures were a common occurrence, but with recent innovations in hardware design and manufacturing these failures tend to be few and far between. Instead, more failures that now occur tend to be network or drive related. Network failures refer to the failure of links within the distributed system network. Processors within a distributed system need to be able to communicate with...
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...Victoria White Distributed System Failure December 16, 2013 There are two types of system structures that can be created. The first is a centralized system, which consists of one or more major hubs. All communication is processed through these hubs. This system setup provides security, to an extent, since all of the computing is done through a single computer. However, it also creates a single point of failure, if the main computer goes down the system is down. A distributed system is a collection of processors connected by a communication network. The processors may include microprocessors, workstations, minicomputers, and large computer systems. These processors are known by a few different names, sites, hosts, nodes, computers, and machines. There are a couple major reasons for creating a distributed system, these reasons include resource sharing, communication, reliability, and computation speedup. However, there are a few failures that may occur with a distributed system these failures include link failure, host failure, storage media failure, and scalability. The first failure, link failure, occurs when the connection between two parts of the system fails. When this takes type of failure takes place the two parts of the system connecting can no longer communicate with each other. To detect link failure, a procedure known as handshaking is done. With this procedure first the host that is still functioning will continue to send I-am-up messages to the other host. After...
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...A distributed system is a collection of processors that run a single system, but may act independently. The processors on a distributed system can be on a single computer or multiple computers and can be spread across a local or wide area network. With this type of systems, potential problems can arise. The following will address some of these problems. Network Failure One problem that may arise in a distributed system is a failure within the network. The processors on a distributed system must communicate with each other over a network and failure to do so could cause problems with the function needing to be carried out. In order to fix this problem, you would need to find out which end the problem is originating from. This can be done by checking the data sent by all the processors and seeing if the data is being sent correctly. This will help to determine whether or not the problem is in the sending of the data or the receiving of the data within the network. After isolating the source of the problem, it can be addressed appropriately. Timing Failure A timing failure can occur when processors on the network are not synchronized. When processors are not synchronized, then processes that require two or more processors might become delayed or fail all together. For instance, if a process the uses multiple processors is schedule to occur at noon and one of the processors’ clock is a couple minutes fast, that processor will start the process too early which could result in...
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...Four Types of Distributed Computer System Failures This paper will discuss four common types of distributed computer system failures which are Crash failures also known as operating system failures, Hardware Failures, Omission Failures and Byzantine Failures. Included in the discussion are failures which can also occur in a centralized computer system, and how to isolate and repair two types of failures. Crash failures are normally associated with a server fault in a typical distributed system. Inherently crash failures are interrupt operations of the server and can halt operation for a considerable time (Projects Helper, 2012).Operating system failures are the best examples for this scenario. Operating System or software failures come in many more varieties than hardware failures. Software bugs in distributed systems can be difficult to replicate and, consequently, repair and or debug. Corresponding fault tolerant systems are developed and employed with respect to these affects. An operating system or software failure can also occur in a centralized system such as a data base this is why it is highly recommended to back up a data base using stable mass storage media (Projects Helper, 2012). We have an extensive data base on our server at my work place. The storage back-up is run daily. I cannot imagine the man-hours it would take to re-input even a month’s worth of production data if it were lost due to a failure the system could not recover from. Hardware failures can...
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...Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design Edition 3 By George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg Addison-Wesley, ©Pearson Education 2001 Chapter 1 1.1 Exercise Solutions Give five types of hardware resource and five types of data or software resource that can usefully be shared. Give examples of their sharing as it occurs in distributed systems. 1.1 Ans. Hardware: CPU: compute server (executes processor-intensive applications for clients), remote object server (executes methods on behalf of clients), worm program (shares cpu capacity of desktop machine with the local user). Most other servers, such as file servers, do some computation for their clients, hence their cpu is a shared resource. memory: cache server (holds recently-accessed web pages in its RAM, for faster access by other local computers) disk: file server, virtual disk server (see Chapter 8), video on demand server (see Chapter 15). screen: Network window systems, such as X-11, allow processes in remote computers to update the content of windows. printer: networked printers accept print jobs from many computers. managing them with a queuing system. network capacity: packet transmission enables many simultaneous communication channels (streams of data) to be transmitted on the same circuits. Data/software: web page: web servers enable multiple clients to share read-only page content (usually stored in a file, but sometimes generated on-the-fly). file: file servers enable multiple clients to share...
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...Failures in Distributed and Centralized Systems Student Name POS/355 Instructor Name Date Failures in Distributed and Centralized Systems In today’s technology we have a vastly wide range of options when it comes to networking and linking computer systems. Organizations use a few different methods to linking their systems together. Large organizations, such as banks, power grids, and airport flight controller systems use what is called a distributed system. A distributed system must be reliable, available, safe, and secure. Since a distributed system is a widely available system that is essentially a collection of independent computers. With any large system, there are more components, more software, and more security risks that can jeopardize the system’s integrity. Many smaller organizations use what is called a centralized system, which can be anything from a personal computer to several terminals connected to a server. These systems can run into a few errors within their processes called failures. Distributed System According to our text, “A distributed system is a collection of processors that do not share memory or a clock. Instead, each processor has its own local memory. The processors communicate with one another through various communication networks, such as high-speed buses or telephone lines. In this chapter, we discuss the general structure of distributed systems and the networks that interconnect them.” (Silbershatz, A., Galvin, P. B., & Gagne, G...
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...Distributed System Failures Mark McCarley POS/355 Terrance Carlson June 23, 2014 A distributed system can be described as a collection of computer systems linked together via a network and fully equipped with distributed system software. The distributed system software allows the individuals computer systems to coordinate computing activities and share resources such as system hardware and software as well as data. To the end-user a distributed system should appear as a single system that allows seamless interaction and improves overall availability and performance. A distributed system appears in direct contrast to a system where end-users are fully aware that there are several systems and/or locations. In some cases, in a non-distributed system end-user may even be aware of storage replication and load balancing. According to the “Georgia State University” (2014) website there are four main goals of a distributed system: Connecting resources and users, distribution transparency, openness and scalability. Similar to the goals of a distributed system, there are also four main types of possible failures that can occur in a distributed system: Crash failures, hardware failures, omission failures and byzantine failures. Crash failures, also referred to as operating system failures, are most typically associated with a server fault in distributed systems. In their most basic form a crash failure or operating system failure is an interrupt operation and can halt...
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...Distributed System and Centralized Failures By Kentrell Lanier POS/355 March 28, 2014 Paul Borkowski Distributed System and Centralized System Failures Distributed system is many computers linked together that take on different tasks and act like one big computer. Distributed system is found in business across the world. When computers are linked together they share the same database and server. Distributed system is constructed for resource sharing, computation speedup, reliability, and communication Distributed system have different names for the computers in the system. Names such as sites, nodes, computers, machines, and host. Each names goes to a computer that’s part of the system. Resource sharing is when computers link up and they have different data any user can use the data form any computer in the system. Computation speedup is when the system recognize that one computer is over worked so the system have computers that’s have less duties to perform the tasks. Computation speedup help the system from crashing and tasks are preformed quicker. Distributed systems are more reliable because if one computer crash or fail the others can share its responsibilities and system will continue running smoothly. By computers being link together the users can communicate between each other. Two Types of failure When dealing with computers there are two types of failures. You can have a hard drive failure or a software failure. A hard drive failure is when the disk drive fails to...
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...Four Types of Distributed Computer System Failures University of Phoenix August 19, 2013 David Conway Four Types of Distributed Computer System Failures This paper will discuss four common types of distributed computer system failures which are Crash failures also known as operating system failures, Hardware Failures, Omission Failures and Byzantine Failures. Included in the discussion are failures which can also occur in a centralized computer system, and how to isolate and repair two types of failures. Crash failures are normally associated with a server fault in a typical distributed system. Inherently crash failures are interrupt operations of the server and can halt operation for a considerable time (Projects Helper, 2012).Operating system failures are the best examples for this scenario. Operating System or software failures come in many more varieties than hardware failures. Software bugs in distributed systems can be difficult to replicate and, consequently, repair and or debug. Corresponding fault tolerant systems are developed and employed with respect to these affects. An operating system or software failure can also occur in a centralized system such as a data base this is why it is highly recommended to back up a data base using stable mass storage media (Projects Helper, 2012). We have an extensive...
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...Summary from the Papers: Cloud computing is the latest evolution of Internet-Based Computing. Public internet spawned private corporate intranets, cloud computing is now spawning private cloud platforms. The database is the critical part of that platform. Therefore it is imperative that our cloud database be compatible with cloud computing. Key Design principles of the cloud model: The core design principle is dynamic scalability, or the ability to provision and decommission servers on demand. The shared-disk database architecture is ideally suited to cloud computing. It requires fewer and lower cost servers, it provides high availability, reduces maintenance costs by eliminating partitioning and it delivers dynamic scalability. Benefits of Cloud Computing: a. Lower Costs: All resources are shared resulting in reduced costs. b. Shifting CapEx to OpEx: This enables customer to focus on adding value in their areas of competence. It allows customer to focus their money and resources on innovating. c. Agility d. Dynamic Scalability: It can smoothly and efficiently scale to the spikes with a more cost-effective pay-as-you-go model. e. Simplified maintenance: All Patches and upgrades are deployed across the shared infrastructure. f. Large scale prototyping/load testing g. Diverse platform support h. Faster Management approval i. Faster development With corporate adoption of cloud computing there...
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...A distributed database is a database in which storage devices are not all attached to a common processor. Portions of the database are stored in multiple physical locations and processing is distributed among multiple database nodes. The data on several computers can be simultaneously accessed and modified using a network. Unlike parallel systems, in which the processors are tightly coupled and constitute a single database system, a distributed database system consists of loosely coupled sites that share no physical components. A centralized distributed database management system (DDBMS) integrates the data logically so it can be managed as if it were all stored in the same location. The DDBMS synchronizes all the data periodically and ensures...
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...Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology -2012(ETCSIT2012) Proceedings published in International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) Distributed Intrusion Detection using Mobile Agent in Distributed System Kuldeep Jachak University of Pune, P.R.E.C Loni, Pune, India Ashish Barua University of Pune, P.R.E.C Loni, Delhi, India ABSTRACT Due to the rapid growth of the network application, new kinds of network attacks are emerging endlessly. So it is critical to protect the networks from attackers and the Intrusion detection technology becomes popular. There is tremendous rise in attacks on wired and wireless LAN. Therefore security of Distributed System (DS) is become serious challenge. One such serious challenge in DS security domain is detection of rogue points in network. Lot of work has been done in detection of intruders. But the solutions are not satisfactory. This paper gives the new idea for detecting rouge point using Mobile agent. Mobile agent technology is best suited for audit information retrieval which is useful for the detection of rogue points. Using Mobile agent we can find the intruder in DS as well as controller can take corrective action. This paper presents DIDS based on Mobile agents and band width consumed by the Mobile Agent for intrusion detection. information it receives from each of the monitors. Some of the issues with the existing centralized ID models are: Additions of new hosts cause the load on the centralized...
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...Failures of a Distributed System POS/355 July 25, 2013 Failures of a Distributed System In the words of Adam Savage from Mythbusters, “failure is always an option”. This holds true when talking about a distributed system, which is a computer network like a Wide Area Network (WAN) or a Local Area Network (LAN). Distributed systems is defined as a software system in which components located on networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages (Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, & Blair, 2012). This allows the computers or even devices like smart phones and tablets, to share resources like printers, hard drives, and even internet access. A centralized system is a computer that is by itself, one that is not connected to a laptop. Think of a centralized computer as one of the spy computers in movies, like Mission Impossible. These systems can and will fail, while sharing some failures; a distributed system has more components that could fail, leading to them having more problems. There a many things that could fail on a distributed system, this paper will cover four of them, starting with hardware failure. Video cards, network access card, hard disk drives, solid-state drives, memory, and power supply units (PSU), these are all pieces of hardware that are in most of the computers sold today, and they can all die at a moment’s notice. Some of these items, if they failed would not affect the network or distributed system at all, like a video card...
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...FAILURES POSS / 355 Moore Clarence 29 june 2015 BOB O CONNER To begin what is a distributed system? There are several words that can describe parts that make up a distributed system. A program , a process, a message, packet, protocol, network components all take part in helping define what a distributed system makes of. A distributed system is an application that executes a collection of protocols to coordinate cooperate together to perform a single or small set of related tasks. Failure is the defining difference between distributed and local programming. So you have to design distributed system with the expectation of failures. Handling failures is an important theme in distributed systems design. Failures fall into two obvious categories. Hardware and software. Hardware failures was once an issue but since has improved a lot. Dealing with a lot of improvements to such items as wiring and circuits played positive roles to improving hardware the mechanical and network failures are part of todays problems. Software failures is part of a distributed system. When a software failure occurs it often affect downtime to the distributed system. The computer freezing or fail stop and so often even a network failure. Types of failures includes crash failures that is when a server halts, but its working correctly until it halts. Omission failure is another type of failure that a server fails to respond to incoming requests also fails to receive incoming messages or fails to...
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