...Workshop 1 For example: In the hotel industry employees will provide hassle-free, hospitality, personalized service to every customer. Overall attitude: Friendly/ Patience/Motivation/ be helpful/ Take the extra step Body language: Positive/Gentle Employees will bend their knees and try to be the same level with children, when they interacted with young kids. It will show our attention to them. Arguments: Employees will listen to customers carefully and try to find out what is the problem. Employees try to think from a customer’s point of view and try to show our attention. So that it will make the appropriate response. If it could not help to solve the problem, we need to explain that we will check it and come back to them within certain time. Appearance: clean/ under the hotel standard/ not long hair/ tidy/not long nails Empathy: Try to think from a customer’s point of view Attitude: Sincere, honest, reliable Sufficient -Knowledge: could answer the customer's basic questions Workshop 2 By any chance I was late 10 minutes to make the payment for my credit card. So employee explained to me that I will receive the penalty for 50 pounds. Obviously I was not happy at all and try to find any excuse to remove my penalty. However, employee spoken to me with good manner that customer should make a payment before deadline which is company’s policy. I was shouting to her that it was only 10 minutes late and it is not fair to have full...
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...[pic] Keuka College Bachelor of Science in Management Syllabus Professor: Dr. 唐律 Dr. José A. Torres Fall Semester 2013-14 All curriculum material protected by U.S. copyright laws. Unauthorized sale or reproduction is strictly prohibited. Keuka College ( 2013 Keuka College HRM 208 Human Resource Management Professor: Dr. 唐律 Location: N/A Telephone: N/A E-Mail Address: drtanglv@gmail.com jtorres@keuka.edu Instructor Availability: You will be able to speak with the instructor before and following each class session. Appointments for additional meeting times may be made following each class session. COURSE DESCRIPTION: As a result of this course, students will be able to analyze and study the role of work in our society and its effect on organizations. The course will deepen the student's understanding of personnel management, the legal influences on personnel decisions, the recruitment, selection, training, and compensation of employees, service and benefit programs, as well as the major problems and recent developments in labor relations. TEXTBOOK Ivancevich, John M., Human Resource Management, 11th edition, China Machine Press, ISBN: 978-7-111-32926-8. COURSE RESOURCES: Introduction to the library for international students: http://libguides.keuka.edu/international http://libguides.keuka.edu/cat.php?cid=35791 Business and Management...
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...1.0 INTRODUCTION Every company has to do the auditing of its financial statements in every end of year in order to analyse the securities of the companies. In doing these analysis, the auditors can see whether the company is succeeding, either making profit or the other way around. The auditors can reveal many problem issues concerning the company’s financial statements and hence to clear these problems. In the case of Flat Cargo Berhad (FCB), the auditors have found some inconsistencies in the accounts of FCB. FCB is an air cargo company, which was listed in Bursa Malaysia on 15th September 2001. It was known to be one of the largest airfreight companies in Malaysia. The company was registered as an investment holding company with several subsidiaries, for which their principal activities ranging from air freight services to ground handling services. FCB was the only dedicated Intra-Asian overnight express cargo operator based in Malaysia and had exclusive excess to an international cargo complex at Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang. Furthermore, as it has successfully secured the landing rights in Asia Pacific regions, FCB was in ideal niche position to serve the international integrators, freight forwarders, and major airlines within Asian region. In 2006, Mr. Chuah, an auditor from Kencana & Associates had noticed some irregularities of accounting records in FCB, which may possibly be another fraud case after Media Com and Blue Vital. These irregularities could...
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...Indledning Fundamentalisme og det senmoderne samfund 1; hvordan er disse to begreber forbundet? Fundamentalisme er et begreb, der bruges flittigt i nutidens debat, og ingen synes i tvivl om, hvad begrebet dækker over. Jeg vil i denne opgave belyse begrebets betydning og beskæftige mig med det som religionssociologisk fænomen. Samtidig vil jeg sætte fundamentalismen i relation til selvets situation i det senmoderne samfund ud fra opfattelser fremstillet af den britiske sociolog Anthony Giddens (1991) og den polske ditto Zygmunt Bauman (1998), idet jeg ønsker at undersøge og diskutere sammenhængen mellem de to begreber. Først vil jeg redegøre for begrebet fundamentalisme. Her vil jeg komme ind på dets historiske opståen og udvikling ud fra artiklen ”’Fundamentalism’, Christian and Islamic” (Shepard, 1987). Derpå vil jeg redegøre for brugen af fundamentalisme som generelt sociologisk fænomen ved at opstille karakteristika for begrebet. Redegørelsen vil fungere som baggrund for den efterfølgende diskussion. I forlængelse heraf vil jeg meget kort redegøre for Giddens og Baumans definitioner af det senmoderne samfund som basis for den efterfølgende diskussion. I diskussionen vil jeg således tage udgangspunkt i disse opfattelser og belyse selvets situation. Jeg vil efterfølgende forbinde dette med fundamentalismen og især diskutere, om denne er et nutidigt fænomen opstået på baggrund af strømninger i senmoderniteten. Da vil jeg også inddrage David...
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...Reuben Kamwanga CO2520 Communications Unit 1 Project Part 1: Brand you. June 25, 2013 I’m Reuben Kamwanga, currently studying information technology in Network System Administration where I will be awarded an associate’s degree in December 2013. My goals as a Network System Administration are to pursue a career in the field of information technology that offers an opportunity for the career growth. In test #1, I’m someone who is social, cooperative, trusting, responsible, dependable and persistent. Emotionally, I’m calm, enthusiastic, secure and someone who is imaginative. I’m an open minded person who wants to know new things and be well organized. In test# 2, I’m someone who is intuitive, introverted, thinking and judging. I’m realistic, logical, analytical and organized. I like to organize and run things. In test# 3, I’m a moderate internal locus of control, which means that I believe being the master of my own fate and control my destiny. I accept blames for my own actions. In test #4 question #24, I’m not dominant, not dramatic, not contentious, not impression leaving, I’m a neutral, relaxed animated person. I believe that communication should be interactive, such that every person involved should relay the message and get the feedback. In test#5 question #35, I am very satisfied with my daily workload, both at ITT working as a Federal work study student and my part time jobs as IT assistants, but dissatisfied with the income I receive now. My future goal is to...
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...Journal of Information Technology (2014), 1–4 palgrave-journals.com/jit/ © 2014 JIT Palgrave Macmillan All rights reserved 0268-3962/14 Commentary Is theory king?: a rejoinder David Avison, Julien Malaurent ESSEC Business School, Paris, France Correspondence: D Avison ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise, 95021 France. E-mail: avison@essec.fr Abstract In this rejoinder we discuss six commentaries to our earlier debates and perspectives paper `Is theory king?: questioning the theory fetish in information systems’. We argue again for theory light rather than theory free papers, we discuss the potential scope of theories in information systems, we reflect on our terminology and exemplar paper, and we discuss the relevance of our arguments on quantitative research before looking at potential further opportunities to debate this important issue for information systems. Journal of Information Technology advance online publication, 7 October 2014; doi:10.1057/jit.2014.24 Keywords: Theory; theory light; qualitative research; journals W Introduction e are fortunate indeed to be able to respond to six commentaries on our insights and perspectives article ‘Is theory king?: questioning the theory fetish in information systems’, where we advocated what we called ‘theorylight’ papers. Five of the respondents are leading scholars and researchers in the field of information systems (IS) – Deborah Compeau with Fernando Olivera (associate professor of organizational behaviour)...
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...Elegantly simple email marketing. Get started today with Campaign Monitor for FREE! Yes please! <iframe src="//www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-BLDN" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> * * LivePlan * MPlans * BPlans * Palo Alto Software Home ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Search Bottom of Form * Sample Marketing Plans * Marketing Software * Marketing Articles * Marketing Resources * Calculators * Marketing Plan Outline * Restaurant, Cafe and Bakery * Hospitality & Events * Retail & Online Stores * Additional Categories * Sales & Marketing Pro * Business Plan Software * How To Write A Marketing Plan * Product Marketing * Branding * Market Research * Public Relations * Lead Generation * Email Marketing * Marketing Strategy * Marketing eBooks * Marketing Blogs * Break Even Calculator * Cash Flow Calculator * Pay-Per-Click ROI Calculator * Starting Costs Calculator * Email ROI Calculator * Conversion Rate Calculator * Investment Offering Calculator * Discounted Cash Flow Getting ready to create a marketing plan? Start your marketing plan Related Marketing Plans * Organic Bakery Marketing Plan * Restaurant Marketing Plan * Catering Marketing Plan * Food Services Marketing Plan * Internet Coffee Shop Marketing...
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...Week 1 Chapter 1: The selection of a research design Three types of design: Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. Although it is difficult to separate the first two, often a research study tends to be more quantitative than qualitative or vice versa. Mixed methods is somewhere in the middle, a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods. In detail: Qualitative research is about exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. Quantitative research is a means for testing objective theories, deriving hypotheses from these theories, and examining the relationship among variables. Mixed methods research associates both research design. Often, in qualitative research, the researcher needs to interpret the data (evidence) collected during the research process. The final report may have a flexible structure. With quantitative research, the final report is more or less structured; introduction, literature survey and theory, data description, methods, results and discussion (for future research). These models pretty much cover the available areas to researchers in selecting the type of research design. In each research design, it helps to identify, list and associate the three components of the research design. The first component is the way the research views the problem of interest. This is called under different names, research paradigm, epistemologies (the origin) and ontologies (how you know what you know), etc...
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...Language Myths Language Myths: My own LA-reading journal. 1. Myth 2: "Some Languages Are Just Not Good Enough" by Ray Harlow Some people have the idea that some languages are just not good enough. They believe this for several different reasons, it is because the language is not structured in terms of forming words, the language doesn't contain enough compounds and it can't be used as official language in areas such as administration, business communication, international air traffic etc. Sometimes people dislike a certain language because they think it is ugly. I disagree with this myth. I believe that every language is precious to the people who speak the language. Harlow says: ‘Most languages are the first language of some community and serve the everyday functions of that community perfectly well.’ Communication is the most important aspect of a language. If a language serves this purpose it is good enough. 2. Myth 5: "English Spelling Is Kattastroffik" by Edward Carney Edward Carney believes that people shouldn't blame the English spelling system just because there are more speech- sounds than letters in English spelling. It is important to separate sounds and letters in English spelling. After studying Phonetics, spelling and pronunciation became easier for me. I learnt that one speech-sound can have different spelling and that one spelling may stand for different speech-sounds. Sounds very complicated at first, but after a while I started to understand why. This...
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...Mauritius Mauritius s a small, multicultural island in the Indian Ocean, is an island nation off the southeast coast of the African continent in the southwest Indian Ocean Currency Main article: Mauritian rupee | | | 1.00 INR | = | 0.549153 MUR | Indian Rupee | ↔ | Mauritian Rupee | 1 INR = 0.549153 MUR | | 1 MUR = 1.82099 INR | The rupee (sign: ₨; ISO 4217 code: MUR) is the currency of Mauritius. Demographics – The population estimate (as of 1 July 2012) for the whole republic is 1,291,456, the female population outnumbered the male population by about 19,430. Language - The Mauritian Constitution makes no mention of an official language and its one million citizens speak mostly Mauritian Creole (a French-based creole), English, French and Bhojpuri. Education The education system in Mauritius is largely based on the British system since Mauritius was a former British colony. The government of Mauritius provides free education to its citizens from pre-primary to tertiary levels. The education system in Mauritius is categorized into 4 main sectors – pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary. Economy – Since independence in 1968, Mauritius has developed from a low-income, agriculture-based economy to a middle-income diversified economy. The economy is based on tourism, textiles, sugar, and financial services. In recent years, information and communication technology, seafood, hospitality and property development, healthcare, renewable energy, and education and...
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...Case Study Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme: Reliable Returns from a Trustworthy Financial Adviser By Denis Collins Denis Collins is a professor of management in the School of Business at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin. His research interests include business ethics, management, and organizational change. Contact: dcollins@ edgewood.edu A [person] is incapable of comprehending any argument that interferes with his revenue. Rene Descartes Overview This case study is a chronology of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Bernie Madoff began his brokerage firm in 1960 and grew it into one of the largest on Wall Street. While doing so, he began investing money as a favor to family and friends, though he was not licensed to do so. Over a period of fifty years, these side investments became an investment fund that mushroomed into a $50 billion Ponzi scheme. Bernie1 pled guilty without a trial on March 12, 2009, and was sentenced to 150 years in prison. Thousands of wealthy clients, philanthropic organizations, and middle-class people whose pension funds found their way into Bernie’s investment fund lost their life savings. What to Do? Bernie Madoff, at age 69, owned three very successful financial companies—a brokerage firm, a proprietary trading firm, and an investment advisory firm. On December 10, 2008, the brokerage and proprietary trading firms, managed by his brother and two sons, were performing as well as could be expected in the middle of a deep recession. His investment...
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...Cash balance - The cash balance is your cash on hand. This includes what is in your checking accounts, savings accounts, petty cash and any other cash accounts that you might have. • Cash sales - After arriving at a base figure of cash sales, it must be adjusted for any trade or other discounts and for possible returns. As stated previously, the base level of sales (and of accounts receivable) will be determined by the company’s projections, goals and past experience. • Collections of accounts receivable - After a base level of accounts receivable is established (based on sales projections), it must be adjusted to reflect the amount that will actually be paid during the time period. Typical adjustments for a small business might be to assume that 90 percent of accounts receivable will be collected in the quarter in which the sales occur, nine percent will be collected in the following quarter, and one percent will remain uncollectible. Of course, past experience will be the most reliable indicator for making these adjustments. • Other income - Your cash position may be affected positively by income other than sales. Perhaps there are investments, dividends, or a loan that will be introducing cash to the company during the time period. These types of cash sources are referred to as “other income. • Raw materials (inventory) - For small business retailers and manufacturers, the largest cash expense is usually the amount spent for inventory or raw materials...
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...ABOUT THE AUTHOR FAMILY BACK GROUD AND PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Nanda was born on October 10, 1915 in Punjab. He was raised on Manora Island at the entrance to the Port of Karachi. His parents were simple, god fearing people belonging to the Punjab middle class. His father, Mathra Das, came from a village near Gujranwala (today in the Pakistan part of Punjab), about half an hour train jounney from Lahore. His Mother Pooran Devi, came from a nearby village. He was the first-born among their seven children: three boys and four girls. Tharavati, the eldest girl, died young at Manora. Another sister Sita married Onkar Nath Saigal who finally retired from the Western Railway. His brother Gulzari joined the signal branch of the Army and retired as a Lieutenent Colnel and died a bachelor.Yet another sister Shiela, married a Naval Engineering officer, who served to the Indian navy for 35 year and retired as Rear Admiral.Shakunthala or ‘Kunti, his youngest sister also married into the Navy. Her husband Vidya Sagar Laroya,retired in 1989 as a Commadore. From Logistic branch. Kunti died of cancer in 1988. His youngest brother Mohan was a very handsome guy. He wore his Air Force fighter pilot’s uniform, successfully courted and married Pramila. He died tragically in an air crash in Hyderbad on the second anniversary of his marriage. Admiral S.M. Nanda completed primary education at Manora and secondary education at N.J. High school in Karachi. After finishing high school he got a...
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...布莱恩 反对进化论 宗教 门肯 作家、编辑 犀利的抨击他认为愚蠢、伪善的现象以及美国社会生活中文化的匮乏 捍卫正义在文章中 但却是个种族主义者和反犹太者 曼宁主教 天主教 抨击罗马教皇 开办学校 热衷社会福利 About the first question, I think the two young man talk about the topic that about American figures is because the egg and chicken at first. That comes from a very controversial issue that is chicken or egg, the option of Darwin's theory of evolution is the egg, but the Bible is described the God create the chicken first then have eggs, and Bryan is the leader of against the evolution, so they said: " I reverse the order. For Bryan's sake. As a tribute to the Great Commoner. First chicken; then the eggs." presently Bill said: " Don't eat that, Lady -- that's Mencken." Bill said the biddy is Mencken because Mencken has a famous remark is " I constantly to work with the biddy to constantly deposit is a same reason." And Mencken also is a racist and anti-Semitic. Then they talk about Frankie Fritsch, Bishop Manning, Wayne B. Wheeler, and Bill said: " All our biggest business men have been dreamers. Look at Ford. Look at President Coolidge. Look at Rockefeller. Look at Jo Davidson. At the same time, I think it also have some kind of irony, because Bill said: " Lt us not doubt, brother. Let us not pry in to the only mysteries of the hencoop with simian fingers. Let us accept on faith and simply say --I want you to join with me in saying -- What shall we say, brother? " At that time, America is in a transition period, industrial development, the conflict between science and religion...
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...Sidra Fatima 210-A, First Floor, Rafah-e-Aam Society, Malir Halt Karachi. +92-334-3017602 sidrafatima59@gmail.com Seeking a position within a multinational environment, where I can employ all my abilities and education and develop my career and management position. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION ➢ MBA (Marketing) enrolled from Iqra University DHA Main Campus 2014 ➢ B.COM pass with 1ST DIVISION from University of Karachi in 2011 ➢ Pre-medical pass with 2nd DIVISION from Board of Intermediate Education Karachi in 2009 ➢ SSC pass with grade A from Board of Secondary Education in 2007 ACADEMIC CERTIFICATION ➢ Participated in CONFLICT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP conducted by MR. ABDUL AHAD KHAN, Head of Training and Development, BURQUE CORPORATION, held at Iqra University Main campus. EXPERIENCE ➢ Worked as an assistant accountant in Education Trust Nasra School from Dec, 2012 to June, 2013. ➢ Worked as an assistant accountant in IJK Schooling System Malir Halt. SELECTED SKILLS ➢ GENERAL OFFICE: • Organized and implemented group activities in efficient manner. • Answered phones and took messages accurately. • Prepared reports and created documents using MS word. • Located desired information using internet. ➢ CUSTOMER SERVICES: • Welcomed customers and visitors in a friendly and courteous manner. • Provided customers and clients...
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