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Diversity And Negotiation Analysis

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Diversity and Negotiation The art of negotiation is just that, it is an art. It can take years to develop the skills necessary to be considered a successful negotiator. In a workplace environment; especially one as diversified as the military, negotiation techniques can be challenging. Working in a military environment has proven to be one of the most diverse organizations I have ever worked in. Learning to manage diversity can lead to mediating conflicts in the workplace as well; this has been extremely rewarding as a leader.
Growing up in a military environment I always had a clear understanding of how wonderful the diverse world around me was. It took me a long time to realize that not everyone has this knowledge and understands …show more content…
Often emotions get in the way of the real issue. As Griffin & Goodwin (2013) stated, “Individuals do not merely communicate facts and data; they communicate underlying thoughts and feelings about the facts and data” (pg. 164). When I have to mediate, I listen then define the problem by repeating it back to the parties involved without discrediting their feelings. This happens often with missed deadlines that involve multiple members working on the task. I had an Airman that was upset they missed a suspense I had set when they were waiting on information from another member. After removing the emotional state of both parties by acknowledging their feelings I was able to get to the root of the problem. The Airman missed the deadline because they did not receive the information they needed from the other Airman. However, a suspense was not given to the second Airman and he was not aware the task was time sensitive. Negotiation often relies on BATNA, nest alternate to a negotiated agreement. This method of negotiation is tough in military leadership courses. I have used it often especially when members want to take leave during “blackout dates” (major upgrades, exercises, inspections) when we need all members to be present at work. The last time I had a major negotiation was between two senior team leads. Our Captain needed Vigil to attend an exercise planning meeting (out of country). Vigil attended the first meeting and didn’t pay attention to the schedule for the follow-up meetings; he planned leave during the same time. When the Captain found out he was mad for obvious reasons and the other lead Gerber stepped up to take his place; the Captain and I agreed to this arrangement. Vigil continued to make plans for his trip since Gerber stated he was going for him. Gerber decided he wanted to move and after speaking with the housing office he was offered a

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