Premium Essay

Diversity Week 7quiz


Submitted By boogirl86
Words 1402
Pages 6
Multiple Choice Questions

Please review Week 7 Readings. Mark your selected choice with an X: see question below as an example. Each correct answer earns 2 points for a total of 60 points.

ee. Which of the following is NOT an example of racial profiling? a. Elmo Randolph, a black dentist, was stopped dozens of times by the police while driving to and from work. b. Arab American secret service agent, Walied Shater, was prevented from flying on American Airlines. c. High schools and colleges use Indians as mascots for sports teams. X d. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a black Harvard University professor, was arrested in his own home for disorderly conduct.

Week 7: Chapter 15 - Women: The Oppressed Majority

1. Gunnar Myrdal, in An American Dilemma (1944), observed that an experience parallel to that of __________ was found among __________. X a. Black Americans; women b. Hispanic Americans; women c. Black Americans; first generation immigrants d. Black Americans; Hispanic Americans
Gunnar Myrdal observed that a parallel to the Blacks’ role in society was found among women.
2. The ideology that one sex is superior to the other is called X a. sexism. b. androgyny. c. sex stratification.

d. gender identity.
Sexism is the ideology that one sex is superior to the other.
3. The idea that men and women can be both aggressive and expressive describes a. sexism. X b. androgyny. c. gender identity. d. bisexuality. androgynous model of behavior permits people to see that humans can be both aggressive and expressive,
4. Which term refers to behaviors, attitudes, and activities prescribed for males and females? a. manifest functions b. latent functions x c. gender roles d instrumentality
Gender roles are society’s expectations of the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females

5. Both African

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