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Are We Crazy Analysis

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I agree with King's statement that we are all a little crazy, but in different unique ways and that part of us would take any opportunity to break out of the cage of reality and go on a crazy spree that the sane side would regret forever. Consequently, I believe we all have been at a point in life where our minds just feel like it's time to go completely crazy or so angry that we would kill someone for no good reason. Furthermore, I think when King talks about us all being crazy he is basically saying that we all have the potential to let out the little crazy monster hidden within. I hypothesize, that king is too good at using his words to be able to reach his readers and make them believe every word coming out of his mouth, however, I believe …show more content…
Sometimes I really think this or King is just good at corrupting the mind and brainwashing me to think like this, I believed for years that we all have a little crazy monster inside of us itching to get out. When l look at Kawin's writings about monsters I think more about monsters and all of them must have some sense of humanity left within their souls. When people look at books about monsters you often see monster's who were created by a crazy scientist and by the end of the story the monster either destroy their master or feel some sense of loyalty to them and risk their own lives to save their master or in other words to save their father in a sense. Therefore, both of those emotions intertwined with humanity were the monsters could serve a place real-world society with how strong and intelligent the creature can possibly be, the creature is part human and part beast. Consequentially, I think potentially a chimera type monster you can see parts of an animal but also you can see the features of a human and you could run into Chimera’s with the mindset of a human as

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